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Ninten78 said:

With the Switch selling well and the plethora of (2 new Metroid games) new games announced,stock prices running and increased awareness of Nintendo IP.Is Nintendo enetering a new golden age akin to the Wii/DS era?

Your thoughts?

Certainly seems so looking at their stock.

But as far as software goes, it's too early to tell. NIntendo's Golden Age was the pre-Wii era. Nintendo needs to take risks again like they did with the Gamecube, when they took their big franchises into new directions/new genres. Toon Zeruda, 3D Metroid, Luigi's own game, Mario Football, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, SF Adventures, Odama, Geist, Eternal Darkness etc. They're relying way too heavily on Mario and Pokemon.

I dont expect anything radical as the GC but I want that yuuge variety, Metroid Prime 4 is coming so hopefully they bring back other long overdue franchises. F-Zero, WarioWare, Paper Mario/SMRPG? Mario Smash Football is a game that fits nicely among their MP focused games like MK8, Arms and Splatoon.

They should also sign another Super Monkey Ball game with Sega, and sign a 3 game deal with Platinum: Bayo 3, W102 and another new IP.