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That is because football is more popular than American handball and the world isn't just the US. AKA they don't think it's worth the cost to port.

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It's not EA's fault if you buy the wrong consoles to play Madden.

They never announced it for that platform, so why did you expected it in the Switch library?

madden hasnt been on a nintendo system since gamecube, its nothing new.


excuse me, wii, so says wiki. there were some ds mentions but that wouldnt be the full experience like with a console.


EA is cancer. They put out the same sports games every year, with an updated roster of teams, and little other changes. Their games suck, but they still sell, because they are the only ones with licensing rights to the different sports leagues. Meanwhile they shit all over the rest of the industry, by buying up studios, and closing them. Also, Battlefront microtransactions.

I agree it would be nice to have. especially for me when I struggle to find time to game when home. so on the road would be perfect for me.



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Not to be mean, but sounds to me like you are the problem. Expecting the impossible, should've gotten him an Xbox or better yet a PS4 then your son could be playing Madden right now.

Perhaps AE Games can save the day with a Switch version of "Mad Men Football":

Just wait a few years (or decades) for this gem.

DolPhanTendo said:

As a proud Switch owner and my son who got one for his b-day (7th) so he can play with his pops and loves playing Madden, can someone please explain why EA isn’t releasing Madden again on the Switch? I was looking forward to playing with my son, It just doesn’t makes sense. FIFA in the U. S. Is doing quite well with sells so the trial game was a success in my opinion. Really tired of EAs treatment of Nintendo, In my opinion Madden is a perfect sale for the Switch. 

I hope you mean "consumers who only play on Nintendo" because Nintendo itself is a business and EA owes them absolutely nothing.  

Get better taste in games, bro.

Probably because the franchise did poorly on Wii U. That’d be my guess.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon