A fool is someone who does the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time. And right now, there is no bigger batch of fools than the Melee and Splatoon communities. Specifically the members of said community who are apart of the #FreeMelee/#FreeSplatoon/#SaveSmash "movement”spearheaded by Big House.
How to sum up the Melee/Splatoon situation in the simplest way possible:
- Man sees bear.
- Sign says "Don't poke the bear."
- Man proceeds to poke bear anyway.
- Bear gets angry; Bear claws man's face in.
- Man gets angry and upset over bear doing what bears do when you poke them.
The bear is Nintendo; The Man is the Big House and the #FreeMelee/Splatoon/Smash crowd.
You poke the bear, you get your face carved up like a piece of wood. You poke a shark in the eye, you get swallowed whole. You dance around Nintendo's IP, copyrights, and trademarks, ESPECIALLY when what you’re doing is illegal and risks them losing said IPs, copyrights, and trademarks - They will hit you with a C&D faster than you can blink.
What the fuck did these people honestly think was going to happen? Especially after Nintendo told them to stop. If the bear tells you to stop poking it, what do you think you should probably do?
What makes me laugh my ass off is whenever I run into comments saying "Iwata is rolling in his grave!" "Iwata would be ashamed and disgusted." "What happened to the cool Nintendo with Iwata, Reggie, and Miyamoto around?" "Reggie would never let things like this happen!"
Where the hell have these people been the past 10, 15, 20 years? Nintendo's been doing this since Yamauchi was president, let alone Iwata. The mental gymnastics and revisionist history that these people go through to justify their anger and hatred towards Nintendo for simply doing what they are legally required to do in order to protect their Intellectual Properties is astounding.
Do they go overboard sometimes? Yeah, they do.
Does it seem unfair? Perhaps.
Are they legally within their right to do it? Yes, they are. And they WILL exercise that right within their legal confines to the most of their abilities. Everyone knows this.
Whether or not you disagree with Nintendo's stance, you know exactly what their stance is. You know where they draw the line and what will happen if you cross it. If you continue to insist on crossing it even after that. You are not deserving of sympathy, ESPECIALLY if you cry foul and kick & scream like a child after you get caught.
And as far as the entire Etika/JoyCon situation is concerned:
If donating to charity and raising awareness for mental health issues such as depression and suicide is truly THAT important to them. Why do they need Nintendo for that? There is absolutely nothing stopping them from donating and supporting them directly. And now that we know the real deal behind those Etika joycons "Etikons" as they are called. This just tells me that these people don't really give a shit about charity, mental health, or Etika himself, God rest his soul, they just wanted something else to latch onto in order to support their anti-Nintendo agenda. Perhaps that is harsh and I don't doubt that some of those people genuinely do care. But that's the impression I get based on this reaction. And while we're at it, fuck the dude who saw this as an opportunity to use the backlash to his advantage and profit off a dead man's name.
Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 10 December 2020