Slimebeast said:
Hiku said:
I'm a Swede, and I don't know how you quantify those two subjects as the top political topics? I know you're a fan of the party that was founded by white supremacists, Sverige Democraterna, so of course your news feed is going to be filled with those two topics.

Keep Sweden Swedish
They claimed to have 'severed ties' with their white supremacist past, but that's obviously BS to get votes from normal people.
That picture is from the 80's or early 90's. The Sweden Democrats have changed quite a bit since then.
But even if that was a message for today, I don't understand how it's automatically wrong to want to keep Sweden Swedish? "Swedish" doesn't automatically refer to race and whiteness. It also covers culture and customs and everything that makes a particular country unique.
I absolutely want to keep Sweden Swedish. I don't want Sweden to become un-Swedish. Why on earth would I want that? Could you explain that, and also explain why your position is better or more justified than mine?
Conservatives use the same argument here... That we need to "preserve australian culture".
My argument has always been... What culture?
Thongs/Flip flips and singlets, even our numbering system that came from the middle east?
Or the English language which came from Britain and stems from ancient germanic language?
Our culture is derived from every other culture, same goes for most multi-cultural nations such as the United States.
If anything, the culture of most nations aren't the same as their ancient pasts, Aboriginal culture is pushed a-side here, I would assume the same occurs with indian culture in the states, but probably to a lesser degree... And religious culture changed every European country at one point.
In short... It seems only the culture relevant to the majority seems to be the culture that needs to be protected, which to me is a silly proposition.
Either way, culture is constantly changing and we live in an inter-connected world which influences culture world wide, K-Pop for example became a thing at one point.
It's one thing to be proud of your cultural heritage, it needs to be maintained, but you don't need to do so at the exclusion of other cultures or peoples... Just because someone is Asian or Middle-Eastern doesn't mean they cannot engage with Aboriginal culture in Australia for example.
EnricoPallazzo said:
It depends on one's view on Antifa. The way I see them is very different from you probably. For me their ideology is very very questionable (starting with what is fascism) and their actions are even more questionable. I believe they are indeed organized and on purpose have nothing registered under their name. For me they should be considered a terror group considering everything that has happened recently.
Democracy should always allow people to get organized and protest against whatever they want, but not like they do.
Imagine a different situation, where an anti communism group is formed in the same way as antifa, which started to take the streets and cause riots and disruption and destruction everywhere they wanted and marching against anything they would consider as communist/socialist no matter how far from reality it would be. Then imagine the media is with them and police cant do anything. You cant do anything.
But antifa can do it of course being a left leaning movement
Antifa as an idea is already wrong. One of the beauties of democracy is to allow anyone to have their own political views even if it is something stupid as to defend a fascist state or a communist/socialist state.
Antifa are an extremists left-wing group, but the further left or right you go, the more the political ideologies become the same.
Antifa only exists because fascism exists, something we already had a war over.
Antifa's actions can and should be condemned, one of the answers to facism they believe in is violence which should never be supported or tolerated.
They are certainly not organized.
Their opponents however are organized, such as white supremacists and neo-nazi's.
I think the mistake both sides of the political divide make is that the left are willing to condemn neo-nazi's and white supremacists, but not Antifa, where the right only moan about Antifa.
We need to reach a point where both sides can condemn *all of it* without exception, that just isn't happening and that empowers these groups more.
Antifa doesn't get a free pass to violence and abuse, they are still breaking the law... And if they are indeed *getting away with it* than the man at top... Aka. Trump, is doing a shit job and not cracking down appropriately.
Either way, the USA is in recession, done a shit job at managing COVID, hasn't built the wall and made Mexico pay for it, has lost influence around the world and has become a very divisive, toxic nation.
I think the USA needs to elect someone different to try and have a go at solving your nations issues, clearly Trump can't do the job, he just blames everything on everyone else.