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I think it's way too soon to even think about that in a serious way.

Yes, there are a few good signs: Switch is off to a great start; Pokémon has done wonders for the 3DS business; Fire Emblem on mobilve devices has had some impact too (Reggie mentioned it in a interview); Nintendo World theme park and other stuff like clothing licensing.

But, is 2018 a good year for Switch? Can they have awesome, system seller titles like Zelda, MK8, Mario?
So far, we have only been shown smaller franchises - despite announcing Pokémon and Metroid for... who knows...
It wasn't the best sign to tell people to look forward to 2018.
What games will Nintendo bring to mobile devices that can translate into an increase in the console business?
Will the theme park translate into more consoles/software sold? To what degree?

Wii and DS did wonders for Nintendo... for a few years.
They haven't done really anything special that has made them rise in importance in a sustained way... so far!