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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Sony PlayStation E3 2018 Thread

deskpro2k3 said:
I think the stream is dead guys lmao

go to youtube instead... theirs works.

Around the Network

Ok this is worse then EA

Nooo, Nathan!

They were on intermission so long, that they just decided to go offline instead.

Holy shit Destiny 2 looks dope.

Around the Network

What's with the instruments?

Show us the games holy fking shit.

Yes, Ghost time...after more music.

Luckily for Vgchartz and Anime in my other tabs. Not sure if I will watch the rest of it though...

More music too ehhhh.

okay, so another solo musician and then trailer.

This better be the fucking final venue. If they go somehwere else for the next games after this, I just don't even know. OMG, the pacing is just soo bad that I dont' think any game or amount fo games can redeem this.

Twitch stream died and Youtube has some serious audio issues. Technical difficulties X2.