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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Direct announced for tomorrow! (09/13/18)

Mnementh said:

He calls Dante? That one would be strange, as no DMC-games on Nintendo, but on the other hand Smash got Snake, so...

If Dante did get added it would make sense as he's iconic for the action genre which falls in line with other guest characters being iconic to what they do remember the was actually a cancelled DMC remake for Wii at one point it even had the style switching in it.

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Jumpin said:

It probably won't happen, but I HOPE that a port of Xenoblade Chronicles X is announced!

Some changes probably need to happen: 1. fixed UI, and 2. fixed audio bugs (since the music and cutscene dialogue are often independent of each other, sometimes a big note/vocals hits at the same time as a character says something important, and you can't hear them). Even if they do not, I will still accept a port, because I want to play this game again!

I'd also love to see a port of Dragon Quest 9 with all its co-op multiplayer awesomeness.


Really any ports of classic RPGs would be great. Working Designs announced the Grandia games, why not announce Lunar SS and EB? I love both games. Any classic 16/32-bit era RPG ports would be appreciated. As much as I like RPGs these days, I find that they lack the good pacing that RPGs had back then - it takes ~70-100 hours today to achieve (sometimes less than) what these games did in 20-30 hours.

Ladies and gentleman, we hit a gold vein =D

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

So, from the Direct I take FFX, FFXII, Super Yoshi Cute and Katamari. Maybe Civ as well if it goes ok on the system. Oh, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey too if the Cloud version was coming here, lol. Not too much, really, but eh, it's ok. It's also a little annoying that New Super Friggin Mario U is getting a rerelease but neither The Wonderful 101 or Xenoblade X can. Or I mean, in the near future at least.

And where is my Pikmin 4? I have only so many souls to sell to the devil...

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

RolStoppable said:
Jranation said:

Right!! We keep getting many leaks but nothing from that game...... 

That's because Pikmin 4 most likely does not exist, just like Pikmin 3 did not exist when Shigeru Miyamoto first announced it.

The thing is that when Pikmin 3 got announced, Nintendo was riding high and Miyamoto was a game god, so Nintendo's management went along and greenlit the project. But at the time Pikmin 4 got teased, Nintendo was a dumpster fire because of Miyamoto; it doesn't look like Nintendo's management will do him the same favor again and that's understandable, because Pikmin's sales history provides no reason to make another game.

Ah I see. At least we can hope that Pikmin 3 do gets ported on the Switch. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

That was a great Direct! Those Final Fantasy announcements made me really happy, as I've been dying for a Switch version of FFXII. VII, IX and X coming to Switch were nice surprises and must-have's for me.

Kirby's Epic Yarn coming to 3DS was a bit disappointing, not that I'm desperate for playing that one again (still haven't finished the original) but I do wish that these remakes that the 3DS is getting would also come for the Switch. I get why Nintendo wants to make something for the 3DS as it just refuses to die, and I do love the little guy, I just don't want the 3DS to get exclusive stuff at this point. Hopefully Luigi's Mansion, Bowser's Inside Story and Kirby's Epic Yarn will make their way to the Switch eventually.

I've never played a Katamari game so that one coming was a nice surprise. Yoshi's Crafted World still looks nice and New Super Mario Bros. U coming is great, even though I would prefer Super Mario Maker. No The Wonderful 101 announcement was a bit of a bummer.
I'm not gonna get Cities: Skylines as I already own the PC version and really prefer PC for that kind of game, but it is a brilliant game and I'm happy that it's coming to the Switch. If you haven't played it and don't plan on going for the (probably far superior) PC version then you really need to get this one. It's godlike material and a true successor to Sim City.

And they finally confirmed the next Animal Crossing!

2019 is already getting filled with good content, which is both nice and somewhat stressful for me.