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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your unpopular/controversial gaming opinions

Much respect to the creator, but I found Undertale's dialogue and humor to be unbearable. Way to meme-y for my tastes. I never like referential humor because it quickly dates itself and is really breaks immersion.

I also found Persona 5's plot and dialogue to be immature (from all characters, not just the teens) and shallow. All of the villains felt cartoonish and over the top, and they rehashed a lot of twists from other games. Hugely disappointed because I'd been looking forward to the game since it was hinted at and thought the style and idea was great. Maybe I'm just getting too old for teenage shenanigans. Kids these days and all that.

Those are a couple of what I imagine to my my most controversial opinions, I suppose!

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DOA would be so much better if it didn't have those jiggle features and volleyball games. They would probably be viewed as a very fun alternative to the more hardcore fighting games, but instead they get remembered as a T&A series.

I may as well throw in my unpoplular opinions.

Halo is highly overrated
Nintendo should develop new ips
Xbox 360 was superior to PS3 in terms of games, at least during the era when they had Bioshock, Mass Effect and the original Gears of Wars and Forza.
Forza is better than Gran Turismo
The 3DS is an awesome handheld
The first 2 uncharteds are boring
Call of Duty is getting old now (jk, i know everyone thinks this)
Bioshock Infinite wasnt THAT great

Mass Effect 1 is hands down better than 2, i will die by that. That is the game that got me back into games after my burnout.

I dont think a large portion of microtransactions are bad since its completely optional and as long as its not pay to win e.g-overwatch loot boxes which everyone seems to think is just horrid. I feel they did a very good job with that, if u want them, buy them if not then dont. I have no issue with a good developer trying to make extra money especially considering that its our money that helps keep good games flowing, not always but it is a necessity.

Wind Waker is shit.

Skyward Sword is shitter.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is the worst FE gameplay wise - play the way the devs want or you're dead.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is a bad game. Most of the SO games are bad but people seem to give this one a break. It's rubbish.

Metroid: Other M's gameplay is good.

God of War PS4 looks boring and clunky as hell.

Wario is Nintendo's greatest creation. It's not even a contest.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

The Switch is terribly uncomfortable - because I have large hands. The only way I can play it is with the Pro controller. So it's not much of a portable for me.

Horizon Zero Dawn > Zelda BotW. This came as a surprise to me, being a life long Zelda fan (back to playing the original NES version when it came out - and playing every major release since then).

Tutorials in games should always be optional.

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So many posts to get triggered by in this thread lol.

drk421 said:
The Switch is terribly uncomfortable - because I have large hands. The only way I can play it is with the Pro controller. So it's not much of a portable for me.

Horizon Zero Dawn > Zelda BotW. This came as a surprise to me, being a life long Zelda fan (back to playing the original NES version when it came out - and playing every major release since then).

Tutorials in games should always be optional.

You never posted for ten years and this is the thread to get you to posting?

That has to be a record. 

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

This is my 2nd post on this thread, but I feel this needs to be said.

Sony's lineup in 2018 looks very hit or miss to me. I honestly feel like God of War, Days Gone, and Spiderman all look incredibly boring. I only played God of War 3 (thanks Sony), but I feel like the new one isn't going to capitalize on the few things I found spectacular in that game. Spiderman genuinely just looks like a worse version of Arkham City with really boring quick time events and the lack of an interesting tone or atmosphere.

Days Gone and Detroit Become Human i'm a bit more conflicted about. Days Gone could be amazing, the idea of going through this open world on a motorcycle and shooting hordes of zombies. But it's something that's been replicated in multiplayer environments hundreds of times and the newly announced "focus on story" has me very worried. Detroit genuinely looks great but all of the people I trust most in gaming critique have pretty much lambasted any David Cage project, so i'm very fucking worried. Still, it looks like one of the only games to take advantage of dialogue and linearity in a good way.

Ka-pi96 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
This is my 2nd post on this thread, but I feel this needs to be said.

Sony's lineup in 2018 looks very hit or miss to me. I honestly feel like God of War, Days Gone, and Spiderman all look incredibly boring. I only played God of War 3 (thanks Sony), but I feel like the new one isn't going to capitalize on the few things I found spectacular in that game. Spiderman genuinely just looks like a worse version of Arkham City with really boring quick time events and the lack of an interesting tone or atmosphere.

Days Gone and Detroit Become Human i'm a bit more conflicted about. Days Gone could be amazing, the idea of going through this open world on a motorcycle and shooting hordes of zombies. But it's something that's been replicated in multiplayer environments hundreds of times and the newly announced "focus on story" has me very worried. Detroit genuinely looks great but all of the people I trust most in gaming critique have pretty much lambasted any David Cage project, so i'm very fucking worried. Still, it looks like one of the only games to take advantage of dialogue and linearity in a good way.

Has being ripped to pieces by a badass zombie bear been replicated hundreds of times?

Probably. I don't know. Everyone plays zombie games except me. I don't find them interesting, except The Last of Us. 

This thread is sick.