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Changes from demo feedback.

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Well shit.

Assuming everything arrives on time and nothing is pushed back to 2020, I will be buying fucking TWELVE Switch games this year.

I have never bought that many games for a single system in any other year ever, not even in Wii's amazing 2010.

I really have to doff my cap to Nintendo, after 2018 when I only bought one game all year I was really starting to worry that my Switch purchase was a mistake, but they have delivered in spades this year, so many damn games I may end up shelving some to save for next year!

Last edited by curl-6 - on 11 June 2019

Super Mario Maker 2 is being patched to allow you to play with friends! Wow Nintendo actually changing something fans don't like. The old Nintendo of 2010-2017 may actually be gone.

"You want classic mario party? How about we put the car in AGAIN! How about we screw up boards and let you walk around wherever you want! How about we release a minigame collection!" - Nintendo Circa 2010-2017

Barkley said:

Super Mario Maker 2 is being patched to allow you to play with friends! Wow Nintendo actually changing something fans don't like. The old Nintendo of 2010-2017 may actually be gone.

"You want classic mario party? How about we put the car in AGAIN! How about we screw up boards and let you walk around wherever you want! How about we release a minigame collection!" - Nintendo Circa 2010-2017

That's good to hear. A lot of people wil like that one. Even Jim Sterling complained about it .

Indeed, Nintendo is improving on many parts. Small sometimes but still needed.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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After seeing the E3 Direct, all I want now is to have a Nintendo Direct with Bowser: the actual Bowser, giving the presentation.
That would be the funniest and coolest thing ever!

Thought about making a thread for this but wasn't sure if I should when I could discuss it here; can we talk about how ridiculously great Luigi's Mansion 3 looks?

They really seem to have taken the best elements of both 1 and 2 to create a wonderful fusion. Its brimming with personality, seems polished to a fine sheen even in this pre-release build, and just straight-up seems like another Nintendo classic in the making. 


Heading into this Direct, that was the game I was looking forward to the most and it did not disappoint. Day One purchase for sure!

Marth said:
Cadence of Hyrule is finally available!!!

So I take it that Cadence of Hyrule was scheduled to release after or during their treehouse event.

I mean I'm sure the game was ready that they could have stealth dropped it during the direct, but chose to wait till treehouse. Wonder which would have ended up making it get more sales. No way of ever knowing, but a neat thought.