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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware 4-8-17

Just as i expected PS4 back on top now its gonna be interesting to see if it remains there the next week.

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Tmfwang said:
nero said:
When will we see switches in stock ? Wonder how much they sell if it is 🤔

In Norway (In Europe) it's been in stock at ALL major retailers for some time now, doesn't seem to be too popular.


It's no surprise there is stock: if I understand things correctly, the cheapest Switch on that page costs 3545 krone which is about 534 dollars as of this post!

Compared to a vanilla PS4's price of 1490 or 1990 krone (225 or 300 dollars respectively) ( ) a Switch is very expensive.


Now I'm no economics major but I'm going to say things in high demand tend to fetch a higher price than usual and that's something we're seeing in the US for example where Switch units are marked up by about 100 or so dollars as of this post, sometimes even more.


Maybe the laws of supply and demand work differently in Norway? What say you Tmfwang?

Lawlight said:
VGPolyglot said:
How does the Switch still sell? I thought that it was sold out?

It's not exactly sold out. It's just that stores get so little stock that you need to buy it in-store. Though, you can buy it online in the US, UK, AU, FR and some other EU countries atm.

I haven't gone to any stores to really check stock.

RolStoppable said:
curl-6 said:

Nintendo really needs to sort out their stock pipeline and fix whatever's bottlenecking it.

Failing to meet demand means missed sales.

Missed sales for the moment. All this means is that people who want one will buy it later.

Not if they lose interest and buy a PS4/tablet/etc instead.

Xxain said:
SONY better thank Europe. Switch is beating them up elsewhere, but good showing for both. The real battle was always between these 2.

I wouldn't call the shrinking gap in the US as the PS4 "getting beat up". It's only about 10K this week, and there's no way in hell Switch is going to even hold a candle to PS4 once September rolls around and we start seeing major third party releases. Rest of the world is clearly in PS4's favor. Japan was a given for Switch the second it was announced as a portable, but as strong of a market that Japan is, its not enough to call Switch an overall victor. 

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

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RolStoppable said:
curl-6 said:

Not if they lose interest and buy a PS4/tablet/etc instead.

Which would make no sense.

Think about the reasons why somebody would want a Switch, then think about other devices that offer the same things. It can only be Switch as there is no substitute.

A parent getting a portable gaming device for their kid could opt for a cheap tablet instead, while a gamer could opt for a PS4 instead.

curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

Missed sales for the moment. All this means is that people who want one will buy it later.

Not if they lose interest and buy a PS4/tablet/etc instead.

No reason these lost buyers can't regain interest at a later date.

KLAMarine said:
curl-6 said:

Not if they lose interest and buy a PS4/tablet/etc instead.

No reason these lost buyers can't regain interest at a later date.

And some will, but not all.

Plenty of Switch stock here in ireland

Kerotan said:
Plenty of Switch stock here in ireland

Congrats, go and buy one for all those that live in countries with big console markets.