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iron_megalith said:
Runa216 said:

He's actually got Dual-citizenship, making him as much an American as anyone else. Not the most pertinent point but still. He also has well-researched points and actually holds up to scrutiny (I fact checked a bunch of his stuff since it's a comedy show first, a news show second, and yeah, his stuff's accurate based on primary, respectable sources.) 

And man, I'm beginning to remember why I stayed out of this thread for so long. Just so much inexcusable, willing ignorance being presented as fact and nobility. So many logical fallacies, so many misrepresentations of the facts, so much debate about morals and ethics without anything backing up the points aside from personal opinions regardless of the facts. 

Politics really are a shit show. CRT was actually introduced in the 70s, in law school meant to investigate the impact of the nation's racist history on modern culture, examining why even when we have laws that either don't favour one race over another or outright ban discrimination, we still have racial inequality. 

This post is actually serious. Had to just come back to this thread to say thanks for the laughing material.

I love that so many conservatives are so willing to proudly show off their lack of critical thinking skills by automatically denouncing anything they can without actually debunking the sources or the facts. 

"Oh, John Oliver is a comedian and you think he's right about stuff! WHAT A FOOL YOU ARE!" 

Have you actually checked any of his claims? Do you have any ability or desire to learn how to cite sources or discern between good and bad information? Any time I see or hear something out of him that doesn't feel right - be it too conveniently true or outlandish - even if it's something that supports my opinion, I check his sources. I google the information, I cross reference the data to make sure that it's not just some fringe result in a single botched test or something. 

The fact that he's a comedian shouldn't dissuade you from taking what he says seriously. Some of the best news outlets over the past 20+ years have been ones that give you true facts through a filter of comedy. Because they work extra hard to make sure those statements are correct because certain fools will absolutely try to denounce anything they say. 

I wish I could find the source again, but I remember reading in 2009 or somewhere around there that people who watched John Stewart and Stephen Colbert were more accurately informed about modern politics than those who watched CNN or MSNBC or Fox, and those are actual news stations. 

but what am I wasting my time for? When it comes to some people, it's not 'how good are your sources' or 'how reliable are your interpretations of the data', it's 'lol liberals are all the worst and will take anything they can get'. And I think that is what gets me the most about all of this. It's not about fact vs fiction, it's liberals vs conservatives. It just so happens to be that the FACTS support one side more than the other. That's not liberal media bias, that's science. Sadly, any science that doesn't confer with your views can be ignored for a grab-bag of convenient reasons, ya know? 

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Fun fact. During discovery Alex Jones' team accidentally sent a fuck ton of child pornography to opposing counsel from Jones' email. Jones claimed this to be a conspiracy against him.

JWeinCom said:

Fun fact. During discovery Alex Jones' team accidentally sent a fuck ton of child pornography to opposing counsel from Jones' email. Jones claimed this to be a conspiracy against him.

This is just too absurd. Care to cite your sources?

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Runa216 said:
JWeinCom said:

Fun fact. During discovery Alex Jones' team accidentally sent a fuck ton of child pornography to opposing counsel from Jones' email. Jones claimed this to be a conspiracy against him.

This is just too absurd. Care to cite your sources?

I'm not sure why you would expect this case to be anything but absurd. I wrote a note for my law journal about conspiracy theories and tort cases, and there's a lot of weird shit going on there.

JWeinCom said:
Runa216 said:

This is just too absurd. Care to cite your sources?

I'm not sure why you would expect this case to be anything but absurd. I wrote a note for my law journal about conspiracy theories and tort cases, and there's a lot of weird shit going on there.

holy shit. 

And to others...see? I saw something that didn't sound right even if the information 'helped my cause' by disparaging someone I hated, I asked for clarification, I read the article, and I checked to see if APNews was a credible source, and it appears by all accounts to be a highly fact-based and bias-free source! THAT is how you check sources. 

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Runa216 said:
JWeinCom said:

I'm not sure why you would expect this case to be anything but absurd. I wrote a note for my law journal about conspiracy theories and tort cases, and there's a lot of weird shit going on there.

holy shit. 

And to others...see? I saw something that didn't sound right even if the information 'helped my cause' by disparaging someone I hated, I asked for clarification, I read the article, and I checked to see if APNews was a credible source, and it appears by all accounts to be a highly fact-based and bias-free source! THAT is how you check sources. 

There are actual court filings on this, because he was sanctioned for accusing the opposing legal team of planting it. Obviously I can't say anything about whether or not he knew about or wanted the child porn, but I have never been sent any randomly. Seeing as how it is a federal crime, I sort of doubt it's the kind of thing you just send casually. Even if someone wanted to fuck with infowars, if they send it they're probably looking at prison time if caught. And nobody could have known how incompetent his legal team was, so planting it wouldn't make much sense.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 20 April 2022

Runa216 said:
sethnintendo said:

Who gives a fuck about John Oliver on this. He is British. You trying to gain brownie points with your rebel flag bearing friends? The south were traitors and racist. That is a fact.

He's actually got Dual-citizenship, making him as much an American as anyone else. Not the most pertinent point but still. He also has well-researched points and actually holds up to scrutiny (I fact checked a bunch of his stuff since it's a comedy show first, a news show second, and yeah, his stuff's accurate based on primary, respectable sources.) 

And man, I'm beginning to remember why I stayed out of this thread for so long. Just so much inexcusable, willing ignorance being presented as fact and nobility. So many logical fallacies, so many misrepresentations of the facts, so much debate about morals and ethics without anything backing up the points aside from personal opinions regardless of the facts. 

Politics really are a shit show. 

Machiavellian said:

The thing is, that's not CRT.  What you are talking about is totally different since CRT wasn't even a thing until the term was made popular by conservatives looking to politicalize it.  You might have some people looking to politicalize race in general but that is not CRT.  Your examples just show that you are using the term as a catch all to anything racial which was the aim in the first place by conservatives. Create the umbrella and throw everything into one pot so it muddies the discussion and you can label everything CRT.  

My question is what would be the conservative way to discuss race in a classroom environment since you stated the problem is how the liberals apply race.  One example is from Texas schools where they voted to remove the word slavery from history and social studies.  Another example from the same area is a new bill to remove public schools from teaching about history of slavery and also laws and rules made during times after the civil war that suppressed not only black people but even women like the right to vote.  Just like you can find examples of bad faith situation on race, there are currently a host of bad faith examples happen this every moment in conservative states who appear to want to rewrite history on all levels.

CRT was actually introduced in the 70s, in law school meant to investigate the impact of the nation's racist history on modern culture, examining why even when we have laws that either don't favour one race over another or outright ban discrimination, we still have racial inequality. 

and hoo boy I don't even wanna get into all the religious teachings banning sex ed and glossing over the genocide of the indigenous people and all the other ear-clasping ways people refuse to come to terms with the shittiness we gave to each other in the past (and therefore perpetuate in the future.)

I actually watch him since I get HBO max for free with my fiber subscription.   My point was he is from England.  He didn't grow up in USA.  He wasn't exposed to racism here at young age.  He has no fucking clue except what his writers and fact checkers tell him.   You are right though.  Politics are a shit show.  I think I'm done with it. 

sethnintendo said:

I actually watch him since I get HBO max for free with my fiber subscription.   My point was he is from England.  He didn't grow up in USA.  He wasn't exposed to racism here at young age.  He has no fucking clue except what his writers and fact checkers tell him.   You are right though.  Politics are a shit show.  I think I'm done with it. 

I would argue that since he is seeing it as an outsider without the fog of rose-tinted glasses he's MORE apt to be accurately critical. 

People who live in the US are more likely to excuse poor behaviour if it's something they were raised with. 

You ever grew up in a broken home? The toxic behaviour isn't apparent until you leave. Growing up you just think the drunk father is normal, and that it's normal to be afraid of a family member. America's history of racism is your drunk father. you need an outside perspective to understand how bad it really is. 

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So the whole Disney vs Desantis is a interesting development. Its like Desantis gave Disney a cash day anytime they want to turn it in. The question is, how long Disney waits until they sue Florida and Desantis over first amendment rights. I am sure this is all political theater but I wonder if this will backfire.

Machiavellian said:

So the whole Disney vs Desantis is a interesting development. Its like Desantis gave Disney a cash day anytime they want to turn it in. The question is, how long Disney waits until they sue Florida and Desantis over first amendment rights. I am sure this is all political theater but I wonder if this will backfire.

You have much more faith in our judiciary than I do. While I think the First Amendment violation is clear as day, do you really think the Republican appointed judiciary cares about the Constitution (when it doesn't benefit them)?