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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Super Mario Odyssey will help Nintendo take November from Microsoft. Sony wont slouch either.


Who do you think will sell more units this holiday?

Nintendo 363 68.11%
Microsoft 26 4.88%
Sony 144 27.02%
Valdney said:
Flilix said:

Mario Odyssey?


Yes. I am not gonna buy it. 

Even not if it ends up being absolutely amazing?

Around the Network

Odyssey only has 4 days in October so most of it's system selling power will be in November. The Xbox One X will inflate numbers a bit from people who are upgrading their Xbox(s). PS4 has a shot in being 3rd place in November. If Nintendo makes enough SNES minis then NPD might have it in 4th.

I guess there is a first for everything.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Worldwide I don't think so. Xbox One will get a healthy boost in North America and Europe, and Nintendo isn't particularly big in Europe right now. Even when you take into account the fact that Europe has had a healthy supply of Switch's for a while ... I just don't see it happening.

I also doubt these rumors about the Switch shipping 2 mil per month. If it did? It *could* beat the Xbox One.

The PS4 though ? ... Nah ... I mean maaaaaaaaaaaaybbbbbbbbbbbe in the US, definitely in Japan. Europe will be too big to have Sony lose, and the US will see all three companies succeed without a hitch. Sony sold 18 mil PS4's last year, 6.2 of them were during the holiday season. I just can't see the Switch beating that.

Edit: Oh shit, this is just about November? Then i'd say in the US : Switch > XBOX > PS4

Ganoncrotch said:

Between now and Christmas we're going to see Doom, Skyrim, Xenoblade2 and Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch.

What big games are dropping for the other platforms? I know the X1X is coming but what actual games are coming that would possibly warrant the brand jumping in popularity almost 7fold?


Keep in mind - Nintendo are the only company right now to have 2 separate machines pumping out over 10k units per week as well... that is to say the 3ds sold over 100k last week tracked on VGchartz, just as an addition to the 200k Switch consoles sold. While the Switch/PS4 battle is close each week, in terms of total units the 3DS offers way more to Sony than the combined PS3/Vita ever could hope.

Do not underestimate Microsoft in November  quarter out of any time of. They are might suck at making games but they make great hardware bundles and special editions. They sell like hot cakes over the holiday seasons and it helps them stay survive in hardware sales even when they lose marketshare.

TheBraveGallade said:
ninty wins if you include 3DS. pokemon is still huge after all.

otherwise.. I think switch may be able to push 3 mil holiday, looking at how the grey verion is in stock on amazon now.

Don't worry about the 3ds. This is about actual console sales for novembe. When Pokémon switch drops the switch is going surge in sales if it continues to sell like a traditional handheld.

Around the Network
Flilix said:
Valdney said:


Yes. I am not gonna buy it. 

Even not if it ends up being absolutely amazing?

In that case, yeah, I will buy it.

arcaneguyver said:
I wonder if stock will be a problem for Switch. I've seen quite a few on the shelves lately...I'm thinking Ninty might be serious about having enough on hand for holiday 2017.

Nintendo is expecting shipment increases soon.

JRPGfan said:

in the US? Nintendo could well take the holidays.
Worldwide? I think Sony takes it.

Nintendo just dont make enough Switch this first year to outsell the PS4.

Nintendo will make another 5-6m to sell these last 3 months.
PS4 is going to sell more than that in the holidays.


Qwark said:
US and Japan Nintendo
Worldwide Playstation

^ this.

Yes, this was my thought as well. Nintnedo will take the holidays and Sony will take the year Because of their shipment issues. Sony will still sell well but I don't know if I see them beating nintnedo in its second year as long as nintnedo has competent content to keep mindshare squarely on the switch.





In my eyes, the Xbox One X is a premium product and will sell like so. As others have pointed out it supposedly has smaller allocations (I think there was a report on it for the UK). Seeing how Xbox has done the last NPDs too, i'd expect Sony and Nintendo to beat Microsoft out.

You underestimated Microsoft. Even when the Wii was selling well Microsoft still performed at its years best during the holiday every year last gen. It's what's holding their threds together with little exclusive software and mindshare. Plus... Xbox is more popular among teenagers in the us. It's not the same with adults who are the majority.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
In my eyes, the Xbox One X is a premium product and will sell like so. As others have pointed out it supposedly has smaller allocations (I think there was a report on it for the UK). Seeing how Xbox has done the last NPDs too, i'd expect Sony and Nintendo to beat Microsoft out.

You underestimated Microsoft. Even when the Wii was selling well Microsoft still performed at its years best during the holiday every year last gen. It's what's holding their threds together with little exclusive software and mindshare. Plus... Xbox is more popular among teenagers in the us. It's not the same with adults who are the majority.

Hmmm, perhaps, i'm unsure of the numbers that the X1 did last year in the same timeframe so i can't be sure. However, the Xbox brand from the days of the 360 have fallen , of course not to the point of infamy but it isn't as popular as it was in that day. I too believe that it has popularity amongst teenagers and the like, but, at least around Europe where I live, Playstation seems to be the more popular choice now (Of course, the situation in the USA will vary). Plus, Nintendo and Playstation have a strong showing when it comes to software, something which the X1 will be lacking, as as previously mentioned the X1X is limited in stock and in its target market, being the ones willing to shell out that amount of money. This I guess it a more expanded explanation of why I think as mentioned. But if I am underestimating Microsoft and they do exceed Playstation/Nintendo, there's no harm that happening! (Unless you're someone who's deeply involved in the console wars)


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