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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Future Games You Would Like To See On The Nintendo Switch

1. Animal Crossing

The Switch could just be one of the best platforms ever suited for Animal Crossing. Being able to have both a home console experience and being able to take your town on the go and connect with friends. It also will be the first HD mainline Animal Crossing game ever which will go great with this game's beautiful artstyle.

2. 2D Mario

While 3D Mario games are great and Super Mario Odyssey could just be one of the best Mario games of all time, it's good to have a nice balance between both gameplay styles. 2D Mario games could really do with a good refresh and more adventurous take focusing on more unique artstyles and different types of worlds and enemy's that have never been seen before. 2D mario has also felt like the better style for a handheld console and sharing the joy in table top mode with friends couldn't be more suited for this game.

3. GTA V

GTA is a franchise very familar to portable devices, and with the power of the Nintendo Switch GTA V is capable of carring that on. GTA on a handheld was the reason I bought a PSP and spent many hours exploring through an open world anytime and anywhere. With Rockstar already on board with the Switch so soon with LA Noir I think it's only a matter of time before we see GTA V running on the Nintendo Switch.


I only listed 3 of the most wanted games I would like to see come to the Nintendo Switch, but there are so many more possibilities. List the games you would personally like to see come to the Nintendo Switch down below.

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1 (2.5D) Donkey Kong Country game

The best 2D platformer on Nintendo systems. It needs a new game for the Switch.


2. Super Mario Galaxy I & II (remastered) for switch.

Seriously amasing gameplay, much better than Super 3d mario world. Switch deserves ports of these games.


3. Xenoblade Chronicles (remastered)

I mean common? their doing the 2nd game soon, re-release the first game, running 1080p as a remaster.


4. Persona 3,4,5.


Cuz why not? lets get some good JRPGs on the Switch. 

That along with the SMT series of games the switch might get, and it ll be the go to place for those that love SMT/Persona.


Persona Collection (they are going to eventually remake P3 like they did with Golden, so P3 Silver, P4 Golden and P5 to the Switch).
A new Mario Strikers.
Pokemon Snap with the BotW engine. Imagine.
A new Pokemon TCG.
Valkyria Chronicles.
Megaman Zero Collection HD (come on, Capcom. Do one thing right for once).
Sonic Adventure HD (but keep the cheesy voice acting).
Jump Ultimate Stars
A Might and Magic Clash of Heroes sequel.
Kid Ikarus Uprising with decent controlls.

The full Danganrompa Trillogy.

Conception III.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

New Games:
2D Mario

Dying Light
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider
Life is Strange

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Resident Evil 4 - Because it's on every other console on the planet, might as well bring it here too!!
Horror game, horror game, HORROR GAME!! I want Nintendo to make a horror game.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch - With all of the DLC and 3DS content

Not sure what else other than that, I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed.

What i would enjoy the most for the future of the Nintendo Switch is that it become a console with a lot of diversity concerning the type of games. So i would love to experience a Dark Souls game because it's quite unique and a great franchise that could be ported to switch. I would also love to have Kingdom Hearts and Ni No Kuni franchises introduced to switch. I never played these games and i think the Switch is the perfect opportunity for their publishers to promote them and let new players have a great experience on the go.
And i don't know but for me these last two series just SHOULD be ported because all the artstyle fit perfectly right for the Switch. (at the opposite of Gta , even if it would be good news in case it is ported)

I'd be all for Persona 5.

And seeing how Skyrim is releasing, Fallout 4 would be a welcome addition to the library.


Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 1, 2 Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment.

ARamdomGamer said:

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 1, 2 Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment.

I hope that they'd have the option to go with the original soundtracks. Or if they're really ambitious, have the PS1 and PSP versions in the pack. Unless you're talking about a remake, rather than a port?