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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Handheld Consoles always felt like a compomised experience before the Nintendo Switch.


Does the Nintendo Switch feel like it is a true Home Console when playing in Handheld mode?

Yes 28 56.00%
No 22 44.00%

The step up from 3DS to Switch is massive, so it's really nice to play big title games on the go

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The Switch doesn't feel like a compromise because this is the 1st time Nintendo made handheld as powerful as they can. I mean when you look back Nintendo handhelds were never really strong in the power compartment. The Gameboy, GBA, DS and 3DS all sacrificed power to get some distinct advantage over their competitors.

Now that Nintendo has kicked out every competitor out of the handheld space they don't need to compromise anymore. They can just make a powerful handheld without worrying about competition and that is just gravy.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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killeryoshis said:
The Switch doesn't feel like a compromise because this is the 1st time Nintendo made handheld as powerful as they can. 

Tegra X2. 

Nintendo Switch is a compromise... but so is any other mobile device, home console and even gaming PC.

If you don't want to make any compromises regarding power, you need a different Switch with Nvidia hardware:


I've never felt any handhelds were compromised in their respective eras, always dissociated and simply enjoyed the games.

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
It's a compromise. The motion controls don't work. The analogs are shit. The d-pad is bad. It is, a compromise.

They work fine, perhaps it's you that doesn't work. ;)

They greatly enhance the gameplay in Splatoon 2, Doom and TLOZ: BOTW (the gyro puzzles are trash though).

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Alkibiádēs said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
It's a compromise. The motion controls don't work. The analogs are shit. The d-pad is bad. It is, a compromise.

They work fine, perhaps it's you that doesn't work. ;)

They greatly enhance the gameplay in Splatoon 2, Doom and TLOZ: BOTW (the gyro puzzles are trash though).

They don't work in handheld mode. At least not well. Splatoon 2 pretty much becomes a significantly worse game in handheld mode. It's a compromise. 

potato_hamster said:

This guy actually used his Vita as his cell phone. For years. Willingly.

You're wasting you're time trying to argue with Kevyn about it. He's convinced that his extremely narrow perspective would actually be incredibly popular if only more people embraced it more because reasons. He doesn't understand that he's probably one of 200-300 people in the world that really wants this. Heck, he's still heckling Sony on twitter for updates on the PS4's web browser when I'd say over 90% of PS4 owners don't even realize or care that it has one.

Oh I've been aware of that for a few years now. It just gets grating to hear the same  niche pipe dream over and over again.

I just find his dream to be one that isn't shared by billions on this planet, and those that do share it are in the minority and want to simple do over the majority for their own personal gains.


Gaming systems were always meant to be just for gaming. They were never designed to become something he wants but clearly hates to use (the PC/laptop).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Alkibiádēs said:

They work fine, perhaps it's you that doesn't work. ;)

They greatly enhance the gameplay in Splatoon 2, Doom and TLOZ: BOTW (the gyro puzzles are trash though).

They don't work in handheld mode. At least not well. Splatoon 2 pretty much becomes a significantly worse game in handheld mode. It's a compromise. 


Medisti said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

They don't work in handheld mode. At least not well. Splatoon 2 pretty much becomes a significantly worse game in handheld mode. It's a compromise. 



This is like, the one criticism I bring up about Splatoon 2 that everyone seems to agree with. Splatoon 2 just plays better with motion controls, and they hardly work at all in handheld mode. It's an opinion, I guess, but this entire thread is an opinion. You're really not adding anything to the conversation.