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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
shikamaru317 said:
VGPolyglot said:

As I mentioned to you before, you should do a Playstation Nation GOTY Awards like we're doing over in Xbox Empire. Good way to get the thread more active for awhile. 

I was thinking of doing that, but I was wondering if I should wait until the year's over to do that, or if I should still do it while 2017 is ongoing.

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VGPolyglot said:


These are the PSN IDs of the various users on this site! If you’d like yours to be added, post in this thread, or PM me.


why are so few psn names known here?

I would have thought that many ps4 owners/VGchartz-members play their multiplays & exclusives together. Who's playing Dragon Ball Fighters Z, Digimon Story 2 or Monster Hunter on PS4 in January? And which PS4-game did you play most online this year? For me it's Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy I think.

If you like - write your psn name here :)

KazumaKiryu said:
VGPolyglot said:


These are the PSN IDs of the various users on this site! If you’d like yours to be added, post in this thread, or PM me.


why are so few psn names known here?

I would have thought that many ps4 owners/VGchartz-members play their multiplays & exclusives together. Who's playing Dragon Ball Fighters Z, Digimon Story 2 or Monster Hunter on PS4 in January? And which PS4-game did you play most online this year? For me it's Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy I think.

If you like - write your psn name here :)

Well, hopefully we can set up events like this, where we can play with each other. That'd drive more activity here!!

Ryuu96 said:
VGPolyglot said:

At least there's no negative comments, must mean you're doing a good job

I'd agree with Shika to do PSN GOTY, I personally will just be trying to do way more polls and possibly bring back the Point League which would be linked into other threads such as GS League, Prediction League - Sales & Meta.

You've done a great job on the thread so far, keep it up.

Hmm, I could try to do that, however the main issue is that I don't really have anyone whom I can devolve powers too, so I would have to manage my time so that I can do that consistently.

OK, I updated the banners. Also, I added one for the Points League, I'll give more info when things are more concrete.

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Bristow9091 said:
I feel like (And by this I mean I KNOW) I haven't been as active in this thread recently, although that's probably because I've been playing on PC and Nintendo consoles more than PS4 this month, so haven't really felt the need to come in here and update you guys with my backlog adventures since they're not Playstation related, lol.

... I've finally picked an answer for the poll though; Dreams. I'm excited for most of the games on the list, but I get the feeling I'll be playing Dreams for more than just playing, it seems like something you could play while chilling out to some music and making a whole bunch of shit, like wacky characters and weird worlds to explore, like a stress relief thing, which is something I'm in dire need of, lol.

I still don't know much about Dreams myself, I really liked LittleBigPlanet 1 but by the time the second one came I was burnt out. I do like the idea of an atmospheric game though, not sure when I'll be able to check it out though.

OK guys, so I am going to try to figure out how I'm going to do this Points League. Essentially I'm ripping off what JayWood2010 and Platina did, and what Ryuu plans on doing himself. I am thinking of making a leaderboard maybe. However, I don't want to make one for post count, as I think that would encourage spamming. So, here are some activities that I can think of:
- Encouraging a friend to create a VGC account (obviously we'd need some way to verify this)
- Creating a PS-related thread (However, it would also need to have BOTH the source and the OP's own input in order to be an acceptable thread)
- Organizing online sessions
- Helping with the thread/events for the thread
- Participating in the XBE/NintenDominion threads as a sort of ambassador to help foster and maintain friendly relations with the other fanbases here

Now, those are some ideas, I obviously need some input though.

VGPolyglot said:
KazumaKiryu said:

why are so few psn names known here?

I would have thought that many ps4 owners/VGchartz-members play their multiplays & exclusives together. Who's playing Dragon Ball Fighters Z, Digimon Story 2 or Monster Hunter on PS4 in January? And which PS4-game did you play most online this year? For me it's Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy I think.

If you like - write your psn name here :)

Well, hopefully we can set up events like this, where we can play with each other. That'd drive more activity here!!

sounds good, would be cool :) and great job for this thread, VGPolyglot. Wish you all a great chrismas-time :)

KazumaKiryu said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, hopefully we can set up events like this, where we can play with each other. That'd drive more activity here!!

sounds good, would be cool :) and great job for this thread, VGPolyglot. Wish you all a great chrismas-time :)

Thank you!!

twintail said:
I dont know if this Dreams design video was posted but I just watched it and it made me realise how much potential Sony are wasting with this game.

Theres so much emphasis on this being 'difficult to explain' and showing off creation concepts (which is perfectly fine) but what they really should be doing is showing off actual games that were made. If you take the TGA video, theres a bunch of little things, like a 2D shooter, a 2D sidescoller, a space game, a racing game etc...

I think there has to come a point, maybeevery month, where the PS channel gets direct gameplay footage of a random game MM have made within Dreams. The game would be easier to sell that way because it inevitably highlights the dynamic nature of teh creation tools too.

I still am confused by the game myself unfortunately, I guess that is a bit due to laziness on my end though!

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