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Forums - Movies & TV - Hollywood anti catholic bullshit needs to stop

irstupid said:
SpokenTruth said:

I need to clarify a few things for you.  Our common understanding of the big bang is actually horribly explained.  We try to simplify the concept and yet we create false ideas of it when we do.

Most people think of this tiny point which contained everything in the universe.  This is only partially correct.  Everything in our "observable" universe was contained in a single point....let me back up first.  Are you familiar with the difference between the known or observable universe and the entire universe?  It really helps to understand the Big Bang if you grasp that part well first.  If needed, we can start a new thread.

I'm just talking in broad terms, not trying to get into the finer details. All finer details does is make people confused and your arguing over semantics versus the general idea.

Whether all the stuff in the universe was packed into a pin prick size or if it was all some giant gas giant the size of the milky way before is exploded/expanded/whatever is besides the point.

The questions are:

1. Where did all that stuff originally come from? Was that matter/energy/ect always there. How can something always be there? Shouldn't there have to be a beginning at some point. How can something have always been? If it was created, how was something created from nothing?

2. What was outside that ball of shit? Nothing? As someone posted to me earlier, no time, no space, no nothing. How can something be nothing. If I was to somehow step outside that ball, I step into nothing? How can time not exist?

3. If the universe is ever expanding, how can it be infinite. Something infinite is infinite. you can't +1 infinity. This isn't elementary school comebacks. So if I were to travel faster than the universe is expanding, what would I run into when I get past it? Again the concept of nothing, no time/space/ect makes less sense than any magical god of any religion.

4. If there is somehow a no time/no space place, then nothing is infinite. I've heard our universe will end at some point, so then nothing inside our universe is infite. Time will end, and as with the big bang, time began at some point. If there is a place of nothing outside our universe, then our universe is not infinite.

This will never compute unless you stop putting the limitations of living on earth on the origin of the universe. 

If you're in a building you can step outside because there's always an outside. But outside of the singularity was no time and space. There was nothing, you couldn't step outside. You couldn't do anything you'd be less than the size of an atom firstly. 

The universe probably isn't infinite. You can't travel faster than the speed of light so no, you could never travel faster than the universe is expanding. Again, you're applying earth logic to the universe. 

Depends on if we have a heat death or a cold death. The cold death is infinite the heat death is the preferred option. As that would mean the universe would contract itself back into the original singularity and eventually 'big bang' again. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

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fielding88 said:
epicurean said: What actions do you feel "The Church" is trying to control?

A big one would be sexual health/behaviour, which extends into family structures.

Why do you think they would try and control that? I mean, what is their "gain" from doing this?

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

irstupid said:
epicurean said:
For those talking about the Big Bang - I'm interested to hear the atheist view of what caused it/how it happened. I know this is purely ideas without facts, but the idea that the universe exploded into existence from basically nothing seems very...powerful. I'd love to hear your theories.

Not atheist, and not trying to answer your question. Just bringing up more questions I never can understand in regards to science.

Always thought there was a rule in science that you can't create something from nothing. So how did the big bang? or was everything all compacted into one tiny ball and exploded? What was outside that ball before it exploded? Nothing? What is nothing? Another universe? Where did that initial ball of energy/matter/ect come from. How does everything in the universe, stars, planets, matter, ect all fit into a tiny spec/ball/whatever the big bang was before the bang.

The universe is supposedly infinite, yet expanding. How can something that is infinite be expanding. What is just past the part that is expanding? Again, another universe? Nothing? How can something just be infinite. How can something never end, but in the same sense, how can something end. What would be at the end of a universe if it could end.

These "big" questions that science is always answering always seem like they have contradictions in themselves, or more questions pop up than questions get answered.

Not the job of an Atheist to provide answers to those questions, you should really try a physicist :)

Coincidently I am both (physics degree, though not actually working in the field) lol

Just let me address 1 of your questions as it's based on an incorrect assumption. You can't ask what happened "before" the big bang, as time literally only exists from the moment of the big bang. If you can wrap your head around that, then a lot of your other questions will become... meaningless.

And you don't need to imagine the big bang, you can literally see it (still) in the red shift.

epicurean said:
fielding88 said:

A big one would be sexual health/behaviour, which extends into family structures.

Why do you think they would try and control that? I mean, what is their "gain" from doing this?

Why does motive matter in this case?

ArchangelMadzz said:
irstupid said:

I'm just talking in broad terms, not trying to get into the finer details. All finer details does is make people confused and your arguing over semantics versus the general idea.

Whether all the stuff in the universe was packed into a pin prick size or if it was all some giant gas giant the size of the milky way before is exploded/expanded/whatever is besides the point.

The questions are:

1. Where did all that stuff originally come from? Was that matter/energy/ect always there. How can something always be there? Shouldn't there have to be a beginning at some point. How can something have always been? If it was created, how was something created from nothing?

2. What was outside that ball of shit? Nothing? As someone posted to me earlier, no time, no space, no nothing. How can something be nothing. If I was to somehow step outside that ball, I step into nothing? How can time not exist?

3. If the universe is ever expanding, how can it be infinite. Something infinite is infinite. you can't +1 infinity. This isn't elementary school comebacks. So if I were to travel faster than the universe is expanding, what would I run into when I get past it? Again the concept of nothing, no time/space/ect makes less sense than any magical god of any religion.

4. If there is somehow a no time/no space place, then nothing is infinite. I've heard our universe will end at some point, so then nothing inside our universe is infite. Time will end, and as with the big bang, time began at some point. If there is a place of nothing outside our universe, then our universe is not infinite.

This will never compute unless you stop putting the limitations of living on earth on the origin of the universe. 

If you're in a building you can step outside because there's always an outside. But outside of the singularity was no time and space. There was nothing, you couldn't step outside. You couldn't do anything you'd be less than the size of an atom firstly. 

The universe probably isn't infinite. You can't travel faster than the speed of light so no, you could never travel faster than the universe is expanding. Again, you're applying earth logic to the universe. 

Depends on if we have a heat death or a cold death. The cold death is infinite the heat death is the preferred option. As that would mean the universe would contract itself back into the original singularity and eventually 'big bang' again. 

See, all that seems "controlled" to me. That doesn't point to Christianity, or necessarily even to a "God", but to me (and I don't expect anyone to agree with me) if feels like something that was built, or at least manipulated. Sometimes I think we are just in a computer simulation (like Elon Musk) and "god" is the programmer. In my head, anyway, a lot fits.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Around the Network
epicurean said:
For those talking about the Big Bang - I'm interested to hear the atheist view of what caused it/how it happened. I know this is purely ideas without facts, but the idea that the universe exploded into existence from basically nothing seems very...powerful. I'd love to hear your theories.

My view is that I don't know. Obviously we don't know what happened or how it happened, and I don't get why it's so hard to accept that with our current knowledge we don't have all the answers, and why there's a need to fill in the gaps with information that hasn't been confirmed.

fielding88 said:
epicurean said:

Why do you think they would try and control that? I mean, what is their "gain" from doing this?

Why does motive matter in this case?

Going back up the thread, it was said that religion was made to control people - I'm just trying to figure out what it is people think religion is trying to control and why. If people made rules to control others, it would make sense there was a reason for it. I just don't understand why they would make a rule against sexuality if there was nothing to gain from it.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

epicurean said:
fielding88 said:

Why does motive matter in this case?

Going back up the thread, it was said that religion was made to control people - I'm just trying to figure out what it is people think religion is trying to control and why. If people made rules to control others, it would make sense there was a reason for it. I just don't understand why they would make a rule against sexuality if there was nothing to gain from it.

So why do you think they do it (unless you think that they don't actually try to control that)?

VGPolyglot said:
epicurean said:
For those talking about the Big Bang - I'm interested to hear the atheist view of what caused it/how it happened. I know this is purely ideas without facts, but the idea that the universe exploded into existence from basically nothing seems very...powerful. I'd love to hear your theories.

My view is that I don't know. Obviously we don't know what happened or how it happened, and I don't get why it's so hard to accept that with our current knowledge we don't have all the answers, and why there's a need to fill in the gaps with information that hasn't been confirmed.

That's very reasonable and probably the "correct" path. But I want to hear super cool ideas! :)


Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

In Brazil there is a thing between progressives that they try to shit over the church as much as they can... they will likely turn a blind eye on terrorism and say it have nothing to do with Islam, but will bash the church of today even for the things of millenia ago.

It have to do with the family bonds and some have an agenda to destroy it.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."