Chazore said:
DonFerrari said:
There will always be trolls, but the "ps has no games" today is a very small portion of people. So Sony indeed changed it's image on both being broke and not releasing anything.
I dunno about small, I've seen it over the years on a number of sites and social networks.
Sony was broke and didn't release anything?.
Considering close to 70M PS4 sold and 35M X1 I would say a very small portion is a troll.
That was the image it had, and some still think like that. But they kept releasing and recovering.
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DonFerrari said:
Well I don't know if MS comitionated the first one or they were presented to it. But they sipported the IP so I'll consider their IP
If they commissioned it they would've owned the ip long ago. They published it to keep it exclusive.
Not sure, they don't own Sunset Overdrive although they comissionated. The only thing they requested was exclusivity of that release.
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DonFerrari said:
Sony was considered dead after PS3 issues, Apple was irrelevant in early 90's and even 00's... a company may change their image, but it takes a lot of money and will.
Yes and will caused Microsoft to take halo from Apple mid concept. Steve jobs was trying to show that Apple could be a considerable option for PC games and Microsoft stepped in front of them and bought bungie mid concept. There are videos of Apple showcasing halo. It's on YouTube.
Yes, MS if really wanting could buy 5 different studios and pump up their output.