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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Update on Metroid Prime 4: Development restart. Retro Studios + Tanabe now working on it

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Well damage was done anyway.
It was a good move to talk about it early and directly. Now they can focus soley on 2019 new games and announcments.

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BlackBeauty said:

A mature SOLO female lead action game. Not many is doing that.

How about

KingofTrolls said:
BlackBeauty said:

A mature SOLO female lead action game. Not many is doing that.

How about

Or Tomb Raider, or Uncharted Lost Legacy, or Recore, or Gears 5 ... 

But Samus is the OG, and while I personally don't care about the game from the perspective of diversity, I can understand the appeal. 

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Tomb Raider, or Uncharted Lost Legacy, or Recore, or Gears 5 ... 

But Samus is the OG, and while I personally don't care about the game from the perspective of diversity, I can understand the appeal. 


Samus was in kinda heavy plate armor iiirc, so also not that much female lead.

OP- A lot of "fuck you" were told before this very polite video comes out. A disaster nobody expects.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Jumpin said:

Whatever Retro was doing before, it's no secret Nintendo was about to close them down.

It's not a secret, it's just a highly publicized rumor from a site that is easy to manipulate and conflicts with statements that came out with verifiable evidence after that Retro was hiring ...  

I'd guess that would be when the plans for Metroid were actually triggered.

Now, it all depends on how many they hired to see what the actual direction of the studio and the game are.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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mZuzek said:
Fight-the-Streets said:

Well, I think there are many good examples of how cut scenes are well done and actually make the game a better game. If I think on cut scenes I don't think on Uncharted 4 where you often can put away your joypad for a long time, take it back for a minute, only to put it away for a long time again. (Don't get me wrong, Uncharted 4 is a great game but it's obviously a very different game than Metroid). I just think that until the HD generation, cut scenes where kind of mehh (with some exceptions) and they would have made a disservice to the Metroid Prime Trilogy (well there are some cut scenes but they were clearly and consciously held to a minimum). But technology has moved on since, nowadays, cut scenes are made in in-game graphics usually which harmonize them much more with the rest of the game than if they are pumped up CGI. Certainly, we love and play Metroid first and foremost for its great gameplay and atmosphere (which includes graphics, sound and music). With well placed and dosed cut scenes it will just improve the atmosphere and the overall experience.

Yeah but what you're saying right now is very different from what I'd call a "heavy cinematic flair", as you put it earlier. To me "heavy cinematic flair" means the whole game will be centered around it, that means cutscenes everywhere and "cinematic gameplay" when not on cutscenes and stuff like that. Think God of War, and such.

By the way, there have been Metroid games with cutscenes in the past, and it wasn't just Other M. Prime 3 had them too, they tried going more "cinematic" with it in trying to tell a more comprehensive story, and in my opinion, failed atrociously. The story drags Prime 3 down so much. That isn't to say Metroid games can't have good stories, but it's only worked once (Fusion) out of the three times they tried putting more emphasis on it, and that shows they're just not that good at making story-centric games, which also isn't to say a game has to be story-centric for its story to be any good, as I'd say Super Metroid has one of the best stories in the series and nearly all of it is told in subtle ways that don't involve any dialogue or cutscenes.

Personally, that's the kind of story I'd want from a Prime 4, but, I'm not expecting it. Prime 1 was quite a letdown story-wise to me (scan logs were great for lore and world-building, but the events you took part in yourself didn't really have much going on), and from then it never really got any better with Retro's next games, even though they did increasingly try to do the storytelling stuff with the Prime series.

I just hope it will have a compelling story and will look like a modern game and not like an HD-version of a game from the late 90'/early 00'.

Why is nobody talking about Kensuke Tanabe. I think he is much more to worry about than Retro Studios. He's the producer of Metroid Prime: Federation Force!

Marth said:
So according to Imran Kahn the Senior Editor of GameInformer it was Retro who made their pitch/demo for MP4 and Nintendo liked it.
Original MP4 development was very splintered. Different contries made different parts of the game. And ofc some lied about their progress ("Everything is going fine") which lead to a dumpster fire in the end.

He also said that Nintendo is sitting on a completed Metroid Prime Trilogy for Switch but have not announced it for release yet.

Somehow, this made me excited and for the first time in years, confident in Retro Studios. That demo could have been amazing to convince Nintendo.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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Fight-the-Streets said:
mZuzek said:

Yeah but what you're saying right now is very different from what I'd call a "heavy cinematic flair", as you put it earlier. To me "heavy cinematic flair" means the whole game will be centered around it, that means cutscenes everywhere and "cinematic gameplay" when not on cutscenes and stuff like that. Think God of War, and such.

By the way, there have been Metroid games with cutscenes in the past, and it wasn't just Other M. Prime 3 had them too, they tried going more "cinematic" with it in trying to tell a more comprehensive story, and in my opinion, failed atrociously. The story drags Prime 3 down so much. That isn't to say Metroid games can't have good stories, but it's only worked once (Fusion) out of the three times they tried putting more emphasis on it, and that shows they're just not that good at making story-centric games, which also isn't to say a game has to be story-centric for its story to be any good, as I'd say Super Metroid has one of the best stories in the series and nearly all of it is told in subtle ways that don't involve any dialogue or cutscenes.

Personally, that's the kind of story I'd want from a Prime 4, but, I'm not expecting it. Prime 1 was quite a letdown story-wise to me (scan logs were great for lore and world-building, but the events you took part in yourself didn't really have much going on), and from then it never really got any better with Retro's next games, even though they did increasingly try to do the storytelling stuff with the Prime series.

I just hope it will have a compelling story and will look like a modern game and not like an HD-version of a game from the late 90'/early 00'.

Why is nobody talking about Kensuke Tanabe. I think he is much more to worry about than Retro Studios. He's the producer of Metroid Prime: Federation Force!

While Federation Force is not something to write home about, it's also apparently not that bad of a game to begin with. Tanabe, producer of the Prime series since the beginning and likely one of the few remaining developers left on Nintendo/Retro Studios who have worked on the Prime series, wanted to develop this game as a connection for future games.

So I haven't read through all twenty pages, but have we discussed the supposed Metroid Prime Trilogy port to Switch...
Imran Khan, Game Informer senior editor, seems to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, not only that t MPT is coming to Switch, but that it was supposed to be announced in December...
He seems to imply that they might have delayed the announcement of the trilogy until after they announced the MP4 delay, perhaps either to soften the blow or to ensure that they announcement doesn't kill any buzz for the trilogy...
Obviously nothing is confirmed until Nintendo confirms it but I can't think of any reason why this guy would put his credibility on the line if he didn't have good info...

Have a nice day...

Having Tanabe as a producer can only be a good thing. I mean... he is the only one at Nintendo that wanted to actively develop Prime 4 and he had in mind how to continue the story since years ago. It is clear he loves the series... and that's exactly the kind of people we need right now.