KiigelHeart said:
JWeinCom said:
Nor in an abortion are they actively killing somebody. They are removing the baby from the mother. As a consequence of the mother stopping the use of her body, the baby will die. Just like as a consequence of my dad removing his IV, I will die. If there is some way we can argue the procedure itself directly hurts the fetus beyond what is necessary for removal, I presume the process could be altered.
No two scenarios are going to track 100%, but if we are going to allow in one situation and not another, there needs to be a rationale for that distinction.
In the IV example, my father pulling out a tube will lead to my death. Additionally, there is zero risk to my father and no damage to his body. My father is responsible for me being alive in the first place (I assume although I bear a striking resemblance to the milk man). If we want to make this example closer to a pregnancy, lets make it prenatal. The doctors have identified the defect in the womb, which through some weird science fiction, can be cured if my father keeps an IV in his arm for 30 minutes. After 5 minutes, he decided "nope I'm out I'm pulling out this needle".
Can we stop by dad from removing the needle? Both cases will 100% lead to dead. The difference is that the imposition on my father in this case is far less severe than that on a pregnant woman. So if my dad has the right to remove the needle, why not remove the fetus?
So many good pro-choice arguments around and you decide to go full right-wing nutjob with that next-level semantics and whataboutism stuff heh.
If you take an action and the only possible consequence is someone's death, you're actively killing as far as I'm concerned. Be it abortion or pulling a plug. Legally it may or may not be a murder, depending on circumstance and law.
If your fictional medical procedures become reality one day, then of course there needs to be a discussion and laws made for such scenario. But it has nothing to do with abortion. I would be Pro "keep an IV in your arm for 30 minutes to save your child you asshole" law for sure.
I see you mentioned a fetus. I was pointing out a situation of later pregnancy when it's not a fetus but an unborn, developed (is this a right word for this?) child. I'm very much pro-choice earlier in pregnancy. Do you think Finland has this all wrong and it should be legal for woman to choose an abortion in, let's say week 32?
A fetus is a fetus until it is born. That is the definition. But, as the principle I'm using is consent, it does not matter from that perspective how old or how developed the fetus is. If you used another standard, it might.
As I said, I can not think of any reasonable distinction between 32 weeks and 20 weeks. If the issue here is consent, then I can't see a valid argument for allowing it based on time. I would find it morally objectionable in many cases, but we do not legistlate morality. Also, I find it hard to think of any rule regarding timing that would allow for exceptions in extreme cases such as cases of extreme defect or risk to the mother's life. If we decide at 24 weeks a fetus is a human with human rights, and that removing it from the mother is unlawful, I don't see how we can say when the mother's life is at risk we can. At that point, we are just choosing between two lives. So, yeah that's my tentative position until I hear a compelling reason to believe otherwise.
Saying it's killing but not murder defeats the whole purpose of the discussion. I am only concerned with legality, and I leave the moral decision to the mother. If you're saying it's killing but maybe not murder, then you are basically acknowledging that it should be, or at least there's a reasonable chance it should be a lawful killing, as some killings are. I'm fine with that, not gonna split hairs.
This is not whataboutism. Whataboutism is distracting from an issue by pointing out something else somebody else has done wrong. I.e. well you say Biden's senile, but look at Trump. If Trump were senile, it would have no bearing on whether Biden is. On the other hand, asking for a unifying principle on which to judge situations is what the American legal system is built on. It is a case law system, if you declare something legal in one case, you cannot declare it illegal in another without justification for such a distinction. And a great many cases are decided based on the impact they would have on other situations, even hypothetical situations.
Your position on the IV example is at least consistent, but, you are saying that the government has a right to force someone, in certain circumstances, to use their body to support the life of another. And that leads to troubling places. If we can force someone to keep in an IV because essentially, it's no big deal, then the question is under what circumstances does it become a big deal? If the IV had to be in for 24 hours? 72 hours? Can we force them to put in the IV in the first place? Forcibly donating blood? A kidney? I'm not saying these situations are all the same, but creating an intelligible rule to govern those situations is difficult, and it's a task I do not trust the government to handle.
A better rule is that the government, or anyone else really, can under no circumstances force you to use your body to support the life of another. This is a clean and easy rule, that relies on the firm foundation of bodily authonomy. Bright line rules often have harsh consequences, but that's the way it goes. Otherwise, we have to determine how much of your body and to what extent we can use to protect the lives of others.
For the TL:DR version, what is the principle which allows the government to prevent an abortion that would not justify other restrictions or impositions on bodily autonomy that would clearly be wrong?
Last edited by JWeinCom - on 10 May 2022