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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Nintendo makes the video game industry look good

BornFirst. said:
Onyxmeth said:

It's still misleading. Violence is violence and that includes both cartoon style and realistic. My cousins weren't allowed to play any videogames with noticable violence and I had to handpick them games that my Aunt would allow. Even most Nintendo games were out of that range. A game that doesn't rely on violence is a game like Katamari Damacy or Tetris, not Zelda and Metroid. When an article is written it should be more clear on what is meant by "violence" as it's a very vague term in gaming. Here's what the ESRB rating says for Nintendo's three big Wii games:

Super Mario Galaxy-Rated E for Everyone
Mild Cartoon Violence

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-Rated T for Teen
Animated Blood
Fantasy Violence

Super Smash Bros. Brawl-Rated T for Teen
Cartoon Violence
Crude Humor

I agree that the article was referring to extreme violence based on them bringing Nintendo and kiddy into the equation, but in any case, games like Zelda, Fire Emblem, Battalion Wars and Metroid are still violent and are not meant for "everyone" as is stated.


But the article was talking about games like the Eye training game, in which that guy who plays baseball uses it to improve his eyesight. Its those types of games he is referring to anyway.


No the article began with Flash Focus and then went elsewhere, to the whole of Nintendo. This quote:

Nintendo has been able to do something that no other company in the industry is willing nor capable of -- create compelling gameplay for people of all ages without using sports or violence to do it.

This was implying that Nintendo does not use sports, nor violence to create compelling gameplay for people of all ages. It is five paragraphs down from where Flash Focus was last mentioned. Nintendo uses both violence and sports to create compelling gameplay, thus I said I didn't agree with it. Re-read the article and you'll see he was not speaking about Flash Focus in that quote. Violence means more than blood and guts. There is violence that is E rated, T rated and M rated, but all are still violence, just acceptable for different audiences. Also if you think Nintendo doesn't use sports as compelling gameplay then you know nothing about Nintendo. 

As far as the other debate we had going about story and voice acting, it's enough. It's not going anywhere and we'll have to agree to disagree on this issue. 


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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PS360ForTheWin said:
BornFirst. said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
oh wow i am never going to play a game with any violence in it ever again now, i am also going to trade my PS3 and 360 in to get a Wii and DS.......................................
NOT, heres an idea, stop the bullshit about Nintendo being better than everyone else, for fucks sake, so you like games for people who dont like violence good for you, i like games that are full of violence good for me, stop trying to convert everyone to the church of nintendo, my goodness some people are just as bad as religous fundies, instead of flaming atheists and scientists for not agreeing with your holy texts, your flaming PS3 and 360 owners for not loving nintendo.

 LOL you read that article, and somehow you got the message that Nintendo were being praised as the Best developer.

No one is interested in converting you into liking games with no violence so get off your high horse, i am glad you enjoy violent games, guess what? so do i. Maybe you should read the article a little closer and try and understand the message. What do you say?... Reading Comprehension FTW.


PS. I never understand reaction like this. 

I did not say the article said nintendo were best, i was simply venting as i dislike people trying to find reasons to get me to play nintendo consoles, wether i play them or not is my perogative, also this article does praise nintendo, it says clearly that they make the industry look good in the thread title, a claim that could be made for any console, conversely it could be said any of the companies make the industry look bad, therefore saying they make it look good is an opinion, not a fact.  Also there is no need to insult my ability to read

 P.S. i have nothing against nintendo or their consoles, infact i used to own a ds, i only have a problem with people who try to get me to play there consoles without good reasons.

I did come of on you a little harshly, so my bad. But i don't remember seeing anyone on this thread telling u to play a nintendo console, thus reacted to what you said. But right now there is a big stigma about gaming (the fact that its just about sex/violence/blood) this you can not deny.  Every other day, we are hearing about new government bills trying to censor gaming, or news about how someone killed someone else because they played a violent game. Currently there is only few pioneer's who try to show the softer parts of gaming, and in the Console industry i can only think of one company that is trying to do it. For example, weather you like brain age or not, don't you think it is a major achievements to have somebody who would never play games or think they are a waste of time buying a DS just for that game, or even a Wii for WiiSports, when more people are introduced to this kind of games, the stigma of gaming will theoretically be removed, is that not good for all of us gamers in general? 

 Back in the Day when i used to take out a gameboy in public, it was a little embarrassing, and people would stair at me wondering why a man like me would be playing a games console, funny thing is now, i could walk on a bus and see an old woman playing her DS, Thats amazing, because that in it self removes the stigma of gaming. I do not have brain age, nor do i intend to buy it, but i respect games like that, simply because it shows a softer purer side to gaming for the masses, that is the only way forward, so whilst i play MGS4 or Gears of War 2, i tip my hat to games like brain age and Wii sport/Fit. We need those type of games in this industry so it can grow, but more importantly be given the same respect as a book, music or film.

Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

Quotes to live by!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"

Onyxmeth said:
BornFirst. said:
Onyxmeth said:

It's still misleading. Violence is violence and that includes both cartoon style and realistic. My cousins weren't allowed to play any videogames with noticable violence and I had to handpick them games that my Aunt would allow. Even most Nintendo games were out of that range. A game that doesn't rely on violence is a game like Katamari Damacy or Tetris, not Zelda and Metroid. When an article is written it should be more clear on what is meant by "violence" as it's a very vague term in gaming. Here's what the ESRB rating says for Nintendo's three big Wii games:

Super Mario Galaxy-Rated E for Everyone
Mild Cartoon Violence

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-Rated T for Teen
Animated Blood
Fantasy Violence

Super Smash Bros. Brawl-Rated T for Teen
Cartoon Violence
Crude Humor

I agree that the article was referring to extreme violence based on them bringing Nintendo and kiddy into the equation, but in any case, games like Zelda, Fire Emblem, Battalion Wars and Metroid are still violent and are not meant for "everyone" as is stated.


But the article was talking about games like the Eye training game, in which that guy who plays baseball uses it to improve his eyesight. Its those types of games he is referring to anyway.


No the article began with Flash Focus and then went elsewhere, to the whole of Nintendo. This quote:

Nintendo has been able to do something that no other company in the industry is willing nor capable of -- create compelling gameplay for people of all ages without using sports or violence to do it.

This was implying that Nintendo does not use sports, nor violence to create compelling gameplay for people of all ages. It is five paragraphs down from where Flash Focus was last mentioned. Nintendo uses both violence and sports to create compelling gameplay, thus I said I didn't agree with it. Re-read the article and you'll see he was not speaking about Flash Focus in that quote. Violence means more than blood and guts. There is violence that is E rated, T rated and M rated, but all are still violence, just acceptable for different audiences. Also if you think Nintendo doesn't use sports as compelling gameplay then you know nothing about Nintendo. 

As far as the other debate we had going about story and voice acting, it's enough. It's not going anywhere and we'll have to agree to disagree on this issue. 


I stand Corrected. 

Not trying to get into another debate but you seem to be putting words in my mouth, or shall i say you are  assuming what i may be thinking  about Nintendo (bolded part).  In no way did i imply anything of that sort, so where are you pulling this from?  

Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

Quotes to live by!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"

FJ-Warez said:

Take in account all the Ninty games, not just this gen... since the beggining of the cartoons, cartoon violence means next to nothing vs realistic violence, like the old looney toons can now be viewed by everyone, most of the Nintendo games have Everyone content, or teen content in the "worst case scenario"...

Yes now there is sports related games, but none of them are the main feature, like Madden Fifa, Pes, etc... again just look at the game and you will see how most of them can be played without having a "sports/realistic violence" as the main feature of the game, orthe selling point of the game...


I already mentioned that I understand what the article was implying but that it was misleading. Also Zelda, Fire Emblem and Metroid are not viewable by everyone and I personally know children that aren't allowed to play such games. The point being made by the article but was not said is that Nintendo does not make M-Rated games, which is partly true. They do not develop them, but they do publish them in certain cases. Eternal Darkness, Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day were all published by Nintendo and I must give certain emphasis to Conker's Bad Fur Day because it actually has worse M-rated content than most M-Rated games ever released in my opinion, and does it disguised as innocence in squirrel form.

As far as your argument about the sports titles, it's wrong. The article says "sports", not cartoony sports, not realistic sports, just sports. Wii Sports is a sports game, as are any sports games starring Mario. Just because it has an arcadey feel to it does not make it less of a sports game. Blitz is a sports game with an arcadey feel to it also, but is still a sports game. Why can't you just accept that the article was poorly written? 


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

BornFirst. said:
Onyxmeth said:
BornFirst. said:
Onyxmeth said:

It's still misleading. Violence is violence and that includes both cartoon style and realistic. My cousins weren't allowed to play any videogames with noticable violence and I had to handpick them games that my Aunt would allow. Even most Nintendo games were out of that range. A game that doesn't rely on violence is a game like Katamari Damacy or Tetris, not Zelda and Metroid. When an article is written it should be more clear on what is meant by "violence" as it's a very vague term in gaming. Here's what the ESRB rating says for Nintendo's three big Wii games:

Super Mario Galaxy-Rated E for Everyone
Mild Cartoon Violence

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-Rated T for Teen
Animated Blood
Fantasy Violence

Super Smash Bros. Brawl-Rated T for Teen
Cartoon Violence
Crude Humor

I agree that the article was referring to extreme violence based on them bringing Nintendo and kiddy into the equation, but in any case, games like Zelda, Fire Emblem, Battalion Wars and Metroid are still violent and are not meant for "everyone" as is stated.


But the article was talking about games like the Eye training game, in which that guy who plays baseball uses it to improve his eyesight. Its those types of games he is referring to anyway.


No the article began with Flash Focus and then went elsewhere, to the whole of Nintendo. This quote:

Nintendo has been able to do something that no other company in the industry is willing nor capable of -- create compelling gameplay for people of all ages without using sports or violence to do it.

This was implying that Nintendo does not use sports, nor violence to create compelling gameplay for people of all ages. It is five paragraphs down from where Flash Focus was last mentioned. Nintendo uses both violence and sports to create compelling gameplay, thus I said I didn't agree with it. Re-read the article and you'll see he was not speaking about Flash Focus in that quote. Violence means more than blood and guts. There is violence that is E rated, T rated and M rated, but all are still violence, just acceptable for different audiences. Also if you think Nintendo doesn't use sports as compelling gameplay then you know nothing about Nintendo.

As far as the other debate we had going about story and voice acting, it's enough. It's not going anywhere and we'll have to agree to disagree on this issue.


I stand Corrected.

Not trying to get into another debate but you seem to be putting words in my mouth, or shall i say you are assuming what i may be thinking about Nintendo (bolded part). In no way did i imply anything of that sort, so where are you pulling this from?

Well you had mentioned that the quote was directly related to Flash Focus, and on top of that you had quoted my stance on it but left out the portion on sports games so I didn't know where you stood on that statement. That's why I said "if" in the part you bolded. I wasn't sure whether you understood Nintendo uses sports as compelling gameplay or not.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Oh right... Any way, has been a pleasure talking to you, but i am about to hit the hey, take care.

Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

Quotes to live by!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"

Onyxmeth said:
FJ-Warez said:

Take in account all the Ninty games, not just this gen... since the beggining of the cartoons, cartoon violence means next to nothing vs realistic violence, like the old looney toons can now be viewed by everyone, most of the Nintendo games have Everyone content, or teen content in the "worst case scenario"...

Yes now there is sports related games, but none of them are the main feature, like Madden Fifa, Pes, etc... again just look at the game and you will see how most of them can be played without having a "sports/realistic violence" as the main feature of the game, orthe selling point of the game...


I already mentioned that I understand what the article was implying but that it was misleading. Also Zelda, Fire Emblem and Metroid are not viewable by everyone and I personally know children that aren't allowed to play such games. The point being made by the article but was not said is that Nintendo does not make M-Rated games, which is partly true. They do not develop them, but they do publish them in certain cases. Eternal Darkness, Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day were all published by Nintendo and I must give certain emphasis to Conker's Bad Fur Day because it actually has worse M-rated content than most M-Rated games ever released in my opinion, and does it disguised as innocence in squirrel form.

As far as your argument about the sports titles, it's wrong. The article says "sports", not cartoony sports, not realistic sports, just sports. Wii Sports is a sports game, as are any sports games starring Mario. Just because it has an arcadey feel to it does not make it less of a sports game. Blitz is a sports game with an arcadey feel to it also, but is still a sports game. Why can't you just accept that the article was poorly written? 


 Lol, of course is not the best article in the world, but I can see where it goes, and I still support it, Brain Age, Nintedogs,Cooking Mama, Big Brain Academy (and maybe Tamagochi too), are some the best examples of current Nintendo Games that doesn´t feature violence as selling point and they are doing very good in sales... (Well maybe Cooking Mama not)

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
FJ-Warez said:
Onyxmeth said:
FJ-Warez said:

Take in account all the Ninty games, not just this gen... since the beggining of the cartoons, cartoon violence means next to nothing vs realistic violence, like the old looney toons can now be viewed by everyone, most of the Nintendo games have Everyone content, or teen content in the "worst case scenario"...

Yes now there is sports related games, but none of them are the main feature, like Madden Fifa, Pes, etc... again just look at the game and you will see how most of them can be played without having a "sports/realistic violence" as the main feature of the game, orthe selling point of the game...


I already mentioned that I understand what the article was implying but that it was misleading. Also Zelda, Fire Emblem and Metroid are not viewable by everyone and I personally know children that aren't allowed to play such games. The point being made by the article but was not said is that Nintendo does not make M-Rated games, which is partly true. They do not develop them, but they do publish them in certain cases. Eternal Darkness, Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day were all published by Nintendo and I must give certain emphasis to Conker's Bad Fur Day because it actually has worse M-rated content than most M-Rated games ever released in my opinion, and does it disguised as innocence in squirrel form.

As far as your argument about the sports titles, it's wrong. The article says "sports", not cartoony sports, not realistic sports, just sports. Wii Sports is a sports game, as are any sports games starring Mario. Just because it has an arcadey feel to it does not make it less of a sports game. Blitz is a sports game with an arcadey feel to it also, but is still a sports game. Why can't you just accept that the article was poorly written?


Lol, of course is not the best article in the world, but I can see where it goes, and I still support it, Brain Age, Nintedogs,Cooking Mama, Big Brain Academy (and maybe Tamagochi too), are some the best examples of current Nintendo Games that doesn´t feature violence as selling point and they are doing very good in sales... (Well maybe Cooking Mama not)

I understand too that Nintendo has non-violent, non-sport accessible games, but so do many developers. I think Sega deserves just as much credit for games like Super Monkey Ball, Sonic, Jet Set Radio and many others.  Not to mention that Zelda is only a few blood splatters away from being an M-rated game itself. The violence is just as realistic as any other fantasy game i've played.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

First off, I like Nintendo, no I LOVE Nintendo. Nintendo games are really easy to pick up and play almost immediately.

But in all honesty, while their gameplay is top-notch, Nintendo games by FAR lack the most substance. Substance being the overall experience of the game including factors such as music, storyline, emotion (not just sadness, but fear and anger as well) excitement in intense battles and the pacing of the game balancing the games length with the best parts of the game that you wish were the ENTIRE game.

Gameplay is good and all, but after playing the marios, zeldas and the metroids since the NES era, I find no purpose in the games. What I mean is, the feeling of a game, something to add meaning and depth to the gameplay. SMG gives me the same feeling as SMB3 did. While the feeling is good, I don't feel attached to the game. The thing Nintendo games seem to really have left off since last gen was the excitement factor of being killed and actually paying attention to your life. TP is ridiculously easy as is SMG compared to OoT, LttP, SMB3 and SM64. Due to this, TP and SMG are not as memorable.

Don't get me wrong, they're fun games and I play them every now and then. It's just that it's so easy to predict what is going to happen next in the games that surprises are completely non-existent.

If you're going to comment on this, please don't flame.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

Onyxmeth said:
FJ-Warez said:

Lol, of course is not the best article in the world, but I can see where it goes, and I still support it, Brain Age, Nintedogs,Cooking Mama, Big Brain Academy (and maybe Tamagochi too), are some the best examples of current Nintendo Games that doesn´t feature violence as selling point and they are doing very good in sales... (Well maybe Cooking Mama not)

I understand too that Nintendo has non-violent, non-sport accessible games, but so do many developers. I think Sega deserves just as much credit for games like Super Monkey Ball, Sonic, Jet Set Radio and many others.  Not to mention that Zelda is only a few blood splatters away from being an M-rated game itself. The violence is just as realistic as any other fantasy game i've played.


 Well with Zelda, as long as the Violence is not performed against Humans there is no problem...

And of course, there is more devs, but how many faced succes with this non games?? Monkey ball is great but somehow people didn´t love it...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."