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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your top five boss battles in gaming, one per franchise

This is a rather straightforward question. Tell us your favourite boss fights in games. The catch is that you can only choose one from every franchise. That includes spiritually connected ones like Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne. So gon and tell us your favourites and why they are at the top of your charts.

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I don't think the kind of games I play specialize or even have Boss battles. Some games like Monster Hunter are really like a million boss battles. Halo never had good ones. Dark Souls is the only franchise I think I've played with great boss battles. So I guess I don't have a top 5.

The one per franchise rule really hurts my list. I feel like some franchises have a lot of amazing bosses.
1. Ganon (Ocarina of Time)
2.Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)
3. Mother Brain (Metroid)
4. Lagiacrus (Monster Hunter Tri)
5. Exodus (Ultima III: Exodus.)

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Hmmmm. The giant "snow worm" from Lost Planet was fun. Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime, that was a gratifying one to beat. Who was the guy who's head you pulled off in God Of War 3? Yeah, a good pull-the-head-off decapitation. I think God Of War in general might have my favorite boss battles.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

My favourite boss fights:

1. Chaos Witch Quelaag - Dark Souls

2. Hades - God of War 3

3. Beowulf - Devil May Cry 3

4. Kessler - Infamous

5. Mistral - Metal Gear Rising

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1. Magolor - Kirby's Return to Dreamland

2. Rundas - Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

3. Meowser - Super Mario 3D World

4. Bashmaster the Unbreakable - Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

5. Jergingha - The Wonderful 101

A few of my favourites of the top of my head.
1.Sephiroth-Final Fantasy VII/kingdom Hearts

2.Red-pokemon G/S/C/HG/SS

3.Sturm-Advance Wars

4.Dark Souls-Sif, the Great Grey Wolf

5.Jhen Mohran-Monster Hunter

1.  SotC
Only 1 per franchise... The rest of the SotC bosses would fill up this list easily.

2. Rez Infinite

So cool how it goes all around you.

3. RE7 - Jack chainsaw duel

That was one of the most intense experiences ever, in VR that is. Especially on mad house difficulty.

I generally dislike boss battles, that includes Zelda and Souls bosses. VR makes them interesting at least.
Can't really think of any other good boss fights, except more of those from the games listed above.

I can really only think of one boss fight in all of gaming that stuck with me because it was genuinely fun without any feelings of pure frustration.

Muramasa Rebirth's Giant Centipede

That game was full of spectacular bosses, and it's even better when you play on the 1-hit kills mode. I've yet to find a boss in any game that's as satisfying as slicing up those giant centipedes.

1. Karst and Agatio (Golden Sun Lost Age)
2. Jeanne 4th Battle (Bayonetta)
3. Quadraxis (Metroid Prime 2 Echoes)
4. Riku-Ansem (Kingdom Hearts)
5. Jinpachi Mishima (Tekken 5)