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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Nintendo entering a new golden age?

Conina said:
kopstudent89 said:

It's weird how things go in cycles. 

They don't. But people love to simplify things.

Lol ok smartass

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Still too early to tell for me. I need to see some heavy 3rd party support first.

Ninten78 said:

With the Switch selling well and the plethora of (2 new Metroid games) new games announced,stock prices running and increased awareness of Nintendo IP.Is Nintendo enetering a new golden age akin to the Wii/DS era?

Your thoughts?

Certainly seems so looking at their stock.

But as far as software goes, it's too early to tell. NIntendo's Golden Age was the pre-Wii era. Nintendo needs to take risks again like they did with the Gamecube, when they took their big franchises into new directions/new genres. Toon Zeruda, 3D Metroid, Luigi's own game, Mario Football, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, SF Adventures, Odama, Geist, Eternal Darkness etc. They're relying way too heavily on Mario and Pokemon.

I dont expect anything radical as the GC but I want that yuuge variety, Metroid Prime 4 is coming so hopefully they bring back other long overdue franchises. F-Zero, WarioWare, Paper Mario/SMRPG? Mario Smash Football is a game that fits nicely among their MP focused games like MK8, Arms and Splatoon.

They should also sign another Super Monkey Ball game with Sega, and sign a 3 game deal with Platinum: Bayo 3, W102 and another new IP.

I think it's way too soon to even think about that in a serious way.

Yes, there are a few good signs: Switch is off to a great start; Pokémon has done wonders for the 3DS business; Fire Emblem on mobilve devices has had some impact too (Reggie mentioned it in a interview); Nintendo World theme park and other stuff like clothing licensing.

But, is 2018 a good year for Switch? Can they have awesome, system seller titles like Zelda, MK8, Mario?
So far, we have only been shown smaller franchises - despite announcing Pokémon and Metroid for... who knows...
It wasn't the best sign to tell people to look forward to 2018.
What games will Nintendo bring to mobile devices that can translate into an increase in the console business?
Will the theme park translate into more consoles/software sold? To what degree?

Wii and DS did wonders for Nintendo... for a few years.
They haven't done really anything special that has made them rise in importance in a sustained way... so far!

I think that Nintendo peaked during the SNES because of a combination of excellent first party games and third party support. Although it's still very early, I don't see the Switch in a similar position. I feel like third parties do not want to develop big titles for the Switch.

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Eagle367 said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
NES/SNES was the Golden Age. Wii/DS was the silver age.

For Switch to enter a Golden Age Nintendo would need serious backing from most of the Japanese devs. This means a new Monster Hunter, Square JRPG, Capcom Fighter, Atlus RPG, and Tales RPG all on Switch. To top it off Nintendo would need to put out several more masterpieces on the same level as BotW.

Well according to you 

Monhun check

Dragon quest(square jrpg) check

Shin megani tensei(atlus jrpg) check

New tales of check

Ultra street fighter 2 whatever check

According to you switch is already in the golden age then. Well if you want then we can wait for Monhun5 5 which we know will come and a new capcom fighter but other than that all of the others are there or will come by 2018-19 so there you go. Plus it has pokemon metroid xc2 the best Zelda potentially the best Mario splatoon an awesome new IP in ARMS. Sounds golden to me. Even if this isn't the golden age we can at least agree this year is the golden year of Nintendo gaming

New has to apply to everything. Just porting over SSFIIT isn't what I was talking about. Nintendo needs to be the go to device for Japanese developed games. That's how the SNES was. If it was made in Japan it was on the SNES. But yeah, I agree we are already very close to that. We just need MH5, a new Tales, and a new Capcom fighter. 

squibbfire said:
Yeah playstation 1 and 2 were either two golden ages or even seperate ones...and to be honest...a lot of that carried over into ps3...which i think in the long run was the most played console....and won in the end...and now ps4 is on top...

could it be this is just playstations world and we are just living in one big sony golden age?!

PS3 didn't win in the end. The Wii outsold it.

curl-6 said:
squibbfire said:
Yeah playstation 1 and 2 were either two golden ages or even seperate ones...and to be honest...a lot of that carried over into ps3...which i think in the long run was the most played console....and won in the end...and now ps4 is on top...

could it be this is just playstations world and we are just living in one big sony golden age?!

PS3 didn't win in the end. The Wii outsold it.

this and the handheld market belongs to Nintendo.

mZuzek said:
Dulfite said:

Are you joking? They are two of the top 5 most selling gaming devices of all time, in the same generation. How would that NOT be a golden age?

Because when I think of golden age, I don't think of sales, I think of amazing games that left a legacy and a following.

Wii/DS certainly had plenty of great games, but not so many were that spectacular. Prime 3 was a stellar entry in the Metroid franchise, but not as good as its predecessors; Skyward Sword, though a great game, was very divisive and definitely underwhelmed a lot of fans (also, both the Metroid and Zelda entries on the DS were also very divisive); Star Fox went missing except for a pretty crappy early DS game; Pokémon had no console spin-off of the same quality as the GameCube ones, and had again, divisive main entries on the DS; both Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. had some of their worst entries on the Wii (though at least MKDS was good); and overall most of Nintendo's output was just focused on tiny casual games.

There was definitely a lot of good during that era, but certainly not enough for me to call it a "golden age" when compared to the likes of the NES, SNES and maybe even N64, all of which produced tons of timeless classics.

Disagree even with the focus on catering to casuals Wii did have many good games Corruption imo is better than Echoes when the latter doesn't have MC which got added to the Trilogy pack made for Wii anyway, but if we ignore that and get to some of the Wii's other notable games we get Galaxy, Galaxy 2, MH Tri, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, Last Story, Red Steel 2, Mad World, Little King's Story, Zack and Wiki, DKCR, Sin and Punishment 2, Okami, Fire Emblem, NHM 1+2, NSMBW etc...

On it's own it had a library to stand out even with out the third party support of the 360 and PS3 and DS had a massive library with quality games, I'd agree with him it was a golden era for them as the was overall more good during that era that any era that is non-Snes to the point that 2010 was one of the best years for any owner of a Nintendo platform owner.

Nintendo is doing everything right at the moment, and they have serious buzz. The tendency is to always look at home consoles for comparison, but it's easy to forget that Switch is a mobile device as well. I'm noticing strong interest from young people looking to enjoy superior gaming experiences to what the now-commonplace tablets offer. Switch is doing well compared to Wii U, but also is not having the struggles of 3DS. It's looking like a great platform.

On the content side, the games are vastly better than what they've offered for a few years. In particular, they are giving fans what they want. Zelda was basically a fan-boys wet dream, Mario is a sequel to 64, Xeno 2 is a sequel to Xeno 1, and there is both a 2D and 3D Metroid en route. It's like they took one of those "leaked" e3 lineups and said, "Let's do that!"