mZuzek said:
It can. Not a fan of you knowing how many files there are, but they keep a lot of variety between them. Clearest example being the moment you're at right now - file 6 being very long and drawn out, with a lot of different things to do and places to go, followed up by file 7 which is a short burst of nonstop action. |
I made a mistake; I just finished File 7, up to the beginning of 8 now. I looked up how many there were just so I had an idea of how to pace myself, whether it was the kind of game I needed to play in 30 minute bursts to make it last, or if I could afford to sit down and binge an hour a day without finishing it too quickly.
I suppose I still have one more legion to collect so between that and hopefully new locations and interesting story developments 5 more files should stay interesting.