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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2017 NPD Thread! PS4 > XBO > Switch

zorg1000 said:
palou said:

It's more that the heavy boost you see in November is usually attributed to the deals of Black Friday. Without incentives, the holiday purchases are more concentrated on December (which is verifiable, when looking at historical data.)

Especially for Nintendo, 3DS & Wii U typically saw sales double from Nov to Dec.

They either have stock or they dont!

Im confused!

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ThisGuyFooks said:
zorg1000 said:

Especially for Nintendo, 3DS & Wii U typically saw sales double from Nov to Dec.

They either have stock or they dont!

Im confused!

Im confused, i have no idea what you are talking about.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
ThisGuyFooks said:

They either have stock or they dont!

Im confused!

Im confused, i have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you predicting that Switch sales will double this month based on historical Nintendo data?

ThisGuyFooks said:
zorg1000 said:

Im confused, i have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you predicting that Switch sales will double this month based on historical Nintendo data?

I think and hope he just means Nintendo does better in December.


Acevil said:
ThisGuyFooks said:

Are you predicting that Switch sales will double this month based on historical Nintendo data?

I think and hope he just means Nintendo does better in December.

Me too, specially because he has been one of the biggest proponents of the Switch "stock issue" thesis around here.

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acdcste said:
quickrick said:

ERRR t's available at every major retailer online, means anyone can buy it easily, if it's not sold out online the it sure as hell isn't in stores , because retailers keep a certain amount just for stores when there getting low in stock. what the people evidence that sold out? tales from my ass?

I’ve just done a thirty second search. I’m uk and went on amazon. Grey sold out, multi coloured sold out mario bundle available the 9th. So yeah, it’s not available “everywhere”.

edit. The multi coloured has one left in stock. So massively available as you can see.

instead of going to each retailer and checking you can just go to a site like

it will easily tell you if its in stock

ThisGuyFooks said:
Acevil said:

I think and hope he just means Nintendo does better in December.

Me too, specially because he has been one of the biggest proponents of the Switch "stock issue" thesis around here.

What? That is absolutely not true, I barely ever say anything about Nintendo stock.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

ThisGuyFooks said:
zorg1000 said:

Im confused, i have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you predicting that Switch sales will double this month based on historical Nintendo data?

Probably not double but it will likely do better by a decent margin, i still have no idea what last post has to do with anything?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
ThisGuyFooks said:

Are you predicting that Switch sales will double this month based on historical Nintendo data?

Probably not double but it will likely do better by a decent margin, i still have no idea what last post has to do with anything?

I may be confusing you with other Charter bro, im sorry if i did!

zorg1000 said:
Pagan said:

750k? For a new console and with a good stock?

Thats really bad. The switch can sell as much as they want in dec. BF was in November. I am really really dissapointed.

Its not really bad, its not amazing but its far from bad.

First post-launch Nov NPD
Wii U-225k

It did better than everyone but Wii, PS4 and XBO.

Taking this into consideration, I think we should pump the brakes on assuming doom and gloom for the Switch. It sold reasonably well for a first year console that has had no BF bundles or discounts (though you could argue about the Odyssey and Splatoon bundles and even then they are now pretty much sold out), is still building it’s library, and was competing against consoles with great BF deals and 4+ year old libraries. PS4 and Xbone sold great, kudos to those two. But it’s not an indicator that the Switch is waning in popularity or that the Switch will lose all momentum in 2018. If the journey of the Xbone post-beating the PS4 on BF about couple years ago or even the history of the 3DS have taught us anything; is that you never know what will happen down the pipeline. There are games that have yet to be announced.