VGPolyglot said:
Nuvendil said:
You know, I just realized something. Remember when that clown from Respawn who hadn't even held a Switch before laughed at the idea of putting Titanfall 2 on the Switch? And said no AAA 3rd party games would come to it because it was so underpowered? And remember when I said that was bollocks? Ok you probably don't remember that last bit. But now that Doom 2016 and Wolfenstein 2 are coming to the Switch - at least one of which is more technically impressive than Titanfall 2 by a good margin - I have to ask, what is your cute little excuse now, Respawn? Who's laughing now, Respawn? But seriously, it is lovely being right. And in all seriousness, it would be cool if EA or Respawn or whoever is in charge of that did bring the game over to Switch now that we can be 99% sure it is possible. Not just because it's a cool game, but because the headlines will be delicious.
Maybe he didn't want to release Titanfall 2 without severe consequences. Doom as it is had to have its framerate halved.
That would be somewhat legitimate except:
A) seeing as how it is less advanced than Doom, 60fps may not be out of the question
B) Titanfall 2's gameplay would be effected much less by the drop as it is much slower paced than Doom
C) they released it on PC where undoubtedly many tens of thousands if not more are playing at 30fps since PC builds vary wildly.
No, the reason is what it has always been: EA is the publisher and as has been *thoroughly* demonstrated, when it comes to the Switch EA just can. not. be. bothered. I mean, not only is Titanfall 2 not as impressive to look at, it hits 60fps much more consistently on Xbone - meaning it is demonstrably less demanding - and runs on the freaking Source engine and doesn't even make use of full physically based rendering and lighting.
So yeah, I think my original post was fittingly toned :P