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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crackdown 3 Review Thread - MC: 60 OC: 62

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DonFerrari said:
Machiavellian said:

Why would you care about anything until he was actually head of the Xbox division.  Where you in the conference rooms when decisions were made.  Do you even know how any of those decisions went down or if he fought for them and lost.  You are making judgement on information you have no clue on what happen.  I have worked for MS in the past and can tell you that certain titles may sound important but there are a lot of layers to them.  I have no clue what he contributed or not during the times he wasn't the boss, but as the boss, I can directly see what his vision is now.  

I am not covering Spencer ass, for some reason you believe a huge company like MS moves like a developer.  So what exactly are you blaming Spencer for since he gain control of the XBox division.  How hard do you think he may or may not had to change senor management to actually purchase new studios and the other efforts since his term.  Stop acting as if you have all the information or even know how MS work because right now only thing I see is you making an opinion on what you believe happen or has happen.  Nothing moves fast at MS, that is the first thing you should know.

Problem is, that Phill have promised for like 4-6 years to improve 1st party. And we have had people in the site defending that it isn't something he can do over night, but then on 6 month window they buy/increase/create 5-10 studios? It clearly shows that it wasn't something in the top of their list until now, and he have been lying for a long time.

Read Ryuu's comment. It sums up perfectly the situation with Xbox. I'm sure if it was up to Phil, he would've improved 1st party presence sooner than he had, but with Xbox still being under the Windows division and Phil having to report to Terry Myerson, he only had so much power. Shortly after Xbox became its own division and Phil became executive VP, Xbox started buying up studios and increasing their 1st party. It's not a coincidence. 

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lol people are so quick to accuse execs of lying on this site, it’s crazy.

LudicrousSpeed said:
I have also wondered for awhile, what kind of impact GamePass has both on expectations for games, and how people feel about them after playing them. I paid $50 for the UE of State of Decay 2, so it doesn't apply, but how would I feel about CD3 if I paid $65 for it as opposed to paying $10 a month and getting it on the service? Maybe this helps explain some of the gap between how the general gamer attitude about Crackdown 3 is as opposed to reviewers.

A crap game is a crap game even if its free, the argument that its on game pass so its OK for it to be crap doesn't work imo. The merit here is the quality of the game not its price, Crackdown wass suposed to be a flagship title for MS, it failled spetaculary.

smroadkill15 said:
DonFerrari said:

Problem is, that Phill have promised for like 4-6 years to improve 1st party. And we have had people in the site defending that it isn't something he can do over night, but then on 6 month window they buy/increase/create 5-10 studios? It clearly shows that it wasn't something in the top of their list until now, and he have been lying for a long time.

Read Ryuu's comment. It sums up perfectly the situation with Xbox. I'm sure if it was up to Phil, he would've improved 1st party presence sooner than he had, but with Xbox still being under the Windows division and Phil having to report to Terry Myerson, he only had so much power. Shortly after Xbox became its own division and Phil became executive VP, Xbox started buying up studios and increasing their 1st party. It's not a coincidence. 

So he was promising before having power to do so?

LudicrousSpeed said:
lol people are so quick to accuse execs of lying on this site, it’s crazy.

So since you are saying he wasn't lying, them the reason for taking 4+ years to honoring the promise to increase 1st party content was?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DakonBlackblade said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
I have also wondered for awhile, what kind of impact GamePass has both on expectations for games, and how people feel about them after playing them. I paid $50 for the UE of State of Decay 2, so it doesn't apply, but how would I feel about CD3 if I paid $65 for it as opposed to paying $10 a month and getting it on the service? Maybe this helps explain some of the gap between how the general gamer attitude about Crackdown 3 is as opposed to reviewers.

A crap game is a crap game even if its free, the argument that its on game pass so its OK for it to be crap doesn't work imo. The merit here is the quality of the game not its price, Crackdown wass suposed to be a flagship title for MS, it failled spetaculary.

That’s like... the exact opposite of what I was saying lol.

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DonFerrari said:
smroadkill15 said:

Read Ryuu's comment. It sums up perfectly the situation with Xbox. I'm sure if it was up to Phil, he would've improved 1st party presence sooner than he had, but with Xbox still being under the Windows division and Phil having to report to Terry Myerson, he only had so much power. Shortly after Xbox became its own division and Phil became executive VP, Xbox started buying up studios and increasing their 1st party. It's not a coincidence. 

So he was promising before having power to do so?

LudicrousSpeed said:
lol people are so quick to accuse execs of lying on this site, it’s crazy.

So since you are saying he wasn't lying, them the reason for taking 4+ years to honoring the promise to increase 1st party content was?

Idk bro, where did he say this? What was he referring to, exactly? How much control did he have at the time? Was he answering to someone confident in the Xbox brand or was it the guy who didn’t want to spend money on Xbox? What content was there for Microsoft to secure at the time? What studios that they bought recently were available to buy four years ago?

Unless you factually know the answers to these questions and more, you’re talking out of your ass to say he’s a liar. 

Jim has given a pretty damning verdict. His advice to anyone who thinks they'd enjoy this type of game is but Saints row or just cause 4.

Mr Puggsly said:
Pemalite said:

Super Mario World did well on the Super Nintendo.

Zelda did well for the Switch as well... In-fact it seems to be a common thing with Nintendo console launches that they have a launch game that sells well.

Nintendo has the most success when it comes to moving hardware with exclusives. I mean we've seen their consoles thrive with relatively weak 3rd party software.

PlayStation and Xbox on the other hand rely on massive library of notable 3rd party games. Nintendo certainly doesn't rely 3rd party marketing deals and bundles like others.

In saying that though... Halo put Xbox on the map... And Halo 3 helped sell consoles, but they weren't launch games.

But Nintendo has been extremely successful in moving hardware using software, it's what has essentially kept them relevant, which is a good thing... And hopefully they don't stop doing it.

Kerotan said:
JRPGfan said:

Crackdown 3 did about ~10% of Crackdown 2's sales in the UK.

Ouch.... a 90% drop in sales, compaired to the last title back in 2009/2010.
I wouldnt be surprised if its like this most other places too.


^ this.

Yeah this performance is shocking. No two ways about it. 

Digital sales probably hasn't helped matters either... It's taking up a larger piece of the gaming sales pie these days... And generally isn't tracked.

Either way... I think Gamepass will keep the game as a "success" to the bean counters at Microsoft, it's good getting niche' games that appeal to certain demographics even if they don't sell high numbers of copies. (I.E. Halo Wars for RTS fans.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

LudicrousSpeed said:
DakonBlackblade said:

A crap game is a crap game even if its free, the argument that its on game pass so its OK for it to be crap doesn't work imo. The merit here is the quality of the game not its price, Crackdown wass suposed to be a flagship title for MS, it failled spetaculary.

That’s like... the exact opposite of what I was saying lol.

No its not, you are saying that ppl who payed 10 for it might give it a pass, or have a slightly more positive opinion on it, as oposed to ppl who payed 60 for it. What I'm saying is that the price shouldn't matter, a bad game is bad regardless of the price, no one should waste their times even with a free game that is bad because the market nowadays have way too many games on a wide range of prices and this game is just inexcusable.

Pemalite said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Nintendo has the most success when it comes to moving hardware with exclusives. I mean we've seen their consoles thrive with relatively weak 3rd party software.

PlayStation and Xbox on the other hand rely on massive library of notable 3rd party games. Nintendo certainly doesn't rely 3rd party marketing deals and bundles like others.

In saying that though... Halo put Xbox on the map... And Halo 3 helped sell consoles, but they weren't launch games.

But Nintendo has been extremely successful in moving hardware using software, it's what has essentially kept them relevant, which is a good thing... And hopefully they don't stop doing it.

Certainly, Halo was a killer app of the time. But I guess something that has changed is we get notable games on a regular basis these days. I mean many of us have massive backlogs because there is so much stuff that seems worth playing. 6th gen and prior wasn't exactly like that in my opinion, not to the same extent.

There was a big shift in the 7th gen where studios began pumping out notable content more often. Nowadays we get endless indie content while interesting AA or AAA games come every month.

In a nutshell, killer apps don't really exist in a era with so many notable games happening all the time. We can't even agree on a game of the year. Even I roll my eyes at GOTYs because they tend to have a huge focus on story driven content while the actual most popular games can be ignored.

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