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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FIFA 18 on Switch accounted for 1% of all UK physical copies sold

Darwinianevolution said:
Miyamotoo said:
Actually we had informations that Switch version was sold out, so number couldn't be bigger. In any case its NO 7 on individual SKUs.

If that's the case, then EA has really hurt its sales in the long run. I don't know if they've distributed a bigger share of copies elsewhere, but if they haven't, then most people are going to buy it where their friends do. Then again, it might be part of EA's plan to have an excuse to pull another "unprecedented partnership".

Amazon is actually sold out of FIFA Switch and GAME is doing 'one person customer'


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Good! Hope this keep other ”yearly” sports showelware off the system.

Nintendo always get shit for releasing Mario, Zelda etc on each new system but somehow EA gets away with releasing the exact same games with graphics tweaks each year

Yes I said it, NHL, FIFA etc plays the same now as it did in 1996. It’s just looks a bit better.

Miyamotoo said:

Amazon is actually sold out of FIFA Switch and GAME is doing 'one person customer'

So you're telling me it's not out of stock and the number could have been higher.

There's plenty of places to pick the game up. have stock, Argos have stock, Game have stock, Tesco have stock... Amazon's the only place I've looked that doesn't.

The game did poorly in the UK, excuses aren't needed.

JRPGfan said:

But look at LegoWorlds.... 44%!

Switch users showing taste & class, and getting a non fifa game instead :p

I think the obvious solution is Lego Fifa games. Next year just make all the players Lego.

The Switch can move software, but much like Wii, Wii U, and 3DS, its not gonna thrive on the software people play on Sony or MS consoles.

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Random_Matt said:
UK is a weak market for Nintendo, everyone knows this. Wasn't even thread worthy.

A sales thread on a sales website isn't thread worthy?

Joke post, right?

tbone51 said:

On gaf they are saying not yet. EA didnt expect this to sell that much im guessing

Retailers will have placed the order unless EA was able to convince them to stuff the channels.

So that means retailers weren't expecting it to do much.

Judging by the fact that *most* (but not all) seem to have it in stock, it seems they were correct about the shipment sizes they ordered.

Except Amazon, who evidently got it way wrong.

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And that 1% was enough to make it the week's best selling Switch game there, that's the worrisome part. Just how low is Nintendo's presence in the UK?

GribbleGrunger said:
tbone51 said:

Congratulations you played yourself, Good job showing your biased lmao. Post like this show how unintelligent someone is i had a good laugh. Others have already said what needed to be said as well ill take my leave


Edit: this guy is shitting on us nintendo fans, grab the pitchforks now

Jesus Christ, it's got nothing to do with bias. So tell me, why did it sell so little on the Switch? Everyone who bought the Switch already had a PS4 or an XB1? No copies of FIFA were available for the Switch? Switch owners didn't know it was releasing on the Switch? MY explanation is just the most 'obvious'. 

People who bought the Switch didn't buy FIFA. Now, I wonder why Nintendo struggles to get third party support. How obvious does this have to be? I'm not knocking the Switch, I'm merely pointing out the more likely reason for this. 

It is how you choose to point it out and why is it so surprisingly?

Their are + 8 million PS4/Xbox one's in UK sold compared to 200.000 Switch consoles.  

If we round it up to 8 million for all 3 it means that the switch has a market share of 2.5% of all consoles sold in UK. So Switch Fifa sales should be low.

Secondly those Nintendo fans but better said fifa fans indeed already have a PS4 or Xbox one to play Fifa 17/fifa16/fifa15/fifa14/fifa13 on they are not going out of their limb to buy a switch to play fifa on especially when every store in UK has PS4 fifa 18 promotions/bundles.

Your reaction is what you expect from someone new to the site or any other site where they barely talk about sales, you are a veteran on this site and you should have known better so yeah you should not be surprised to get the hate.

Mr Puggsly said:
JRPGfan said:

But look at LegoWorlds.... 44%!

Switch users showing taste & class, and getting a non fifa game instead :p

I think the obvious solution is Lego Fifa games. Next year just make all the players Lego.

The Switch can move software, but much like Wii, Wii U, and 3DS, its not gonna thrive on the software people play on Sony or MS consoles.

Unironically genious. Love it. XD

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Darwinianevolution said:
160rmf said:

I thought Switch owners were desperately needing good and complete games for the system..... What am I missing?

There you go. Fixed it for you.

What is bad and incomplete about this version of the game?

Spindel said:

Good! Hope this keep other ”yearly” sports showelware off the system.

Nintendo always get shit for releasing Mario, Zelda etc on each new system but somehow EA gets away with releasing the exact same games with graphics tweaks each year

Yes I said it, NHL, FIFA etc plays the same now as it did in 1996. It’s just looks a bit better.

You obviously miss the point of sports games, and don't expect people to take that ridiculous hyperbole in the last line to be taken seriously. I'll never understand why people don't want a certain game on a platform just because they personally don't like it and expect everyone to do the same. 

gcwy said:

Spindel said:

Good! Hope this keep other ”yearly” sports showelware off the system.

I'll never understand why people don't want a certain game on a platform just because they personally don't like it and expect everyone to do the same. 

It's a werid one isn't it. It's like going into your favorite restaurant that has 300 items on the menu and saying "I'm so glad they stopped serving shrimp, I hate shrimp."