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jason1637 said:

1. The point I was making was that since Guns don't make people want to comitt sucide taking them alway does not solve that issue. Yeah guns are reliable but there are other reliable ways people can commit suicide. I used the example of the UK gun control to show that gun control does not necessarily lead to lower sucide rates.

Not sure if anyone from the UK has chipped in on this one, but as a resident I can tell you that using us as a comparison to the US is flawed.

The number of people that I know even tenuously (i.e. even friends of friends of friends) who own a gun now is the same number as I knew before the stricter gun control came in : zero...

Guns are just nowhere near as big a part of our culture as the US and the availability reflects that. If I wanted a gun pre-90s in the UK it would have still required a bit of work. I'd certainly have had to go out & buy one (which I'm sure would still have been more difficult then than it is in the US now) and I certainly wouldn't have been able to grab a friend's or family member's.

In the States however, I'm guessing it'd be pretty easy to put your hands on one without even having to purchase.

Stricter gun laws in the US would naturally have a far bigger impact on suicide rates as your going from a high proclivity of guns to low. Whereas in the UK it was low to ever-so-slightly lower...

Around the Network

Oh my god. There's a legit possibility for war on the horizon. The gravity of the situation and what's at stake here cannot be overstated. This is how the news organization called CNN, a group comprised of women who had hysterectomies for fun, and men who chemically castrated themselves to fit in, chose to report what was said by Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani: "Iranian president says White House is 'suffering mental disability' over sanctions. Now, that's not what he said. He said "afflicted by mental retardation". Just forget for a second that Rouhani is bang-on correct.....That CNN felt the need to use a more politically correct term in reporting this massive developing story is one of the most pathetic things I've ever witnessed in my life. Putin could hold a live press conference where he launches a hyper-sonic ICBM attack on "the faggots of San Francisco" and these dipshits would try to sanitize his words to protect the citizens of San Francisco from the bad things in the world moments before they were all atomized.

Last edited by COKTOE - on 26 June 2019

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

COKTOE said:

Oh my god. There's a legit possibility for war on the horizon. The gravity of the situation and what's at stake here cannot be overstated. This is how the news organization called CNN, a group comprised of women who had hysterectomies for fun, and men who chemically castrated themselves to fit in, chose to report what was said by Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani: "Iranian president says White House is 'suffering mental disability' over sanctions. Now, that's not what he said. He said "afflicted by mental retardation". Just forget for a second that Rouhani is bang-on correct.....That CNN felt the need to use a more politically term in reporting this massive developing story is one of the most pathetic things I've ever witnessed in my life. Putin could hold a live press conference where he launches a hyper-sonic ICBM attack on "the faggots of San Francisco" and these dipshits would try to sanitize his words to protect the citizens of San Francisco from the bad things in the world moments before they were all atomized.

Yeah, the sanitizing of terms is annoying, just put it in quotes. But also, how the fuck did we get here? I feel like we're on the Titanic, sinking, and the media are those guys that kept playing the violins as it went down. Like seriously guys, we're potentially one dementia driven insane tweet from war with a nation that could become a nuclear power in a matter of months, if not weeks, and we're...what, waiting for a theocratic dictatorship to admit fault and back down? Can we just back the fuck up for a moment? Like, come on guys, this could become a nuclear war. Let's maybe not? Please? Could we maybe all work together for just a second to make it clear to this administration that we don't want to go to war? And could the media stop acting like everyone who "refuses to apologize" for opposing such an insane war is somehow news? How. The. Fuck. Did. We. Get. Here.

Also the President of the United States of America was accused of rape and responded that the alleged victim "wasn't his type" and he "doesn't know her" even though there's a picture of them together, but that's just Tuesday for you, not front page news or anything.

The Ocasio-backed DA candidate for Queens seems to have won the election. Vote splitting sucks.
Sucks for Queens, as criminals will be treated like victims, making the city less safe.
Sucks the far-left will be emboldened. Until it bites them in back.

Pemalite said:
jason1637 said:

1. There is no such thing as having no position. Have no laws to prevent euthanasia is supporting it.

The government does have gun legislation to prevent gun deaths.

Whether the Government actually has gun legislation or not is besides the point, you understand what an example is, right?

I will try again.
I am an Atheist, I have absolutely zero position for or against the existence of God. - Does that Automagically mean I support the idea that a God exists? No. No it does not.

jason1637 said:

2. Okay but lets say euthanasia was legal and someone wanted to go with a shot to the head. Would you be against that?

I would certainly be against it... Not because it would be quick, cheap and painless, but because it's actually a very destructive way to end someones life, it's loud, it's messy... And we need to keep in mind that the family and friends that support the sufferer are also going along on this journey as well.

jason1637 said:

3. I understand you're perspective. I get that since you've worked in emergency services you've seen people suffer very badly and want them to have the option to end their suffering. I get that perspective i just don't agree with it. Also I have empathy for those that suffer a lot of pain but I still don't believe that ending their lives is the right choice.

Well, there has been plenty of legitimate reasons why Euthanasia should be legalized... The only example you have actually provided is that "you don't agree with it". - Well... That isn't legitimate reasoning...

What you are supporting is the legalization of prolonged suffering of people... That isn't humane.

jason1637 said:

4. Most cases people in severe pain would die soon. Some people might last decades in pain but sometimes this pain goes away and they get better. There is always a chance that someone's illness can be reduced or even cured.

I have worked in the health industry as a carer, I have seen this first hand, some individuals are in the care system for entire life times (I.E. More than 50+ years), if someone is considering Euthanasia as a course of action... That is because they have exhausted all other options. It's that simple.

And even if there is a possible cure to an ailment, sometimes it comes with repercussions like loss of mobility, brain damage and so on, they may have reduced pain, but they may have a significantly reduced quality of life.

The legalization of Euthanasia isn't going to be some new construct that allows everyone access to end their suffering regardless of it's extent, it would only be done under the advisement of professionals in consort with the sufferer and their immediate next of kin...

Say for example you have an early onset of a type of cancer with a 50% cure rate, you wouldn't have access to Euthanasia as you aren't at a point where you have exhausted all your options.

jason1637 said:

5. That's not the type of live i'd like to live but if that were to happen to me i'd make the best of my situation by trusting the professionals and hoping for the best. I'd rather be alive for 50 years in pain than to miss out on those years.

If you would like to live, then write that in your will, write that in your care directive, let your family and friends know.

If you don't want to be Euthenased... Then just like Same-Sex Marriage, don't have one... But don't be under the false illusion that you should be able to dictate your anti-Euthenasia stance upon others who are enduring extreme pain and suffering.

jason1637 said:

6. Some church traditions like no meat besides fish on Fridays during Lent were put in place out of convenience but I still agree with the overall message of the catholic religion.

Well. If you like to believe in something that isn't supported by empirical evidence or science... Then by all means, don't let me stop you.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:

I state my opinion as indisputable fact and I ignore counter posts. Instead of screaming You are WRONG!, I simply ignore it! That is how I was raised, if you do not agree with it, ignore it.

No. You are stating your opinion and only your opinion.
It is only "indisputable fact" when you backup your opinion with a little thing known as "Evidence". - And I don't think I have ever seen you backup any of your political claims with empirical evidence... And as such, we can discard your claims entirely with equally as much evidence. (That's none.)

And because you present your opinion on a forum, other people can and will challenge your statements... And so they should, it's how a forum works... And it goes both ways.

The real issue is... Are you actually being sincere? Or are you just posting questionable posts in order to rile some users up? Ignore them, then post something completely different in order to rile more users up... Rinse and repeat?

1. I get that you were making an example but I just pointed out it's not a very good one since there is gun control. The Atheist example is also pretty bad because you're not the government. 

2. But if the person that wants to end their life wants it to be by a gunshow why would you not be okay with it? You're whole argument is based on giving people choices when they are suffering. If you want to really give people the option they should be allowed to commit suicide whatever method they like.

3. I don't agree with it because I don't think the government should legalize people killing themselves even if they are suffering.

4. Well it sucks for those in that situation. The best they can do is trust their Doctor and hope for the best. It might be hard but those around them and the person should try to make the best out of their situation.

5. Well even if im kinda dictating upon other I oppose people ending their life. Even if they are suffering their life is precious and they should stay optimistic.

6. Meh, Science doesnt have an answer to everything.

Around the Network
morenoingrato said:
The Ocasio-backed DA candidate for Queens seems to have won the election. Vote splitting sucks.
Sucks for Queens, as criminals will be treated like victims, making the city less safe.
Sucks the far-left will be emboldened. Until it bites them in back.

Eh Caban is a person. I've only meet her a few times and she really does care about doing good. i don't think she would actually fight for those that deserve their sentences. I don't agree with her but I probably would have voted for her in if i live din Queens.

jason1637 said:
morenoingrato said:
The Ocasio-backed DA candidate for Queens seems to have won the election. Vote splitting sucks.
Sucks for Queens, as criminals will be treated like victims, making the city less safe.
Sucks the far-left will be emboldened. Until it bites them in back.

Eh Caban is a person. I've only meet her a few times and she really does care about doing good. i don't think she would actually fight for those that deserve their sentences. I don't agree with her but I probably would have voted for her in if i live din Queens.

Who she *thinks* deserve their sentences.

I can't say I'll feel bad when the violent crime rate doubles during her tenure.

jason1637 said:

1. I get that you were making an example but I just pointed out it's not a very good one since there is gun control. The Atheist example is also pretty bad because you're not the government. 

You are worrying to much about semantics and missing the point entirely. - You don't need to be the Government.

jason1637 said:

2. But if the person that wants to end their life wants it to be by a gunshow why would you not be okay with it? You're whole argument is based on giving people choices when they are suffering. If you want to really give people the option they should be allowed to commit suicide whatever method they like.

I have already given a legitimate answer on why I would not be okay with it, please go back and re-read that explanation rather than having to repeat myself.

jason1637 said:

3. I don't agree with it because I don't think the government should legalize people killing themselves even if they are suffering.

Making it illegal to kill yourself doesn't change a damn thing, what is the Government going to do when someone illegally kills themselves? Put them in jail?
....Think about this long and hard for a moment.

jason1637 said:

4. Well it sucks for those in that situation. The best they can do is trust their Doctor and hope for the best. It might be hard but those around them and the person should try to make the best out of their situation.

Having more options on the table isn't a bad thing.

jason1637 said:

5. Well even if im kinda dictating upon other I oppose people ending their life. Even if they are suffering their life is precious and they should stay optimistic.

But how is it even your concern? Life is certainly precious, life living in extensive, constant pain is certainly a not a life worth living.

jason1637 said:

6. Meh, Science doesnt have an answer to everything.

Science is just the explanation of the natural world using the scientific process, what it doesn't know today, they will know tomorrow.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

morenoingrato said:
jason1637 said:

Eh Caban is a person. I've only meet her a few times and she really does care about doing good. i don't think she would actually fight for those that deserve their sentences. I don't agree with her but I probably would have voted for her in if i live din Queens.

Who she *thinks* deserve their sentences.

I can't say I'll feel bad when the violent crime rate doubles during her tenure.

I know her personally so im kinda biased. But still she is running to make the criminal justice system more fair and she wants to help those who got unfair time for minor/nonviolent crimes.

Religious freedom and free speech!

Sporting legend, Israel Folau is fighting the right to religious freedom and free speech. 
Folau's new fund has raised over $2 million to help fight for religious freedom and over turn his ban by the Rugby tribunal for voicing his religious freedom.

Folau is a hero and he should be praised for standing up against political correctness.
In the 1990s and even 2000s he would have the right to voice his opinions but not now!

The Modern world sucks and the leftist media have too much control.
If anyone says anything that the thought police do not agree with  they get silenced.
That is not a democratic society, that is tyranny, censorship of a totalitarian state like China or Soviet Union.

America and Europe have its own controversial figures that are fighting for religious freedom and the right to free speech in a over sensitive, censored leftist media environment.
Trump speaks his mind and he stands up against political correctness and he voices his opinions and does not care what the sensitive thought police think!