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Skyward Sword HD was handled by Tantalus, who previously handled Twilight Princess HD, Mass Effect 3, and Deus Ex Human Revolution on Wii U.

Good to see its outsourced so as not to weigh down Nintendo's internal teams.

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Skyward Sword released and all I can think about is "I really wish I could play Windwaker HD right about now" lol if only I didn't give my Wii U to my little brother hahah

I want Nintendo to port it to Switch so bad, one of my fav TLoZ games but I think the dreams dead...

Last edited by tsogud - on 16 July 2021


mZuzek said:

Not dead. They're just waiting for the right time to release it by itself without any other Zelda releases nearby, so people will eat it up for another $60. And then, do the same for Twilight Princess...

Well I hope you're both right and wrong about that. As sadly I would instantly buy it for $60 again but I really would prefer not to.. I'm my own worst enemy.


Just finished File 7 (out of 12) in Astral Chain; my only real concern at this point is, given the length of the game (I've already clocked over 10 hours) is whether it can keep its momentum and spark going for the remainder of its length without outstaying its welcome and becoming stale and repetitive as a lot of games do.

It's considerably longer than most action games, and with the level of energy it has I hope that by the last few hours it hasn't gotten tiresome.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 16 July 2021

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

Up to File 7 (out of 12) in Astral Chain; my only real concern at this point is, given the length of the game (I've already clocked over 10 hours) is whether it can keep its momentum and spark going for the remainder of its length without outstaying its welcome and becoming stale and repetitive as a lot of games do.

Its considerably longer than most action games, and with the level of energy it has I hope that by the last few hours it hasn't gotten tiresome.

It can.

Not a fan of you knowing how many files there are, but they keep a lot of variety between them. Clearest example being the moment you're at right now - file 6 being very long and drawn out, with a lot of different things to do and places to go, followed up by file 7 which is a short burst of nonstop action.

I made a mistake; I just finished File 7, up to the beginning of 8 now. I looked up how many there were just so I had an idea of how to pace myself, whether it was the kind of game I needed to play in 30 minute bursts to make it last, or if I could afford to sit down and binge an hour a day without finishing it too quickly.

I suppose I still have one more legion to collect so between that and hopefully new locations and interesting story developments 5 more files should stay interesting.

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Just started Skyward Sword HD (with motion controls, in case you were wondering. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when you get the motion controls ‘just right’ there’s no better way to play a game, and even the OG Skyward Sword got it right.)

Immediate first impressions, a free-roaming camera and 60FPS… Ohhhhh. Oh my…

Edit: I don’t know why, but every time I see Groose, I feel like watching Back to the Future.

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 17 July 2021

Digital Foundry vs Skyward Sword HD

- 1080p/60fps docked

- 720p/60fps portable

- Improved textures, shadows, and load times

CaptainExplosion said:
curl-6 said:

Digital Foundry vs Skyward Sword HD

- 1080p/60fps docked

- 720p/60fps portable

- Improved textures, shadows, and load times

And you can turn Fi off, right? :)

A lot of her hints and interruptions have been made optional apparently.

CaptainExplosion said:
PAOerfulone said:

Just started Skyward Sword HD (with motion controls, in case you were wondering. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when you get the motion controls ‘just right’ there’s no better way to play a game, and even the OG Skyward Sword got it right.)

Immediate first impressions, a free-roaming camera and 60FPS… Ohhhhh. Oh my…

Edit: I don’t know why, but every time I see Groose, I feel like watching Back to the Future.

Because he's a pompous douche with the IQ of a toddler?

But unlike Biff, he has an actual character arc and a deep down he has a heart of gold!

See, shit like this is why I love Fi! Yeah, I know she can ramble on and on and be annoying with holding your hand too much, but moments like this are what gives her character and personality beyond "robotic, sword-spirt, lady." This, trashing the verbal passage that Gaepora recites when you first meet her, back-hand insulting you for mistaking Machi the Kikwi's aura for Zelda. Basically, if you or anyone says something stupid or ignorant, she will not hesitate to drag you through the mud and make you feel like a total dipshit. Underneath that cold, steel-like, robotic exterior is a sassy, smartass bitch and I love it! She's not on Midna's level (Who is?) But she has some smoke on her!