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Mr Puggsly said:
Pemalite said:

Super Mario World did well on the Super Nintendo.

Zelda did well for the Switch as well... In-fact it seems to be a common thing with Nintendo console launches that they have a launch game that sells well.

Nintendo has the most success when it comes to moving hardware with exclusives. I mean we've seen their consoles thrive with relatively weak 3rd party software.

PlayStation and Xbox on the other hand rely on massive library of notable 3rd party games. Nintendo certainly doesn't rely 3rd party marketing deals and bundles like others.

In saying that though... Halo put Xbox on the map... And Halo 3 helped sell consoles, but they weren't launch games.

But Nintendo has been extremely successful in moving hardware using software, it's what has essentially kept them relevant, which is a good thing... And hopefully they don't stop doing it.

Kerotan said:
JRPGfan said:

Crackdown 3 did about ~10% of Crackdown 2's sales in the UK.

Ouch.... a 90% drop in sales, compaired to the last title back in 2009/2010.
I wouldnt be surprised if its like this most other places too.


^ this.

Yeah this performance is shocking. No two ways about it. 

Digital sales probably hasn't helped matters either... It's taking up a larger piece of the gaming sales pie these days... And generally isn't tracked.

Either way... I think Gamepass will keep the game as a "success" to the bean counters at Microsoft, it's good getting niche' games that appeal to certain demographics even if they don't sell high numbers of copies. (I.E. Halo Wars for RTS fans.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--