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Forums - Politics Discussion - You can't believe trump won?


Trump 2020

Hell yes! 20 25.32%
Lets wait and see! 3 3.80%
Fuck no! 50 63.29%
Indifferent/comments/Hilary's dusty pussy... 6 7.59%
Nymeria said:
Hit him on policy over and over, that is how to beat him in 2020. Ignore the daily nonsense of stuff he says on Twitter. Fight for something, rather than "not as bad as Trump".

Trump sounded good to many who felt lost in the statue quo, but running a campaign and promising things is very different from governing. He is beatable, especially in various states in the midwest he barely won to overcome popular deficit with an electoral victory.

Democrats need to be shouting over and over a bold policy position such as "Medicare for All" up and down ballots. People still don't know what the left stands for and these tantrums about "The Internet Freaking Out" over some juvenile celebrity or petty social aspect is not the way forward.

2016 was a harsh lesson not to take people for granted or feel entitled to office, you have to earn votes.

This is a good comment. I believe Trump will win or lose depending on A: who the Dem candidate is and B: How well he performs in the rustbelt area. It was there where Democrats got hit the hardest. Also, November this year is going to be a very important indicator of his chances in 2020. I have a feeling it's going to be a huge blow for the Republicans.

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OdinHades said:
Nationalism and fascism are on the rise worldwide because people don't learn shit from history.

And yet globalism and open borders are akin to an invasion and destroying Europe with its eyes set on North America.

I’m sorry, but how is history repeating itself?  Where are the camps?  Where are the dictators?  The only violence I’ve seen are ironically by Antifa who are hell bent on destroying the first and second amendments.

Trump is a god send to the planet and it’s about time!

Ljink96 said:

No, I don't support habitual liars, hypocrites, racists, corrupt businessmen, or anyone incapable of human empathy or sympathy. Someone like that should not be running our country any longer. His appointed administration is shrouded in lies and deception, resignations not seen since the Reagan Era, and most of said administrators are the worst in their class or have no reason being a head of which they are.

Trump won because, simply put, he was the better candidate than Hillary. And by that I mean, he did what the people wanted him to do, said what they wanted to hear (without any real backup facts), and hell the guy sure did get out and rally. When I started seeing his rallies on Youtube Trending I thought...well shit, we've lost. And that was months before the election.

And the dude can sell a lie like no other, he's a broker...that's their job lol. I don't think he'll be elected again after this disaster of a presidency. It reminds me of a dictatorship where whatever you say better be praising the president or making sure he knows he's doing a "good" job. Or else you're fired. That's just corrupt and not how a democracy should be run.

That being said, the Democrats need to start raising their next candidate instead of focusing on Trump and his silly antics, racist remarks, heartless remarks, and overall plain and blatant stupidity. They need to make sure their next candidate isn't a fraud, is rather new (with exception of Joe Biden whom I think would run and win) and make sure there's a connect between them and the American people. The Reagan era was absolute shite, this presidency is too similar to it, down to the campaign slogan which Trump borrowed.

It's time for some sort of redemption, America, more than ever, looks like an absolute dumbass of a country to the outside world. They mock Trump more than ever, and as an American I'm embarrassed. 

Edit: And even if he does win, Democrats will likely occupy the majority of the house and they can block Trump just like republicans blocked Obama. Roy Moors sick self is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Yes it will be very hard for Trump to be re-elected when he get those very bad indicators of lowest unemployment ever, rising richness in the country and all... also will be very easy for the every telling truth left to win.

Ljink96 said:
John2290 said:

You look like a dumbass country to the rest of the world not because of Trump but because of your schools,n universities their faculty and students as well as these fringe leftist who go beyond the pale of absolute insanity. Countries infact have come up with there own words and terminologies outside of the US to describe these people in various langauges. Half of your media, the political opponents to the current government and even your comedians should be where to look if you want to find the reason as to why the world looks on in embarrassment and cringey shame and some with power hungry eyes and the division all this causes. Your absolute ignorance to support your leader at your own detriment. Trump may be a laugh and a half now and then but so has most of the presidents over the last three decades, we laughed and cringed, and looked on in anger much, much more when Billy Bush was in office, yet you all failed to see it. Trump isn't the problem, the people who make asses out of themselves and common sense are.

Lol, thank you for telling me my own problems in my country. But as I said, MORE THAN EVER the outside world is mocking us. They didn't dress up as Obama and act silly because Obama had class. Something Trump has and never will have. If we left education up to the right, our whole country would be pure dumbasses. Do you see the people who support Trump!? They can't even write a full sentence or do their own research. They don't care about education. Trump appointed someone head of education, who doesn't know shit about education. So don't try to blame Democrats solely on that. They didn't come up with the "No child left behind" program which literally left tons of children behind and bewildered. 

Comedians over here expose the truth, with actual facts to back them up. At least the ones I listen to. Most notably John Oliver. You can't argue with his facts, and its facts that Drumpf and the right don't like and don't believe in. They're afraid to even call lies as lies, they call them separate truths which is insane. Just check politifact. Trumps entire cabinet including the orange oompa loompa himself are bonafide liars. We laughed at Clinton for having an affair, we laugh at Bush for his stupidity, we didn't really laugh at Obama unless he was telling a joke because he embodied what it meant to be somewhat of a good citizen and human being. .

Now we have people who steal speeches and use them as their own and are just overall not genuine people. Other countries have their issues as well, but I won't go over those. But as far as I'm concerned and from people I know in Japan, and the Middle East and the North, we look like idiots and most of them point to trump for justification. There's no reason why America shouldn't be further ahead in education, etc. but we'd rather spend billions on weapons that would end the world, taking away health insurance and senior programs, and making the rich richer with silly ass tax plans. And Billy Bush was never the president of the US...

You think "Obozo" wasn't make fun of outside of USA? You are very miss informed. The only difference between Obama and Trump in this is that media loved Obama for the simple fact that he was black and democrat so they wouldn't bash him much, but free people would all the time.

Also during your dear Obama we had a very big escalate of the racial tension.

Flilix said:
John2290 said:

You look like a dumbass country to the rest of the world not because of Trump but because of your schools,n universities their faculty and students as well as these fringe leftist who go beyond the pale of absolute insanity. Countries infact have come up with there own words and terminologies outside of the US to describe these people in various langauges. Half of your media, the political opponents to the current government and even your comedians should be where to look if you want to find the reason as to why the world looks on in embarrassment and cringey shame and some with power hungry eyes and the division all this causes. Your absolute ignorance to support your leader at your own detriment. Trump may be a laugh and a half now and then but so has most of the presidents over the last three decades, we laughed and cringed, and looked on in anger much, much more when Billy Bush was in office, yet you all failed to see it. Trump isn't the problem, the people who make asses out of themselves and common sense are.

Where do you live? Because here, 'leftist' would probably the last thing the US would be assiociated with. They're mostly regarded as extremely conservative, religious and obsessed with guns.

People outside of USA get confused because the democrats call themselves "liberals" while actually being left minded and nothing liberal at all, they always want government imposing "liberal" thoughts like intervention on industries, funding abortion, censoring speech, etc.

Ljink96 said:
eva01beserk said:

I never claimed it was obama's fault. I asked how it was under him and the democratic party and what did he do. As far As Im aware, he directly enforced title IX which is the main driver of why male enrollment in college has been so low.

I cant say that under trumps administration that it will be any better, but they seem to at least addressed what I believe to be the issue. Poor choices and institutions pushing ideals instead of education. They probably don't plan to do anything about it just mention it that one time. But at least its a start that its ahead of the previous administration. 

At bold: No offence but this sounds to me like the opposite of what the left does. Blindly follow some speaker who claims some BS while calling others racist or what ever else. All protest I have seen follow that same protocol. 

Well, the racist remarks that some left members use are often backed up by past altercations such as Jeff Sessions, Trump's discrimination, calling certain countries shit hole countries, and requesting that an immigrant from Norway would be better than letting in immigrants from Africa or Haiti, which we all know what that means. I guess there could be an argument in terms of education, but America allowing immigrants has never been based on their education level or understanding of western culture. 

Trump and his administration don't care about education, that is rarely something on their radar. Even at the state of the union addresses, he doesn't care. He couldn't care. He was a daddy made millionaire who didn't have to worry about education. If you asked him, he wouldn't know where to start in terms of "fixing" our education system. All I know is I've been able to get an education and have it nearly paid for where as my brother 12 years ago, simply could not. And there were programs set up by 2014 that I could take advantage of for this to happen. The Right doesn't want free college like many others have. Canada, Egypt, etc. are able to make higher level education free because they value education over defense and tax cuts on the rich. The right doesn't care about issues that they find to be "trivial" and the effects of it linger. 

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want free college level education, and it's possible, but to do that we'd have to re evaluate our spending and instead of spending a trillions on weapons. And this is a bipartisan issue, overall. I should mention. And believe me, I think defense is import, but I think we have more than enough to wreak havoc if the time comes. Food stamps and disability should be reworked imo, there's a lot that needs to be tweaked. But this administration doesn't seem to genuinely care about the issues that face the majority of people in the US. 

I'm waiting for the wave of Immigrants from USA to the places Trump said were shitholes instead of those places going to USA... but I understand how you think it is hard to accept the truth that those countries are on a very bad position.

There isn't free lunch, if you want "free college" a lot of people that aren't going to college will pay taxes for it.

Hiku said:
John2290 said:

Hiku, i find myself rattled when reading your posts in the politics forum sometimes, may I ask what demographic you fall into? White straight male, tick, you seem intent on pointing this out a lot as if you need to somehow preface the things your are about to say. I want to know where you are being brainwashed and at what age, into hating yourself for circumstances outside of your control or what fantastical pussy is whip lashing these ideals on to you, because it must be some goood pussy if you are intent on being ashamed of yourself while pursuing it.

In serious though, I was being half sarcastic there, out of curiosity how old are you and is it the west coast or east coast of Yankie land or somewhere else entirely? Just curious to know where you are coming from. Cause if any other race openly said "Oh, I am X so ...-insert opinion here-" because that is how society views the matter I would scream racism from the roof tops and stand up for that race against all else. It is sickening that so many people have died for our freedoms, all races included all over the free world and yet we fall into the same traps of putting one race down among all others, it just so happens white people are today's target. 

A lot? I can recall saying it one other time in my 4 years on this forum. Because I tend to go out of my way to avoid pointing that out. Where else do you claim I have mentioned it? You may have me confused with someone else.
I brought it up here because it pertained to a subject of white victimization in the video you posted, and it's interesting to know what people's perspectives are. You started off by pointing out that you're an outsider looking in, in relation to the US election/politics. My point of view on white victimization comes from the inside, so to speak.
And it has been my observation that, similar to how people assume that you're hating on Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft unless you happen to own their consoles, white supremacists, or people sympathizing with their cause, tend to think the same way when they hear criticism about the victimization narrative of white people. "Unless you're white, your opinion is biased." "And if you are white, you're a traitor."
It is stupid though. It shouldn't matter. But it does to some people.
Since you seem intrigued of my background, you don't have to take my word for it.

I don't know what specifically about my posts in political forums have rattled you, but to answer your question, I was born and raised in Sweden until I was an adult. Then I lived and studied in Australia for three years, partially because my sister lived there. And worked/studied in Japan for two years.

As for "it just so happens white people are today's target", that's been the claim for decades by neo-Nazis. It's not something new. This narrative has been going on for a very very very long time. But the race war they always warned us about never came. "Oh but now is different. Now it really is coming. Soon."

White people can get the short end of the stick because of their skin color at times as well. Males too because they're not female, and vice versa.
But we are BY FAR way better off than the majority of minority groups. For every male who misses out on a job because they wanted to hire a female, you have a ton of females overlooked or underpaid because of their gender. For every caucasian who doesn't get selected for the poster modeling job because the company wanted to promote diversity, you have more people who are not hired because they are different/belong to a different culture/fear/hate, etc.
There's a good reason for why there can be a double standard for what people feel comfortable saying about certain ethnic/gender groups. If someone tries to insult someone for being white, it's generally never taken as an insult. And that's because of our position in society. If you make a sexualized joke about a male, it's also shrugged off, again because of our standing in society. While some males do experience sexual harassment as well, the general male does not perceive sexual harassment and assault and violence to the same degree women do on a daily basis. Where they have to be careful to even smile at a man, lest they find themselves pressed up against a wall in the women's bathroom the next week by someone who got "mixed signals".

So while I sympathize with those individuals who are treated unfairly, I don't sympathize with the white supremacist agenda that we are the ones who have it worse.

Just a think to blow your mind... paygap is a myth... there is several decade old law that prohibits two people executing the same work to have different wages (even if they produce very different results). The paygap they see on their badly done researches are a result of comparing wages of a male college teacher against a female kindergarten, or male brain surgeon against female nurse, etc... and also comparing a male working from 20 to 65 for 40h a week against woman working from 25 to 55 (with 5 years of license or not working to raise kids) with a lot of part time work of course there will be a difference in the total money made.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Ljink96 said:
eva01beserk said:

I never claimed it was obama's fault. I asked how it was under him and the democratic party and what did he do. As far As Im aware, he directly enforced title IX which is the main driver of why male enrollment in college has been so low.

I cant say that under trumps administration that it will be any better, but they seem to at least addressed what I believe to be the issue. Poor choices and institutions pushing ideals instead of education. They probably don't plan to do anything about it just mention it that one time. But at least its a start that its ahead of the previous administration. 

At bold: No offence but this sounds to me like the opposite of what the left does. Blindly follow some speaker who claims some BS while calling others racist or what ever else. All protest I have seen follow that same protocol. 

Well, the racist remarks that some left members use are often backed up by past altercations such as Jeff Sessions, Trump's discrimination, calling certain countries shit hole countries, and requesting that an immigrant from Norway would be better than letting in immigrants from Africa or Haiti, which we all know what that means. I guess there could be an argument in terms of education, but America allowing immigrants has never been based on their education level or understanding of western culture. 

Trump and his administration don't care about education, that is rarely something on their radar. Even at the state of the union addresses, he doesn't care. He couldn't care. He was a daddy made millionaire who didn't have to worry about education. If you asked him, he wouldn't know where to start in terms of "fixing" our education system. All I know is I've been able to get an education and have it nearly paid for where as my brother 12 years ago, simply could not. And there were programs set up by 2014 that I could take advantage of for this to happen. The Right doesn't want free college like many others have. Canada, Egypt, etc. are able to make higher level education free because they value education over defense and tax cuts on the rich. The right doesn't care about issues that they find to be "trivial" and the effects of it linger. 

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want free college level education, and it's possible, but to do that we'd have to re evaluate our spending and instead of spending a trillions on weapons. And this is a bipartisan issue, overall. I should mention. And believe me, I think defense is import, but I think we have more than enough to wreak havoc if the time comes. Food stamps and disability should be reworked imo, there's a lot that needs to be tweaked. But this administration doesn't seem to genuinely care about the issues that face the majority of people in the US. 

That was never the immigration plan. It has always been people would would not be a burden to society. It just so happens that most people who would be a burden on society come from places where education is low and crime is high.  Trust me, I worked for and embassy helping people migrate to canada from my country. It was my job to screen these people and the majority I had to turn down where unemployed people without even a high school degree and big criminal record with tons of kids living in extreme poverty. Most people who live well in their country don't want to leave it. Have you ever heard of" its better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven."

I hope you have a decent degree out of it. Cuz that is the issue here. That assistans that you received is wasted on people who take ridiculous classes and then become unemployable. That is not the fault of the political leader, thats individual choice of the person. This is the reason that no matter how much help is offered, people will waste it.

Dont gimme that BS of hillary wanted free college. She only jumped on the band wagon to please bernie supporters. But I ask you once more, what did improve over the last 8 years under the democratic rule on education. Cuz as far as I know its at its worst. But suddenly is important and its trumps job to fix it. Then you bring up military spending, again, what was done under 8 years of obama? Yu a free to criticize trump all you want about this, but you cant be silent when being asked what has been done before by the party you favore. That's the very definition of hypocritical. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

I think Trump won because he appealed to Emotion and Hillary was about as effective as a screen door as a submarine in rallying people.

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DonFerrari said:
deskpro2k3 said:

The people turn up to vote, and he lost the popular vote by over 3mil, but he still won. Only in Merica.

If you know how the voting works you wouldn't complain about it, because it wasn't made to favor Trump.

Yet somehow the shitty ass electoral college seems to favor republicans.  Trump ran as a republican thus it favored him.

Every election system is flawed or great based if it get my team elected...

sethnintendo said:
DonFerrari said:

If you know how the voting works you wouldn't complain about it, because it wasn't made to favor Trump.

Yet somehow the shitty ass electoral college seems to favor republicans.  Trump ran as a republican thus it favored him.

Please pick up your time machine and go to the founding fathers and complain that they saw into the future to make a system that would favor the republicans...

There is a reason older people are republican and younger are democratics... older people have had enough experience to stop believing in fantasies.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
sethnintendo said:

Yet somehow the shitty ass electoral college seems to favor republicans.  Trump ran as a republican thus it favored him.

Please pick up your time machine and go to the founding fathers and complain that they saw into the future to make a system that would favor the republicans...

There is a reason older people are republican and younger are democratics... older people have had enough experience to stop believing in fantasies.

Older people likely have accumulated more wealth thus in favor of tax cuts (which allows goes more towards upper brackets giving middle and low income tax payers chump change).

Republican party has been able to court christians (which there are more of in old population) somehow even though they have just as many or more sex scandals than other parties.  Mainly able to hold onto them by being anti abortion.

Last republican to give a damn about the environment was probably Theodore Roosevelt.  Somehow hating on environmentalist became a cool thing to do for Republicans even though we all live on this fucking earth.  Sure you can go too extreme for environmentalism but it shouldn't be business or environment.  Both sides need to come together and try to utilize the land which works for both environment and business. 

Apparently republicans can't stop believing in fantasy either.  Enjoy your stay in "heaven" when you die.

sethnintendo said:
DonFerrari said:

Please pick up your time machine and go to the founding fathers and complain that they saw into the future to make a system that would favor the republicans...

There is a reason older people are republican and younger are democratics... older people have had enough experience to stop believing in fantasies.

Older people likely have accumulated more wealth thus in favor of tax cuts (which allows goes more towards upper brackets giving middle and low income tax payers chump change).

Republican party has been able to court christians (which there are more of in old population) somehow even though they have just as many or more sex scandals than other parties.  Mainly able to hold onto them by being anti abortion.

Last republican to give a damn about the environment was probably Theodore Roosevelt.  Somehow hating on environmentalist became a cool thing to do for Republicans even though we all live on this fucking earth.  Sure you can go too extreme for environmentalism but it shouldn't be business or environment.  Both sides need to come together and try to utilize the land which works for both environment and business. 

Apparently republicans can't stop believing in fantasy either.  Enjoy your stay in "heaven" when you die.

Your post ishilariously incorrect and self righteous y

Cosby,Conyers, clinton,Schneiderman,wienstine, Franken,Rosee, Jesse Jackson, SpadeWienerl, Levin all sayhi. Just off the top of my head. i

Last edited by Maxosaurus-rex - on 20 May 2018