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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

KLAMarine said:
Battlefront 2 is dead

I was expecting the game to be a huge hit but it looks like it has underwhelmed. Loot box controversy perhaps combined with people feeling let down by the first one?

I would say that it was A) not nearly competitively priced enough and B) really won't see a boost until VIII comes out.

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Here's my personal breakdown of November. Anyone is free to put their own breakdown of the month if they so choose:

PS4 from Nov 19 through Nov 22 > XB1X sales + preorders
XB1S BF online > PS4 BF online
XB1S before Nov 19 > PS4 before Nov 19 + COD & BF2 bundle preorders

i'm sorry to say that,but i'm happy battlefront is not doing so well.

Aura7541 said:

Here's my personal breakdown of November. Anyone is free to put their own breakdown of the month if they so choose:

PS4 from Nov 19 through Nov 22 > XB1X sales + preorders
XB1S BF online > PS4 BF online
XB1S before Nov 19 > PS4 before Nov 19 + COD & BF2 bundle preorders



Didnt Xbox do really well previous holidays as well?

How come that the brand just works during these times despite being outpaced all year long prior to that?

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Mbolibombo said:
Didnt Xbox do really well previous holidays as well?

How come that the brand just works during these times despite being outpaced all year long prior to that?

MS really likes to bring on the holiday deals; this year was just unique, in that Sony did the same.

Xbox should be above Playstation comfortably this month. If a new console launch and the PS4 having stock issues in so many places doesn't lead to a big victory, MS should be worried. 300k above at least

celador said:
Xbox should be above Playstation comfortably this month. If a new console launch and the PS4 having stock issues in so many places doesn't lead to a big victory, MS should be worried. 300k above at least

300k? An insider who has a lot of data says NPD will be very close between the 3. So even with those preorders it’s very close.

celador said:
Xbox should be above Playstation comfortably this month. If a new console launch and the PS4 having stock issues in so many places doesn't lead to a big victory, MS should be worried. 300k above at least

300k is way too much. Even with the pre orders PS4 did really well on BF. I don't see the gap being more than 150k.

Amazon doesn’t have stock for SMO as it’s being sold by a third. Can’t image what will be the numbers of this game who hasn’t left the top 5 in weeks