mZuzek said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Well yeah, they were on Wii DvDs and the Wii had a low output res. Plus I think Nintendo budgets their games more appropriately than most
For what its worth, I remember them being AWESOME and I probably wouldnt agree if I were to go watch them all right now.
I'm not talking about resolution, though, I'm talking about sheer production values. Some of the environments in the cutscenes look like they came straight from pre-rendered PS1 game openings, if not worse. Most of the cutscenes look like this, because budget, but in the more important ones, such as the opening and the subspace entrance, it's obvious how much more care was put into them, they look awesome regardless of resolution.
Like I said I'd have to disagree. I just watched some of the ones I remember and they look pretty good to me. Nowhere near as good as when I was 8 and the game just came out ... but that's besides the point. Examples being Donkey Kong's entrance, the EXTREMELY WELL REALIZED Ness and Pokemon trainer scenes (extremely creepy), the scenes with Pikachu and Samus, the Marth and Meta Knight scenes, the Rayquaza scene. They "look cheap" because they're 2008 Nintendo. It might just be a generational thing (Wii games may have at one point looked "close enough" to PS3/360 games especially early in it's life), but I think Nintendo in general has just gotten a lot better at making their limitations well ... not look like limitations. Stuff like Mario Kart 8. Also Brawl is like the last Nintendo game to go for a somewhat gritty style, everything looks brown and dusty. If they can make a clean presentation for the Switch cutscenes, with 1080p, no doubt they will look better already. I just hope there are a decent amount.
Also, the "sheer production values" looking like "pre-rendered PS1 game openings" most likely has to do with the resolution of those assets so ..
The biggest problem is probably that the characters occasionally look like SFM animations