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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo Switch Third Party Society - 100% Fully Updated to December 8th!

She and the Light Bearer
Safety First!
Ape Out

My Lovely Daughter
She Remembered Caterpillars

All digital

Around the Network

Path to Mnemosyne
Flip Over Frog
both digital

Hey, all. I decided to finally post to this. Here are all the third-party games I have since I've gotten my Switch in 2017.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Dark Souls Remastered
Stardew Valley
Bouncy Bob
The Walking Dead: The Final Season

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Don't Starve

Just in case this thread still is active:

Saints Row The Third
Batman - The Enemy Within
Street Basketball
Little Nightmares
Dragon Quest 11 S
Unravel Two
Star Wars Jedi Knight II
Party Crashers
One Night Stand
Steam World Dig


Around the Network
FarleyMcFirefly said:
Just in case this thread still is active:

Saints Row The Third
Batman - The Enemy Within
Street Basketball
Little Nightmares
Dragon Quest 11 S
Unravel Two
Star Wars Jedi Knight II
Party Crashers
One Night Stand
Steam World Dig

The thread, yes. The OP, sadly nope

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Legacy of the Duelist -Link Evolution-

Last edited by Soren0079 - on 24 January 2020

Darkest Dungeon: Collector's Edition (physical)


Also, I volunteer to take over the thread if OP really is gone!

I’ll update my list later, got some games since December.