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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo Switch Third Party Society - 100% Fully Updated to December 8th!

KrspaceT said:
For the curious there is currently a sale on Yooka Laylee on the Eshop.

Hurrah for bugging them on Twitter every time they announced that it was on sale on other formats :D it's just €10 off the full price so still comes in at around double with the ps4 version would cost... but... that said.

- Yooka Laylee!

- The Count Lucanor

- Tallowmere

- Don't Die Mr Robot DX

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Around the Network

Just ordered Mario & Rabbits: Kingdom Battle Gold edition

GoOnKid said:
ARamdomGamer said: 

Never Stop Sneakin

This is a parody of Metal Gear Solid, isn't it? Is it good?

yea is pretty good, top down view stealth and overall pretty funny dialogue and story.

L. A. Noire

Those are my Third Party purchases

I know this won't count until July 24, but I bought a digital copy of Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 at the eShop.

Around the Network

Well I won't question how sales work. For all I know they had a reason. 


Anyway I also got Switch Yooka Laylee seeing as it was on sale.

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

Just got Limbo.

I have 9 switch games and only 2 are third party, skyrim and crash insane trilogy.

I don't remember when I last added games so I'll just give out the full list.

Doom (physical)
Superbomberman R (physical)
Owlboy (physical)
Hollow Knight (digital)
The Bridge (digital)
Celeste (digital)
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (digital)
I am Setsuna (digital)
Blossom Tales (digital)
Frederic (digital)
Frederic 2 (digital)
Oxenfree (digital)
Yooka Laylee (digital)
Kamiko (digital)
Steamworld 2 Dig (digital)

And if it counts... Mario + Rabbids (digital)

I got the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection on the Switch not too long ago. Man, it was refreshing to hear Cammy's theme on Super Street Fighter II once again. I love Guile's, too, but Cammy's was easily the best. It brings back such fond memories:

