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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I'm hyped for Nintendo's 2018.

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What do you want most next year?

Kirby Star Allies 9 2.09%
Yoshi 6 1.39%
Fire Emblem 52 12.06%
Retro's game already! 62 14.39%
Metroid Prime 4 118 27.38%
Pokémon 60 13.92%
Super Smash Bros. 29 6.73%
Animal Crossing 37 8.58%
Something else entirely 41 9.51%
see results 17 3.94%
ryuzaki57 said:
Do they have enough for the whole year though? Q1 is totally barren for Switch and loaded with PS4 games, and Q1 games won't magically appear now. I strongly hope FE can land mid-year or fall, SMTV looks for 2019... Pokemon for the holidays would be great but that would be too fast for a new gen. I would be in for cool remake with insane graphics or a more original concept like Colosseum on the GameCube. Anyway, Switch will have a hard time making the difference with PS4 as things are now.

Kirby Star Allies could be in March, but yeah January and February are definitely gonna be empty at this point. However that doesn't at all speak for the rest of the year. We knew nothing about Switch's 2017 line-up (besides Zelda) this time last year afterall.

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ryuzaki57 said:
Do they have enough for the whole year though? Q1 is totally barren for Switch and loaded with PS4 games, and Q1 games won't magically appear now. I strongly hope FE can land mid-year or fall, SMTV looks for 2019... Pokemon for the holidays would be great but that would be too fast for a new gen. I would be in for cool remake with insane graphics or a more original concept like Colosseum on the GameCube. Anyway, Switch will have a hard time making the difference with PS4 as things are now.

Q1 games certainly could "magically" appear


1,2 Switch was announced in Jan and released in March

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe announced in Jan and released in April

Mario+Rabbids announced in June and released in August

Pokken DX announced in June and released in Sept

LA Noire & Doom were announced in Sept and scheduled to release in Nov


Thats just a small portion of Switch games that released 2-3 months after being announced. Nintendo will likely have a major Direct in Dec or Jan with a huge focus on Q1/Q2 titles.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Lonely_Dolphin said:
ryuzaki57 said:
Do they have enough for the whole year though? Q1 is totally barren for Switch and loaded with PS4 games, and Q1 games won't magically appear now. I strongly hope FE can land mid-year or fall, SMTV looks for 2019... Pokemon for the holidays would be great but that would be too fast for a new gen. I would be in for cool remake with insane graphics or a more original concept like Colosseum on the GameCube. Anyway, Switch will have a hard time making the difference with PS4 as things are now.

Kirby Star Allies could be in March, but yeah January and February are definitely gonna be empty at this point. However that doesn't at all speak for the rest of the year. We knew nothing about Switch's 2017 line-up (besides Zelda) this time last year afterall.

I think Kirby Star Allies will arrive in February and in April we will see Yoshi. Octopath Traveler in March would be great.

there's that leaker from neogaf who said that gta V would come to switch.Just announce that on january and you already selled a lot of switches

Mar1217 said:
DélioPT said:
I'm not excited, to be honest.

Nintendo frontloaded their 1st year with 3D Mario, Zelda, MK, Splatoon.
Obviously, Nintendo won't use their remaining system selling IPs (AC, 2D Mario, Pokémon, Smash, Luigi's Mansion, MK9) in 2018.
That being said, i expect fewer traditional system sellers and they probably won't be as effective as the highly praised Zelda and Mario + Splatoon 2 and MK game.

Also, whatever new IPs they might have coming, it remains to be seen if they can be system selling franchises or not.

There's a lot of IFs for me to be excited for 2018.

AC is already a given since the announcement of AC Camp pocket.

We'll probably learn something from Retro Studios new game(probably a new IP)

We already have solid 2D(or 2.5D) platformer announcements with Kirby Star Allies,Yoshi

NMH 3, Octopath Traveler and DQXI are all great 3rd party games (2 of them are exclusive) coming next year. + I fully expect other 3rd party Japanese exclusive to join soon.

Otherwise, we still have a big Nintendo Direct coming up for Holidays and 2018 titles, so I would expect at least 1 or 2 big reveals.

And maybe .. MAYBE we'll get our hands on Metroid Prime 4 at the end of 2018.

2017 was probably frontloaded, but it doesn't mean doom for the rest of the Switch cycle lol. It gives Nintendo an opportunity to even do other big 3D titles with Mario and Zelda during this cycle with a sequel to BOTW and maybe an expansion of Odyssey later on.

But yeah, lots of IFs.

Yeah, i'm expecting AC to come out "soon", due to the mobile game.

It's about time we know what Retro has been working on since (late) 2013.
Really hope it's FPS related. Nintendo needs to create a market for those gamers on Switch (Splatoon 2 is not enough).

I'll agree that DQXI is a great title, but the other two... OT is a new, unproven franchise; NMH never was a good selling franchise, anyway.

After the lackluster E3, i'm expecting them to come out and reveal their 2018 plans, soon... and when i say soon, i mean this year! :)

I really, really doubt you'll get Metroid next year.
They couldn't even reveal anything more than a name during E3... and if i'm mistaken, Reggie said that the project was greenlighted and because of that they wanted to share it with fans. 2019, if things go really well. IF...

I can see a new Zelda, easily. A Mario expansion? Hmmm... Nintendo's not too keen on Mario expansions. Not that they won't do it (we already have the DLC for NSMB 2 and NSMB U), but i wouldn't get my hopes up.
A sequel or a new game seems more likely.

About japanese 3rd party support: it's a tough call. The support has been mostly ports and Capcom is pretty much m.i.a..
To be honest i think that if there's an increase of games from japanese developers, it will be more ports than original games.
Japanese devs were probably caught off-guard, too. 
We might see more ports of recent games than old games, though.

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zorg1000 said:
curl-6 said:

To an extent, though Wii U's smaller base didn't stop games like Mario, Smash, and Splatoon pulling in 4 million plus.

Those franchises should be crossing 10 million easily, not struggling to hit 5 million

I'm not saying Wii U's poor performance didn't hurt them, but there were still Wii U games that sold in the 5-8 million range, while TF couldn't even reach 2m. So I think Wii U alone doesn't account for the game's sales shortfall by series standards.

Peach_buggy said:
curl-6 said:

I think a lot of TF's sales shortcomings were because it wasn't what people wanted from Retro's first HD game, especially on a system already overcrowded with mascot platformers.

Didn't buy it myself but heard it was a really good game. Your explanation makes perfect sense tho.  Anything not named Mario, Smash or Splatoon struggled on the Wii u but Donkey Kong especially was way down on its normal sales expectations.

Yeah Tropical Freeze was a very good game, but it wasn't the right game for its time.

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

I'm not saying Wii U's poor performance didn't hurt them, but there were still Wii U games that sold in the 5-8 million range, while TF couldn't even reach 2m. So I think Wii U alone doesn't account for the game's sales shortfall by series standards.

Yeah Tropical Freeze was a very good game, but it wasn't the right game for its time.

To be honest I think it's fair to say Donkey Kong doesn't have as much of a place in the market these days. Returns sold amazingly on the Wii, sure, but that was on a huge userbase and it was the first DKC game in nearly 15 years, so it had that nostalgia hype going for it.

Now, however, I think most people just don't care as much. Platformers are not exactly the biggest market in gaming today and when it comes to Nintendo, DKC is obviously overshadowed by Mario (and even more so when Mario has also been getting 2D games all the time). It's easy to blame the Wii U for Tropical Freeze's sales, but then you look at Returns 3D and notice that the situation wasn't much better even on such a large userbase (well yeah, it was just a port, but still the only DKC game on the console). But more importantly, it's just better to not have those kinds of expectations, because I think in the end the 2 million range is pretty good for DKC actually.

Pretty much, yeah, DKC itself seems kinda redundant these days. I suspect if they made a Switch sequel to TF it wouldn't set the sales charts on fire either.

Mar1217 said:
curl-6 said:
Yeah Tropical Freeze was a very good game, but it wasn't the right game for its time.

Well, at least people now are recognizing it's greatness ! Better late than ever ;)

I think people recognized its quality back in 2014, it just wasn't necessarily what people wanted. Kinda like getting a really nice pasta when what you wanted was a pizza. I mean, you appreciate how nice the pasta is, but you still kinda wish it was pizza instead.

Mar1217 said:
curl-6 said:

I think people recognized its quality back in 2014, it just wasn't necessarily what people wanted. Kinda like getting a really nice pasta when what you wanted was a pizza. I mean, you appreciate how nice the pasta is, but you still kinda wish it was pizza instead.

Still would argue this mindshared has increased at the end of the WiiU cycle when people where doing their reminiscence of the "old good" WiiU days.

The "good old" Wii U days? Man, the Wii U were days were freaking awful, I wouldn't reminisce about those any more than I'd reminisce about being in jail for 5 years. XD

The return of "Prime".