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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
VGPolyglot said:

OK, to get back into the groove of giving updates, I think this is a really good show at how awesome it'd be to have cross-play across PS4, PC and XB1. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds reached over 2 million concurrent users on Steam! Imagine how many there'd be when all 3 are out if there was crossplay, it'd be almost impossible to not find people for a game.

If there would be crossplay there better be an option to turn it off though. Being forced to play against mouse and keyboard players with my controller would be enough of a reason for me to not buy the game.

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poklane said:
VGPolyglot said:

OK, to get back into the groove of giving updates, I think this is a really good show at how awesome it'd be to have cross-play across PS4, PC and XB1. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds reached over 2 million concurrent users on Steam! Imagine how many there'd be when all 3 are out if there was crossplay, it'd be almost impossible to not find people for a game.

If there would be crossplay there better be an option to turn it off though. Being forced to play against mouse and keyboard players with my controller would be enough of a reason for me to not buy the game.

Or they could give a K+M option for the PS4.

Anyone else following Battlefront 2's loot box drama? Because holy shit whoever at EA came up with this shit and approved it deserves a kick in the nuts.

shikamaru317 said:
poklane said:
Anyone else following Battlefront 2's loot box drama? Because holy shit whoever at EA came up with this shit and approved it deserves a kick in the nuts.

Yeah, it was really stupid of them to put stat affecting items into the loot boxes. If it had just been outfit items, victory poses, emotes, etc., cosmetic stuff only, most people wouldn't have a problem with the loot boxes, but as they are now the game is basically pay to win. EA better fix that stuff before release or else I'm definitely going to go with CoD WW2 this year instead since Activision has finally removed pay to win stuff this year after the last 3 CoD games had it. 

Not just that, but even things you normally get by simply leveling up like guns are locked behind loot boxes because they require crafting parts to unlock, and the only way you can get crafting parts is by opening loot boxes. Angry Joe (YouTuber) did a video on this recently, and in it a friend of him said that after about 5 and a half hours of playing he got 110 crafting parts. To give you an example on how many crafting parts a gun costs: the CR-2 costs 600 crafting parts. This means you'll have to play for about 30 hours to unlock a single gun. The way you earn credits (the currency used to buy loot boxes) is also bullshit, because your performance in matches doesn't matter. Angry Joe got just 2 kills while his buddy got 39, yet both of them got 180 credits. Video:

Also, I wouldn't be too sure about CoD WWII, and this is coming from someone who's quite the CoD fan. I'm sure there's gonna be DLC weapons like in BO3, MWR and IW because it simply brings in money, we'll just have to hope that they aren't more powerful than the guns which shipped with the game and hopefully there'll be a good way to unlock them without simply getting lucky like in MWR and IW. There was also a leak recently from someone who datamined the PC Beta, and in it is something which IMO sounds an awful lot like weapon variants.

Maker of Fine Weapons of Warfare.
Weapon Forged!
Test, Customize, and Equip your Scorestreaks
Browse Scorestreak Loot
All the gear you have and wish you had (HUB_COLLECTIONS_SUBHEADER)

  • Inventory_GetCraftedWeaponContent
  • Inventory_PlayerHasPartsForWeapon

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds Landscapes trailer

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poklane said:

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds Landscapes trailer

wow ps2 graphics! nice sony LMAO

can't wait for Horizon and Nioh complete editions, gonna be so good

Versus_Evil said:

Hoping that The Frozen Wilds is better than the base game, ill give it a chance but if it fails to impress HZD wont be a franchise ill invest anymore time into.

Finally got around to buying Thimbleweed Park.

I dont even know you anymore!

I have never bought more DLC than this year. I bought the Witcher DLC, Uncharted LL, Bloodborne the old hunters and I am surely going to buy the new Horizon DLC. I am really starting to like SP DLC and I hope many games will follow the example of the Witchery 3, Uncharted and Bloodborne.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Sony has announced 2 Battlefront II bundles:

A Limited Edition PS4 Pro at $449.99, available November 14th:

And a standard edition PS4 Slim bundle at $299.99, available November 17th:

On top of that there's also this in Europe: