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Forums - Website Topics - So I guess this is goodbye! Sayounara Forever!

See you in the after life!

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AbbathTheGrim said:

Hurricane Irma is about to hit my island of Puerto Rico:





- Irma's maximum sustained winds are steady at 185 mph based on data from NOAA and Air Force Hurricane Hunter aircraft. Based on wind speed, Irma is the strongest Atlantic hurricane since Wilma in 2005 which also had maximum sustained winds of 185 mph.


So yeah, if after tomorrow you don't see my avatar showing up randomly in some thread anymore then it's just because I fucking died. :)

It has been a pleasure to come here and show my ugly head and to talk to you guys from time to time.

Anyways, goodbye and see you all in Hell! :D

If you're headed for hell i'm sure i'll see you there.  I'll give you a wave as I burn.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

I hope that doesn't keep going straight NW or I'm gonna be seeing alot of rain, wind and maybe flooding.

Good luck! Consider moving if you survive. Oceanic islands are death sentences.

Dig a hole and bury yourself while inside a sturdy container for the next couple days and you'll live.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Around the Network
AbbathTheGrim said:
killeryoshis said:

How about if I don't see you tomorrow I assume your power went out instead?  


Stay safe.

Power is expected to be gone for months in some areas, according to our Power company (which is in bankrupcy).

I think we should be overly dramatic from time to time and expect the worse just to spice things up. :P

Anyways, thanks.

death I could live with, but months without electricity/internet is inhumane torture


stay safe, but stay where you are!

lol, nah I'm kidding, I hope that you find a safe and welcomig place to go to if you ever want to leave the island

Just make sure you don't take cover in a Diner, Hurricanes are super effective on them.

Oh and good luck.

Man, good luck! I hope you and your family and friens will come out of this safe.

Pure logistic question, have you move all your furniture to a higher floor if possible?

Thank god its missing Jamaica completely. Though we may get rain. Mathew came really close last time and just went off to Haiti and trashed over there. Sometimes the Caribbean can be really fucked up. I hope you boarded up all your windows and are above sea level.

Have to invest in one of these:

(it's the panic room in Max Payne 2)

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.