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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. January bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Just snagged up a PS4 Elex collector's edition for $42.90 on amazon. The regular edition was 39.99, so an extra 3 bucks bought so much more. It's still low but not as low now, it's up to $46. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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RolStoppable said:
quickrick said:

Thats your opinion, to me it's unknown. i mean we can look at sales data and say no way would 3ds end up at only 75 million, same thing for wiiu 14 million, or even wii, there is no way it would just do 100 million. you never know what a console might end up at, and today market is very different then anytime before it.

lol notice i never mentioned ps4 winning in a huge margin in December, but november it was a giving, besides people insulted or called me crazy/fanboy for making the right prediction in november. 

It's disingenious to portray pre-launch expectations as the same as expectations after 9-10 months of sales. There's a lot more clarity after almost a year of sales. You know if a system has struggled or if it's riding a wave of success, so it's quite straightforward to predict how things will continue.

In 2017 we had Switch win 6 out of 9 NPDs it was avaiable in (December is still pending). Switch's losses came in a month of heavy supply constraints (May), a month with Gold and Silver Editions for the PS4 (June) and in Black Friday month (November, $199 PS4). Switch has one special win (launch month March), but the general trend was that in an ordinary month for all consoles, Switch comes out on top. This can be expected to continue in 2018 and Amazon should be a quite reliable indicator for sales. In the last four years there have been only one or two occasions where Amazon wasn't representative.

Let's be honest, Nintendo consoles have been all over the place as of late. After a year or two of the Wii, people were calling it the PS2 killer. It was going take that crown. What happened? After 3 years it started nosediving and had to crawl past 100M, not even matching the PS1. The Wii U was going to be a big hit, it was the follow up to the Wii, after all. And it had a year of no competition. What happened? It failed to even hit 20M.  Then, we had the great shrinkage in the handheld market, leading to the 3DS to only hit half of the DS, while Sony completely bowed out. 

The point is no one knows. It could continue to do well and completely blow past the 3DS. It could start to lose steam in a couple of years, putting it around the 3DS in the end. Or it could start falling hard in a year or two, as casuals move on to something else. Personally, I think it's going to be the middle one, but who knows.

Bandorr said:

Monster hunter: PS4 - #18.
Monster hunter: XB1 - #108.

(D1E = Day one edition)
DB: FZ D1E PS4 - #32
DB: FZ D1E XB1 - #181

For those interested.


Why is XB1 and PS4 very low compared to Switch? Out of stock?

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Jranation said:
Why is XB1 and PS4 very low compared to Switch? Out of stock?


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quickrick said:
i'm changing my prediction. it looks like switch sold around 1.4 million for December, that shouldn't really beat ps4.

Sry, but what's point of prediction if you constantly changing your prediction, in that case predictions totally lose point. When you gave your prediction, than stick to that prediction like rest of us, not constantly changing it.



Ryng_Tolu said:
quickrick said:
i'm changing my prediction. it looks like switch sold around 1.4 million for December, that shouldn't really beat ps4.

LMAO, you had PS4 at 1.25 million and Switch at 1.35 million in your last prediction, what makes you think that now PS4 will win with Switch being at least 1.4 million?


Also, "around" 1.4 million is not even correct. Since you like to have Switch as low as possible in November , you should know that the less it sold in November, the more it sold in December, because the 1.4 million come from 4.8 million - LT sales of November.


If you have 760k for November, then:

4.8 million - 3.373.000 (Switch sales using 760k in Nov) = you have over 1.427 million in December. But, most important, it's OVER 4.8 million.

Over mean it sold minimum 4.8 million.  So, yeah........... is not around 1.4 million

So I guess I was right when I wrote that Switch will sell around 1.5m. :)


quickrick said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

they said over 2.6 million for October it was over by 10k. I'm pretty sure if nintedo was the best selling console in December they would have stated it.

They cant stated if they dont have results for PS4 and XB1, and statement that Switch is best selling console ever in first 10 months on market in US is definitely much stronger statement than they win December NPD.


quickrick said:
StarDoor said:

Speaking of October, did you know that Nintendo announced 2.6 million on the 2nd of November, but they didn't announce anything about winning the month until the 16th of November?

Seriously, you'd think that it would be obvious that Nintendo doesn't have sales data for other companies until NPD releases it.

Yea that true by sony been selling over 1.5 million ps4 for the past 2 years i see no reason for the decline this year.

Well this November PS4 had best deals until now and best selling November until now, so probably some people bought PS4 in November earlier than they would in December, so November BF deals could easily affected December sales for PS4. PS4 is most likly down MoM from November to December.

12 hours since last update.

#07 NS Neon (up 1)
#10 NS Grey (up 1)
#24 XB1 Forza (same)
#33 PS4 Fool's Edition (same)
#35 PS4 Star Wars (down 1)
#61 XB1X (down 2)
#62 PS4 Pro (up 3)
#63 XB1 Minecraft (up 6)

SOFTWARE (Pre-orders Only)**:
#64 PS4 Dissidia Final Fantasy (new)

Does not affect this month: *
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **

PS4: 3 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
XB1: 3 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NIS:  2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 2 in the top 20 / 2 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5

Jranation said:
Why is XB1 and PS4 very low compared to Switch? Out of stock?

The Switch is the fashionable console at the moment, and likely for a long time. Both the PS4 and the XB1 now rely on bundles, price cuts and exclusives (or exclusive deals) to push numbers. 


The PS5 Exists. 

Are  quickrick and Lawlight the same person ?

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Are  quickrick and Lawlight the same person ?

I've often wondered this!



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!