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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

Looks like Jak X combat racing is getting online support.

Around the Network

Oh, and add my PSN to the list or whatever.


I'll be genuinely impressed by anyone who can beat this time:

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

gooch_destroyer said:
Looks like Jak X combat racing is getting online support.

Source? I heard a few people complain about this, though personally I didn't mind to much because well... It's Jak X.

My PSN is Ergma. You can add to the list.
On topic I am currently playing REVIII. I'I've got in with low expectations but it is actually good.

Around the Network

Playing Crash 1 as my primary game, with Tekken 7, Wipeout Omega, Curses & Chaos, and Not a Hero as secondaries.

Bristow9091 said:
Pibituh said:

My PSN is Ergma. You can add to the list.
On topic I am currently playing REVIII. I'I've got in with low expectations but it is actually good.

... Are you from the future? Did they decide to go back to third person camera?! :o 

I'm hoping to have Gravity Rush finished tomorrow, then I'll be moving onto... I don't know, something else I suppose, lol. I'm running out of games that AREN'T really long RPG's in my backlog now, so in the coming months I'll be playing those.

Lol. One extra I. My bad.

That was the reason I was coming with low expectations, but I actually liking it. Best RE game since 4, my opinion.


Still need to play GR2.


xl-klaudkil said:
Ow my psn= Xl-klaudkil .

I don't play online games though.

I don't really play online games either, but it's still a nice way to keep in touch.

SnakeDrake said:
Psn ID is Snakehunter23 pm me your from the site and that Kat is our goddess.

OK, if I add you I'll make sure to do so

gooch_destroyer said:
The 4th installment.

So Gooch, what are your thoughts so far?

BraLoD said:
So it was finally made.
Kudos VGP, now lets hope this one sticks.

Thanks, I hope it'll stick too! It's been pretty cordial so far!

Mr_No said:
Oh, and add my PSN to the list or whatever.


I'll make sure to do so!

Pibituh said:

My PSN is Ergma. You can add to the list.
On topic I am currently playing REVIII. I'I've got in with low expectations but it is actually good.

Yeah, my brother played through REVII, I think he really enjoyed it. I watched him play a little bit of it.

Updated the PSN list!