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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I could have been mistaken about Swich, but I have one theory left.

Underpowered hardware... not if you look at the handheld aspect.

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I normally wait about 2 years before buying a console, but I'll probably get the switch this year. It's the first Nintendo console I've been excited about in a long time. TBH it's everything I had hoped the WiiU would be, both in tech and first year games lineup. I mean I really disliked the WiiU, but I love the concept of the Switch.

Zelda and 3D mario in the first year... the WiiU could have only dreamed of that. I mean first year we have Zelda, 3dMario, Arms, Splatoon2, and even if they are Enhanced ports we've got Mario Kart and Fast Racing RMX. I really think Nintendo are hitting the high notes this time!

Peh said:
Underpowered hardware... not if you look at the handheld aspect.

Yeah it really is the most powerful handheld console on the market. 

VGhippy said:
I normally wait about 2 years before buying a console, but I'll probably get the switch this year. It's the first Nintendo console I've been excited about in a long time. TBH it's everything I had hoped the WiiU would be, both in tech and first year games lineup. I mean I really disliked the WiiU, but I love the concept of the Switch.

Zelda and 3D mario in the first year... the WiiU could have only dreamed of that. I mean first year we have Zelda, 3dMario, Arms, Splatoon2, and even if they are Enhanced ports we've got Mario Kart and Fast Racing RMX. I really think Nintendo are hitting the high notes this time!

Well, we did have A zelda and 3D mario game for the Wii U as well ;P

I kid, sort of.. But I fully agree with what you said.

Don't worry, it was just a completely ignorant prediction. It was clear from the start that Switch will sell through all its stockin the first few months. The interesting months are gonna be July and August. If it doesn't let up then, it's probably pulling through until the end of the year. Next year is the actual interesting thing. What happens when it's at the 15-20m mark? We're gonna find out then.

As for your second theory, why would the supply constraints increase demand when not even anyone who wants to buy a Switch had the opportunity to get one? We're not even close to reaching the limit of early adopters.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

niceguygameplayer said:

It has been over 2 months since switch released. It is still going strong. I didn't expect this. I figured that the Nintendo fanatics would have gotten their systems and sales would be slowing down. It actually seems to have increased! This doesn't make much sense to me since it is underpowered, very expensive--not counting the outrageous scalper prices of $410+ on Amazon--, and there are few games. 

I have only one explanation other than just misreading the whole thing. The explanation is this: artificial demand. Nintendo was said to have done this with Wii. After 2 months it seems Nintendo (a multi billion dollar company) would have the Switch production problem fixed. They should be widely available. Maybe they saw that this worked for Wii and they are using this strategy to create artificial demand for Switch. Many ppl want what they can't have. Could this be the answer? Please let me know your opinions in the comments.

It's as if the possibility that it might actually be a quality experience worth owning to many people has never once crossed your mind.

The artificial scarcity certainly does not apply here for Nintendo. It's only been 2+ months, they've doubled production, and they've literally flown many across the Pacific to help meet demand, which is expensive enough to leave almost no potential profit for sales on them. If there's one thing everyone knows about Nintendo, it's that they love console sales profits lol (most accept a loss on sale). There would be absolutely no reason to use such an expensive means of shipping if they were employing the tactics you mentioned.

This isn't some hyped toy like the NES Classic or something... the Switch is their future and, as such, they will certainly want to establish a foothold by the end of the year with as many sales as possible to keep momentum going alongside the PS4 Pro and the upcoming Scorpio.

Also, it most certainly is not "very expensive"; really, for the power they packed into this tiny device, it's impressive they're able to sell it + 2 joycon controllers for the price they are. It abides by the same rules that have my gaming laptop costing much more than my gaming PC were they of equivalent power.

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interesting theory.

i'd like to hear OPs theory on why Zelda BoW has an over 100% attach rate.



Of Course, artificial demand is reason why Switch is popular, it doesn't have nothing with great concept, great hardware, great games and great marketing. :D

Talking about denial.

You bought a WiiU. That explains why you have no idea what's going on with Switch.

It's very telling that your argument is 'it's artyfishy demand like wot Wii waz'.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

niceguygameplayer said:

It has been over 2 months since switch released. It is still going strong. I didn't expect this. I figured that the Nintendo fanatics would have gotten their systems and sales would be slowing down. It actually seems to have increased! This doesn't make much sense to me since it is underpowered, very expensive--not counting the outrageous scalper prices of $410+ on Amazon--, and there are few games. 

I have only one explanation other than just misreading the whole thing. The explanation is this: artificial demand. Nintendo was said to have done this with Wii. After 2 months it seems Nintendo (a multi billion dollar company) would have the Switch production problem fixed. They should be widely available. Maybe they saw that this worked for Wii and they are using this strategy to create artificial demand for Switch. Many ppl want what they can't have. Could this be the answer? Please let me know your opinions in the comments.

It depends on how you see it considering the power. For a console, yes, it's underpowered, but for a handheld, it's very powerful, even making the vita look like a little toy in comparision. It's also still stronger than the Wii U was.

It got 2 Killer apps already with BotW and MK8DX and some more serious marketing, which keeps the interest into the console high

And can we finally get over the artificial demand idiocy? If I can't get a console, I'm rather inclined to buy another one than to wait for too long. This how I ended up with a Sega Master System instead of an NES and a Gamecube instead of a PS2 because I couldn't find the latter ones at the times

Mbolibombo said:

Well, we did have A zelda and 3D mario game for the Wii U as well ;P

I kid, sort of.. But I fully agree with what you said.

To be fair, I'll admit if Zelda and Mario 3D came out in the first year of the WiiU I might have gotten it :P

(full disclosure: I did actually pick up a second hand WiiU last year, but I just can't really get into the whole second screen thing. I tried out all the Nintendo land games, but the control method never clicked with me. Like using the gyroscope as a camera and things, I just don't know =/ )