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EnricoPallazzo said:

Wow... I almost wish America was really a racist dictatorship so you could see the real difference. I can guarantee you a racist dictatorship is slightly different from what America is today. 

This is how dictatorships develop.

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CaptainExplosion said:

To those who still think I don't know real fascism, take a good look at this.

He is once again doing what tyrants do. This, along with no officers being directly charged with murdering Breonna Taylor, is further proof that America has become a racist dictatorship.

I don't think you understand what the legal distinction of murder/homicide is.  What you are stating indicates that you believe the officers went to Breonna Taylor's apartment with the specific intent and malice to kill her.  It would be impossible to convict under that definition with regards to the events as they unfolded.  Was the end result tragic?  Of course it was.  Could it legally be defined as murder, no.

Mandalore76 said:
CaptainExplosion said:

To those who still think I don't know real fascism, take a good look at this.

He is once again doing what tyrants do. This, along with no officers being directly charged with murdering Breonna Taylor, is further proof that America has become a racist dictatorship.

I don't think you understand what the legal distinction of murder/homicide is.  What you are stating indicates that you believe the officers went to Breonna Taylor's apartment with the specific intent and malice to kill her.  It would be impossible to convict under that definition with regards to the events as they unfolded.  Was the end result tragic?  Of course it was.  Could it legally be defined as murder, no.

I know nothing about this case except that Lewis Hamilton wore a shirt referencing to it. But there are many gray areas in-between intention and negligence that wouldn't fit neatly in either manslaughter or murder but in terms of legal consequences would come closer to one or another depending on the finality of the action. Or, as I like to say, it needs to be seen whether it was (from the point of view of the perpetrator) an "oh, fuck" or a "fuck it" situation.






Millennials Are The New Lost Generation

"...Put it all together, and the Millennials had no chance to build the kind of nest eggs that older generations did—the financial cushions that help people weather catastrophes, provide support to sick or down-on-their luck relatives, start businesses, invest in real estate, or go back to school. Going into the 2008 financial crisis, Gen Xers had twice the assets that Millennials have today; right now, Gen Xers have four times the assets and double the savings of younger adults.

Millennials now are facing the second once-in-a-lifetime downturn of their short careers. The first one put them on a worse lifetime-earnings trajectory and blocked them out of the asset market. The second is sapping their paychecks just as they enter their peak-earnings years, with 20 million kids relying on them, too. There’s no good news in a recession, and no good news in a pandemic. For Millennials, it feels like there is never any good news at all."

Fuck, that hit close to home...

CaptainExplosion said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

Wow... I almost wish America was really a racist dictatorship so you could see the real difference. I can guarantee you a racist dictatorship is slightly different from what America is today. 

Well look at this.

A key aspect of any dictatorship, racist or otherwise, is police enacting violence against civilians while they're done.

He was on the ground, and AN OFFICER RAN OVER HIS HEAD.

Your analysis is ridiculous. It has nothing whatsoever to do with dictatorship or a culture of police violence.

The police have commanded streets to be empty, and they have the right to do so.

Some protesters don't comply,.

One guy on purpose lies on the ground to block bicycle police, and he is fully aware that he lives in a democratic nation and that American police treat people with respect and that the risk of injury is minimal.

One of the policemen quickly notices that the man has a helmet and rides his bike (which is very light) over his helmet, fully aware that it cannot cause any injury. He was probably irritated at the protesters and made this in a humorous manner in front of his colleages.

Being upset at this kind of incident just proves how detached from reality all this anti-police criticism is.

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TallSilhouette said:
Millennials Are The New Lost Generation

"...Put it all together, and the Millennials had no chance to build the kind of nest eggs that older generations did—the financial cushions that help people weather catastrophes, provide support to sick or down-on-their luck relatives, start businesses, invest in real estate, or go back to school. Going into the 2008 financial crisis, Gen Xers had twice the assets that Millennials have today; right now, Gen Xers have four times the assets and double the savings of younger adults.

Millennials now are facing the second once-in-a-lifetime downturn of their short careers. The first one put them on a worse lifetime-earnings trajectory and blocked them out of the asset market. The second is sapping their paychecks just as they enter their peak-earnings years, with 20 million kids relying on them, too. There’s no good news in a recession, and no good news in a pandemic. For Millennials, it feels like there is never any good news at all."

Fuck, that hit close to home...

This is actually my first recession in my lifetime. Australia has been lucky that way.

But in saying that... There is so much work around here, just people don't wish to do it, so I really cannot subscribe to the "poor me" rhetoric that people put forth. Can't find work? Study and upskill, put yourself out there.
I was working 5-jobs at one point during the height of COVID here... Earning $60 an hour on weekends was absolutely awesome.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Analysis of Breonna Taylor case by Nate the Lawyer.

An interesting watch.

Bernie PASSIONATELY Warns America: Trump Could STEAL The Election

It begins.. "moderate" Dems (aka Republican lite) are backing away from decriminalizing weed to appease Republican voters 

Bit by bit the status quo will be restored by the Biden camp as was predicted by many, nothing ever changes unless we make it happen, missed opportunity America   

US journalists rarely put politicians to task because of the culture of access journalism, this can hide from public view valuable information about their politicians character and policies 

In Australia Journalism is far more ruthless