Pemalite said:
jason1637 said:
1. There is no such thing as having no position. Have no laws to prevent euthanasia is supporting it.
The government does have gun legislation to prevent gun deaths.
Whether the Government actually has gun legislation or not is besides the point, you understand what an example is, right?
I will try again. I am an Atheist, I have absolutely zero position for or against the existence of God. - Does that Automagically mean I support the idea that a God exists? No. No it does not.
jason1637 said:
2. Okay but lets say euthanasia was legal and someone wanted to go with a shot to the head. Would you be against that?
I would certainly be against it... Not because it would be quick, cheap and painless, but because it's actually a very destructive way to end someones life, it's loud, it's messy... And we need to keep in mind that the family and friends that support the sufferer are also going along on this journey as well.
jason1637 said:
3. I understand you're perspective. I get that since you've worked in emergency services you've seen people suffer very badly and want them to have the option to end their suffering. I get that perspective i just don't agree with it. Also I have empathy for those that suffer a lot of pain but I still don't believe that ending their lives is the right choice.
Well, there has been plenty of legitimate reasons why Euthanasia should be legalized... The only example you have actually provided is that "you don't agree with it". - Well... That isn't legitimate reasoning...
What you are supporting is the legalization of prolonged suffering of people... That isn't humane.
jason1637 said:
4. Most cases people in severe pain would die soon. Some people might last decades in pain but sometimes this pain goes away and they get better. There is always a chance that someone's illness can be reduced or even cured.
I have worked in the health industry as a carer, I have seen this first hand, some individuals are in the care system for entire life times (I.E. More than 50+ years), if someone is considering Euthanasia as a course of action... That is because they have exhausted all other options. It's that simple.
And even if there is a possible cure to an ailment, sometimes it comes with repercussions like loss of mobility, brain damage and so on, they may have reduced pain, but they may have a significantly reduced quality of life.
The legalization of Euthanasia isn't going to be some new construct that allows everyone access to end their suffering regardless of it's extent, it would only be done under the advisement of professionals in consort with the sufferer and their immediate next of kin...
Say for example you have an early onset of a type of cancer with a 50% cure rate, you wouldn't have access to Euthanasia as you aren't at a point where you have exhausted all your options.
jason1637 said:
5. That's not the type of live i'd like to live but if that were to happen to me i'd make the best of my situation by trusting the professionals and hoping for the best. I'd rather be alive for 50 years in pain than to miss out on those years.
If you would like to live, then write that in your will, write that in your care directive, let your family and friends know.
If you don't want to be Euthenased... Then just like Same-Sex Marriage, don't have one... But don't be under the false illusion that you should be able to dictate your anti-Euthenasia stance upon others who are enduring extreme pain and suffering.
jason1637 said:
6. Some church traditions like no meat besides fish on Fridays during Lent were put in place out of convenience but I still agree with the overall message of the catholic religion.
Well. If you like to believe in something that isn't supported by empirical evidence or science... Then by all means, don't let me stop you.
Dark_Lord_2008 said:
I state my opinion as indisputable fact and I ignore counter posts. Instead of screaming You are WRONG!, I simply ignore it! That is how I was raised, if you do not agree with it, ignore it.
No. You are stating your opinion and only your opinion. It is only "indisputable fact" when you backup your opinion with a little thing known as "Evidence". - And I don't think I have ever seen you backup any of your political claims with empirical evidence... And as such, we can discard your claims entirely with equally as much evidence. (That's none.)
And because you present your opinion on a forum, other people can and will challenge your statements... And so they should, it's how a forum works... And it goes both ways.
The real issue is... Are you actually being sincere? Or are you just posting questionable posts in order to rile some users up? Ignore them, then post something completely different in order to rile more users up... Rinse and repeat?