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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Xbox E3 2017 thread- Xbox One X November 7th for $499 | Ori 2, Forza 7, and more announced

barneystinson69 said:
Barkley said:
Come on MS, we need AAA 1st Party Exclusives to showcase Scorpio's Power.

They have 40 minutes left. Come on MS.

we dont know. All they said is longer than 97mins.

Around the Network

Sea of thieves is the first MS first party game that was shown right?At E3 i mean

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

They've not actually announced a new AAA exclusive yet... unless you count Forza 7. Looks like they'll be ending with a bang then.

Exclusive exclusive now

Bandorr said:
Was that anime Dark souls?

a multiplat game... think it was called Dark Vain?

Around the Network

Code Vein looks like it plays like Dark Souls

Phil Spencer: Glad you enjoyed the third party games, but our first party is good too. (I chuckled)

Carl2291 said:
Did they say if Last Night was exclusive or not?

That one was a "launch exclusive"

This "console launch exclusive" shit is dumb af, I wonder how many of those "22 exclusives" are those.

Come on Microsoft, i'm waiting on some new first party games and some ACTUAL EXCLUSIVES. They've only shown like 2 so far.

I think the conference just started
Way too much junk (graphics-wise) until now.