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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Own a VR Device?


Do You Own a VR Device?

Yes, and it's awesome 168 13.05%
Yes, it's alright 84 6.53%
Yes, but I regret it 43 3.34%
No, but I really want one 143 11.11%
No, but I'm considering it 243 18.88%
No, not interested at all 606 47.09%
d21lewis said:
SvennoJ said:
I got psvr at launch, got a pro to go with it when it launched. 2017 was the best gaming year for me since 1998, even topped it.

This year I took a break from VR because I got addicted to GT Sport (can't play online in VR unfortunately) however since Astrobot I'm back to regularly putting the headset on. No problem putting it back on after 6 months and it's amazing me just as much as putting it on the first time.

The only downside is move. The move controllers started to irritate me with their limitations, frequent need of recharging (I got old ones from ps3 days), shoddy tracking when crossing the headset or each other, and the horrible button placement. Move needs to die. So I was glad Astrobot does not need move :)

I'm tempted to buy another headset for 4K pass through. I'm constantly switching cables for 4K HDR with ARC or PSVR with direct 5.1 sound. Are there any good multiplayer games to justify having two with the other running on the base ps4? Although I guess I would need another camera as well. I really just want a solution without the breakout box. Next gen better have a dedicated port on the front if not wireless.

Maaaaaaan, tell me about it! I fired up a couple of games I purchased but never got around to playing. I figured I'd play them while I wait for Astro Bot to download. One of my controllers won't even charge and I paid the extra $100 for two new ones on launch day! Had to switch wires around, too.

I'm torn between hdr and VR again. 

Ha last time I played with move and psvr I had both on a charge cable, I felt like one of these

VR needs as much a breakthrough in battery tech as wireless streaming. Not much point going wireless if you have to charge the thing every 2 hours or play with a charge cable / battery pack hanging around your neck.

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Although many disagreed at the time... It was merely just a fad/gimmick that came and passed just like 3D.
Many VR focused companies have shut up shop, VR games seem to have dwindled... Overall it feels like it's in decline.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

ARamdomGamer said:
No and I won't divulge if I want one or not.



the-pi-guy said:
Pemalite said:
Although many disagreed at the time... It was merely just a fad/gimmick that came and passed just like 3D.

And this is still something I'll disagree with you on.  

Pemalite said:
Many VR focused companies have shut up shop, VR games seem to have dwindled... Overall it feels like it's in decline.

I only know of a couple.  
I also know of many that have reaffirmed their position on VR.  Do You Own a VR Device?

Facebook stated that they were still planning to get 1 billion VR users, just a few weeks ago.  

Valve is making 3 games for it. 

Todd Howard believes that it'll take off by the third gen, and that we are currently in the first gen.  


VR is doing better than I expected it to, and I think in the next 10 years we'll see the medium explode.  


I also disagree strongly on VR games dwindling.  Sony is only just now releasing a few big games - Astro Bot (which people have been comparing to Super Mario 64), Deracine, London Heist. 

Borderlands 2 was just announced today for PSVR.  Valve still hasn't shown their 3 VR games.  Bethesda is still supporting VR, the way they have.  Oculus looks to be releasing their largest titles yet.  

And yet, somehow the VR industry keeps missing projections by large margins. Remember, it was projected to be have $162 Billion in revenue by 2020. Last year they reevaluated and projected it to reach just 51 Billion in revenue by 2020. That's not good.

How can we possible be "in the first gen" when they've been making home VR headsets since the 90's and there's been multiple iterations of VR headsets from Sony, HTC, and Oculus? Is it one of those things where we say "its still first gen" as an excuse for it's mediocre performance? Will it be "first gen" for the next 30 years or something?

Last edited by potato_hamster - on 09 October 2018

the-pi-guy said:
potato_hamster said:

1.)And yet, somehow the VR industry keeps missing projections by large margins. Remember, it was projected to be have $162 Billion in revenue by 2020. Last year they reevaluated and projected it to reach just 51 Billion in revenue by 2020. That's not good.

2.) How can we possible be "in the first gen" when they've been making home VR headsets since the 90's and there's been multiple iterations of VR headsets from Sony, HTC, and Oculus? Is it one of those things where we say "its still first gen" as an excuse for it's mediocre performance? Will it be "first gen" for the next 30 years or something?


People keep getting shocked that an expensive medium with few reasons to own it, isn't selling well.  Oculus Rift costs $400, not to mention the hardware to run it.  Vive is still $500.  

PSVR is $500 to get everything and the most mainstream thing on it is a game from 7 years ago.  

2.) Todd Howard's words not mine.  I'm not going to play the semantics game of "we have had VR for decades and it never succeeded, and it won't now."  

1) Price is one of the main reasons why VR "isn't there yet". How come you didn't mention the Oculus Go? People are literally arguing it's a better experience than PSVR and it's a standalone unit that costs $200. It came out of the gate decently selling about 200K units in the first month, but sales appeared to have declined steadily every single month since.Industry-wide, sales from January to July were down 30% year on year. This is an industry that's on the verge of mass appeal?

I mean, It's pretty common to bring up iPhone/Smartphones as a parallel, but I don't ever remember iPhone or smartphone sales dropping 30% year over year.... do you?

2) I don't care if it's Howard's words or yours. If you're quoting him positively as you did, you stand by what he's saying. If you're not willing to stand by an argument you're making, why make it?

Last edited by potato_hamster - on 09 October 2018

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the-pi-guy said:
1.) You'll notice that I said in the next 10 years. If you call that on the verge of mass appeal, then whatever.
I'm a pessimist and I'm sure it'll be dropped and forgotten, but I'm hopeful because I think VR is awesome.

So please continue knocking the little of optimism I have for the medium.

2.) The argument I was making was that people are optimistic about VR, not that VR was in it's first gen.

Yeah, I'd say if you think "We'll see the medium explode within the next 10 years" that you think it's on the verge of mass appeal. But I'll admit that's just semantics.

2) Todd Howard is investing in VR. He has skin in the game. Do you think if he said "VR sales are starting to dry up, and I don't know if any of our VR titles will hit the market if this continues" it would lead to the uptick in the VR industry he wants? "Third generation" is such a nebulous, meaningless term. Why even bring it up?

Here, let me put you an example "The cerebral implant gaming market should really hit its stride by the fourth generation". It's practically gibberish it's so meaningless.

the-pi-guy said:
Pemalite said:
Although many disagreed at the time... It was merely just a fad/gimmick that came and passed just like 3D.

And this is still something I'll disagree with you on.  

You are more than entitled to do so.

the-pi-guy said:

Facebook stated that they were still planning to get 1 billion VR users, just a few weeks ago. 

Companies say allot of things. Not always does it work out.
I mean... How many companies clinged to 3D citing at as the next best thing since sliced bread?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

it look nice, but it doesnt appeal much for me right now.

Nope, not interested.

potato_hamster said:
the-pi-guy said:


People keep getting shocked that an expensive medium with few reasons to own it, isn't selling well.  Oculus Rift costs $400, not to mention the hardware to run it.  Vive is still $500.  

PSVR is $500 to get everything and the most mainstream thing on it is a game from 7 years ago.  

2.) Todd Howard's words not mine.  I'm not going to play the semantics game of "we have had VR for decades and it never succeeded, and it won't now."  

1) Price is one of the main reasons why VR "isn't there yet". How come you didn't mention the Oculus Go? People are literally arguing it's a better experience than PSVR and it's a standalone unit that costs $200. It came out of the gate decently selling about 200K units in the first month, but sales appeared to have declined steadily every single month since.Industry-wide, sales from January to July were down 30% year on year. This is an industry that's on the verge of mass appeal?

I mean, It's pretty common to bring up iPhone/Smartphones as a parallel, but I don't ever remember iPhone or smartphone sales dropping 30% year over year.... do you?

2) I don't care if it's Howard's words or yours. If you're quoting him positively as you did, you stand by what he's saying. If you're not willing to stand by an argument you're making, why make it?

Just to be clear, I'm only arguing that the Go is better when it comes to watching videos. It's got a web browser, a pretty good app store and really good resolution. The PSVR destroys it in almost every other aspect!