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RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

So you think that they would still go with the smaller carts even if they were offered at a flat rate?

No. What I think is that you are trying your hardest to defend the culprit and direct the blame somewhere else. It's similar to how people started to blame Nintendo for not localizing Square-Enix games for the 3DS, because Square-Enix has the policy to not do it themself.

It's not just Ubisoft that does it though, Take-Two, Capcom, Bethesda, etc. have also done it to the point that this is a re-occurring theme. Even Nintendo themselves with Bayonetta 1+2.

Last edited by VGPolyglot - on 26 May 2018

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RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

It's not just Ubisoft that does it though, Take-Two, Capcom, Bethesda, etc. have also done it to the point that this is a re-occurring theme. Even Nintendo themselves with Bayonetta 1+2.

AAA third party publishers who have treated Nintendo console owners like crap for generations continue to treat Nintendo console owners like crap. Nothing new and it's never going to become acceptable.

Bayonetta 1 was already a limited disc release on Wii U, so the game has been treated like second class regardless of the storage medium. It's not Nintendo's game, so they don't treat it like one. It's still a gain for gamers though, because Sega wasn't going to port it, neither for Wii U or Switch.

I know that AAA publishers tend to give Nintendo consoles the shaft, but I'm not even talking about all of the games that aren't released on them, I'm talking about the ones that even do come to the console. Yes, the publishers can also eat the costs, but the thing is that they have other avenues that they can go to, while Nintendo needs to ensure that their console is a success. Now, I guess they decided though that the potential losses from offering a flat rate wouldn't be worth the avoidance of compression/chopping up the game between the cart and downloads. However, I am not a Nintendo shareholder so for me what I get is more important than how big their profits are. Though I guess in that case I can criticize the publishers too as that'd be following the same logic

Last edited by VGPolyglot - on 26 May 2018

RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

I know that AAA publishers tend to give Nintendo consoles the shaft, but I'm not even talking about all of the games that aren't released on them, I'm talking about the ones that even do come to the console. Yes, the publishers can also eat the costs, but the thing is that they have other avenues that they can go to, while Nintendo needs to ensure that their console is a success. Now, I guess they decided though that the potential losses from offering a flat rate wouldn't be worth the avoidance of compression/chopping up the game between the cart and downloads. However, I am not a Nintendo shareholder so for me what I get is more important than how big their profits are. 

So why don't you apply the "I don't care about a company's profits" logic to third parties?

I did, but you must have quoted me before I finished my edit.

RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

I did, but you must have quoted me before I finished my edit.

The question remains if you blame third parties or Nintendo for third party practices.

Both, but I'm going to focus more on Nintendo in this thread because obviously most people here already view third-parties as an issue so there is much less of a need to criticize them, if we were in the context of another thread though maybe I'd focus more on them.

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Shaqazooloo0 said:
killeryoshis said:
Also, Mega Man 1 is hard don't start off with that one if you are new to Mega Man. Unless you are a game expert and you beat Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls or something like that.

I learned that the hard way. Thank God for the rewind feature or I wouldn't have made it to Dr. Wily lol.


So the other ones are easier then?

Much easier. Well except for maybe Mega Man 9. Mega Man 2 is much easier since there is not as much one hit kills. If you get the Metal Blade the game is a cake walk until Willy's castle. Then it becomes medium but nothing impossible. By the time you get to Mega Man 4-6 you should be too good to really find anything hard like the original. 

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

3 days remain for that Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee reveal according to Emily. Well more like 2 days since if there were to be a direct tomorrow it should've been announced by now. Even if it turns out she was wrong, it'll still be a good week with the Mario Tennis Aces demo starting up. Haven't played or even been interested in a Mario Tennis game since the original on N64, so you know this game is doing something right!

dx11332sega said:

I'm sure Microsoft would wanna port some of rare and other Ip they own to Switch besides minecraft which games do you think they'll port? These 2 games are microsoft owned banjo pilot and blue dragon DS . they also collab with nintendo to make diddy kong racing DS 

Why would they decide to do that now all of a sudden, especially when they could use more exclusive content? Minecraft is a special case, it's been multiplatform since 2014 I believe.

I'd hate to see the aftermath if by June 1st there isn't a single thing about Pokemon Switch revealed. That's rumours for you though... For now just in case I'm going to keep my hopes with Nintendo's E3 event.

Green098 said:

I'd hate to see the aftermath if by June 1st there isn't a single thing about Pokemon Switch revealed. That's rumours for you though... For now just in case I'm going to keep my hopes with Nintendo's E3 event.

It'd still be safe to assume Pokemon Let's Go is real, and we might get further confirmation of that tomorrow if the trademarks for the games show up. Despite all that people will still cry and will only have themselves to blame, and I will enjoy it!

Happy third anniversary to Splatoon...
The original was released three years ago today in Japan...
The 3rd anniversary for Europe and NA is tomorrow...
I figured I would leave this here and give anyone who would like to make a thread the chance to do so, as I do think we owe this game some serious props...

Have a nice day...