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Mar1217 said:
DélioPT said:
I'm not excited, to be honest.

Nintendo frontloaded their 1st year with 3D Mario, Zelda, MK, Splatoon.
Obviously, Nintendo won't use their remaining system selling IPs (AC, 2D Mario, Pokémon, Smash, Luigi's Mansion, MK9) in 2018.
That being said, i expect fewer traditional system sellers and they probably won't be as effective as the highly praised Zelda and Mario + Splatoon 2 and MK game.

Also, whatever new IPs they might have coming, it remains to be seen if they can be system selling franchises or not.

There's a lot of IFs for me to be excited for 2018.

AC is already a given since the announcement of AC Camp pocket.

We'll probably learn something from Retro Studios new game(probably a new IP)

We already have solid 2D(or 2.5D) platformer announcements with Kirby Star Allies,Yoshi

NMH 3, Octopath Traveler and DQXI are all great 3rd party games (2 of them are exclusive) coming next year. + I fully expect other 3rd party Japanese exclusive to join soon.

Otherwise, we still have a big Nintendo Direct coming up for Holidays and 2018 titles, so I would expect at least 1 or 2 big reveals.

And maybe .. MAYBE we'll get our hands on Metroid Prime 4 at the end of 2018.

2017 was probably frontloaded, but it doesn't mean doom for the rest of the Switch cycle lol. It gives Nintendo an opportunity to even do other big 3D titles with Mario and Zelda during this cycle with a sequel to BOTW and maybe an expansion of Odyssey later on.

But yeah, lots of IFs.

Yeah, i'm expecting AC to come out "soon", due to the mobile game.

It's about time we know what Retro has been working on since (late) 2013.
Really hope it's FPS related. Nintendo needs to create a market for those gamers on Switch (Splatoon 2 is not enough).

I'll agree that DQXI is a great title, but the other two... OT is a new, unproven franchise; NMH never was a good selling franchise, anyway.

After the lackluster E3, i'm expecting them to come out and reveal their 2018 plans, soon... and when i say soon, i mean this year! :)

I really, really doubt you'll get Metroid next year.
They couldn't even reveal anything more than a name during E3... and if i'm mistaken, Reggie said that the project was greenlighted and because of that they wanted to share it with fans. 2019, if things go really well. IF...

I can see a new Zelda, easily. A Mario expansion? Hmmm... Nintendo's not too keen on Mario expansions. Not that they won't do it (we already have the DLC for NSMB 2 and NSMB U), but i wouldn't get my hopes up.
A sequel or a new game seems more likely.

About japanese 3rd party support: it's a tough call. The support has been mostly ports and Capcom is pretty much m.i.a..
To be honest i think that if there's an increase of games from japanese developers, it will be more ports than original games.
Japanese devs were probably caught off-guard, too. 
We might see more ports of recent games than old games, though.