Torillian said:
Well since everyone wants to be pedantic I guess I'll join in: I didn't say what he said was racist, I said he framed it that way because he's racist. He's racist so he framed the tweet in a xenophobic way that calls into question the american identity of several brown congresswomen. My contention is that if the congresswomen were white he would not have called into question their american identity. My basis for this is Trump's support of Obama birtherism and basic pattern recognition. |
I don't see it as xenophobic either. He doesnt like them because they are progressive and because they have criticized him. I don't see how that's racist or xenophobic. It's very mean and I guess you can call it bigoted but the tweet ha snothing to do with their race. You're just making an assumption about questioning their American identity. During the 2016 primary Trump questioned Ted Cruz American identity. I know that's not the best example since Cruz is Latino but it shows that if you're seen as an opponent to Trump he will come after you.
haxxiy said:
It's both xenophobic and racially charged. Most of these congresswomen were born in the US. He's basically saying immigrants from poor non-White countries have no business in politics in the US. That's as close as advocating segregation or something like a caste system I can remember him insinuating. Or do you believe he would be saying the same thing if these people had, say, Russian or Ukrainian ancestry? |
I don't see that saying in the tweet. Yeah most of them were born in the US but a lot of people identify with where their parents or grandparents are from. I think you're looking to deep into it.