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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. January bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

quickrick said:
Aura7541 said:

December NPD included Cyber Monday, so Amazon's December rankings only told us part of the story.

well cyber money should have helped ps4 more since it was the best selling item at walmart for cyber monday in dollars amount at 199$.

That only happened on Target which is a B&M retailer and Cyber Monday's sales are mostly online.

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PS4 slim is almost 100$ more expensive than the Xbox One Slim... but its outselling it atm on amazon.
That doesnt not bode well for Xbox imo.

PS4pro & Xbox One X are neck and neck.
Monster Hunter World at nr3 :) its gonna be big I think.

Aura7541 said:
quickrick said:

well cyber money should have helped ps4 more since it was the best selling item at walmart for cyber monday in dollars amount at 199$.

That only happened on Target which is a B&M retailer and Cyber Monday's sales are mostly online.

it was was at walmart. it doesn't really matter switch had a gigantic lead vs xbone in rankings, yet xbox nearly sold the same, amazon is not a good indicator people will realize this  in 2018.

quickrick said:
Aura7541 said:

That only happened on Target which is a B&M retailer and Cyber Monday's sales are mostly online.

it was was at walmart. it doesn't really matter switch had a gigantic lead vs xbone in rankings, yet xbox nearly sold the same, amazon is not a good indicator people will realize this  in 2018.

You said the same last month.

"After NPD people will realize how useless Amazon is" lol

Ryng_Tolu said:
quickrick said:

it was was at walmart. it doesn't really matter switch had a gigantic lead vs xbone in rankings, yet xbox nearly sold the same, amazon is not a good indicator people will realize this  in 2018.

You said the same last month.

"After NPD people will realize how useless Amazon is" lol

it was useless. if you looked at amazon you think switch was destroying xbox, yet it only out sold it by 9%, ps4 had 2 sku's above xbox, yet xbox out sold it by like 20%, how was it it not useless?

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quickrick said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

You said the same last month.

"After NPD people will realize how useless Amazon is" lol

it was useless. if you looked at amazon you think switch was destroying xbox, yet it only out sold it by 9%, ps4 had 2 sku's above xbox, yet xbox out sold it by like 20%, how was it it not useless?

Holidays is probably a bad time to use amazon because of the many deals from other retailers going round to offset the sales data. Even then Amazon gets it right most of the time. The rest of the year Amazon rarely gets it wrong. 

quickrick said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

You said the same last month.

"After NPD people will realize how useless Amazon is" lol

it was useless. if you looked at amazon you think switch was destroying xbox, yet it only out sold it by 9%, ps4 had 2 sku's above xbox, yet xbox out sold it by like 20%, how was it it not useless?

because again, XB1 outsold PS4 in November according to Amazon, and that's because the last week, which doesn't count for November NPD, XB1 sold a lot on Amazon.

NPD November ( Oct 29 to November 25 ) = PS4 > XB1
Amazon November (November 1 to November 30 ) = XB1 > PS4

NPD December ( November 26 to December 30 ) = XB1 > PS4
Amazon December ( December 1 to December 31) = PS4 > XB1

You can tell me "but on Amazon in December PS4 has absolutely destroyed XB1" , but until you prove that this gap can't be closed with the November lead, Amazon was helpfull.


And about Switch, i already said over and over that yes, Amazon overestimate Switch, since launch. Doesn't mean it is not helpfull to understand the trend. Basically:


If Switch outsell PS4 by an INSANE margin = Switch outsell PS4 by a good margin
If Switch outsell PS4 by a good margin = Switch outsell PS4 by a small margin
If Switch outsell PS4 by a small margin = PS4 outsell Switch by a small margin
If PS4 outsell Switch by a small margin = PS4 outsell Switch by a good margin

You just have to keep in mind this and you know what expect from NPD.


Right now: Switch is outselling PS4 by... idk, Insane margin? Or good margin? It surely isn't close. So at least so far, using Amazon, January looks like a Switch month for sure.

quickrick said:

it was useless. if you looked at amazon you think switch was destroying xbox, yet it only out sold it by 9%, ps4 had 2 sku's above xbox, yet xbox out sold it by like 20%, how was it it not useless?

Holidays is probably a bad time to use amazon because of the many deals from other retailers going round to offset the sales data. Even then Amazon gets it right most of the time. The rest of the year Amazon rarely gets it wrong. 

most of the months ps4/switch was basically selling the same on npd, so amazon was useless anyway you look at it, plus switch was sold out on amazon the whole year till like the end of september, so amazon was telling us anything anyway.

Ryng_Tolu said:
quickrick said:

it was useless. if you looked at amazon you think switch was destroying xbox, yet it only out sold it by 9%, ps4 had 2 sku's above xbox, yet xbox out sold it by like 20%, how was it it not useless?

because again, XB1 outsold PS4 in November according to Amazon, and that's because the last week, which doesn't count for November NPD, XB1 sold a lot on Amazon.

NPD November ( Oct 29 to November 25 ) = PS4 > XB1
Amazon November (November 1 to November 30 ) = XB1 > PS4

NPD December ( November 26 to December 30 ) = XB1 > PS4
Amazon December ( December 1 to December 31) = PS4 > XB1

You can tell me "but on Amazon in December PS4 has absolutely destroyed XB1" , but until you prove that this gap can't be closed with the November lead, Amazon was helpfull.


And about Switch, i already said over and over that yes, Amazon overestimate Switch, since launch. Doesn't mean it is not helpfull to understand the trend. Basically:


If Switch outsell PS4 by an INSANE margin = Switch outsell PS4 by a good margin
If Switch outsell PS4 by a good margin = Switch outsell PS4 by a small margin
If Switch outsell PS4 by a small margin = PS4 outsell Switch by a small margin
If PS4 outsell Switch by a small margin = PS4 outsell Switch by a good margin

You just have to keep in mind this and you know what expect from NPD.


Right now: Switch is outselling PS4 by... idk, Insane margin? Or good margin? It surely isn't close. So at least so far, using Amazon, January looks like a Switch month for sure.

like i said before we havent had switch really available  at amazon the whole year, so this year will tell us the story of how accurate it is. I mean look, switch out sold xbox by a insane margin in December, but it out sold it by a small margin in NPD. 

Last edited by quickrick - on 16 January 2018

palou said:
KLAMarine said:


Gone now, but xbox was at 2 for a while



^Excellent post up there by Cereza i mean Ryng. Thats how I also see it. 

Last edited by Jranation - on 16 January 2018

Pocky Lover Boy!