Nintendo will participate in E3 this year:
Huge relief in my opinion, the lack of one last year was horrible
Last edited by curl-6 - on 07 April 2021Nintendo will participate in E3 this year:
Huge relief in my opinion, the lack of one last year was horrible
Last edited by curl-6 - on 07 April 2021Data miners have discovered that the patch for Switch was actually updating the dock firmware, which is why nothing changed on Switch. Speculation is rising about what this could mean, because apparently this hasn't happened before? Particularly because Nintendo didn't announce this, making them seem secretive about it. Could it have to do with preparing for a Pro model?
Mar1217 said:
At best, they'd prolly put an announcement for a 11.0.0 patch, but minor patches usually get none so it is more likely that this wasn't anything substantial. |
Mar1217 said:
After what people have been speculated during the last year with the supposed death of E3, I guess we can now relieve ourselves into knowing will get an eventual Direct in a bit more than 2 months ^^ |
Yeah it's nice to have something fairly concrete to look forward to. I mean, I'm more than good for the moment, I still haven't caught up on my backlog, but it'd be nice to see more of what's coming in the future.
Looking back, what made 2020 so difficult for me as a gamer wasn't that there were no games, in fact I think at the end of the day Switch had a good lineup for 2020, (if way too back-loaded) it's that there was no communication or hype.
curl-6 said: Nintendo will participate in E3 this year: Huge relief in my opinion, the lack of one last year was horrible |
Breath of the Wild's sequel HAS to appear here, it's time Nintendo, IT'S TIME
Link_Nines.XBC said:
Breath of the Wild's sequel HAS to appear here, it's time Nintendo, IT'S TIME |
It would be absolutely appalling if it wasn't to be honest, revealing it at E3 2019 then going more than two years without showing anything more at all is a horrible way to treat your fans.
New No More Heroes 3 trailer:
Borderlands 3 Director's Cut rated for Switch:
dx11332sega said: You making a thread about borderlands 3? |
Since it's just a rating rather than an official announcement I figured I'd just post it here. :)
Last edited by curl-6 - on 08 April 2021Neo: The World Ends With You releases on July 27th!
Love the first game on DS so I'm really looking forward to this one
Mar1217 said:
I sense NMH 3 going in for a ton of internet meta humor ... not that I'm against it, in the contrary :D |
I've always been a fan of Suda51's oddball brand of humor, and I'm very glad it looks to be present in spades still. Can't wait to play NMH3, it's been a long 11 years since NMH2!
Video from the actual gameplay
This game looks so beautiful, the art is a nice middle point between a semi realistic environment in water, grass, ground and lightning and a very charming cartoon-insh designed Pokemon and animations
So far, it's the most impressive looking Switch game for me
I'm just waiting for some reviews to drop before buying, but definitely excited to play it. Hope it has tons of gameplay, the first one was good but very short, you could do everything the game had to offer in less than 10 hours. Hope this give us at least 40 hours of gameplay to beat everything