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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games you were late to play

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Have you ever been late to the party when it comes to playing games?

Yes, all the time 40 61.54%
Sometimes, depends on the game 24 36.92%
No, I play all my games at release 1 1.54%

Well, the majority of games that I play are over 10 years old, so I guess almost everything that I play? There's so many classics that I still have yet to play!

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Depends. If I really like the game, I'll get it as soon as (provided it's sold on a store I can buy from on the platform I use), though if it's one I'm indifferent to, I can just buy it later on at a cheaper price.

I reckon I'll be late to most games I've been slightly interested in this year.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

I'm playing COD WAW now.

It's gonna be Persona 5 at this rate... ;_;



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of course. Everybody has tons of it.

Nobody's got the money and the time to play all the games.

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Bristow9091 said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
I'm playing COD WAW now.

Is it your first time playing it? It's a really great game, probably my favourite Call of Duty game after the first two.

First time.

But I think COD3  is more fun.

Chrono Cross.
Symphony of the night.
Diddy Kong Racing.
Suikoden I and II ---> Gosh, biggest mistake of my life not playing them as soon as they came to existence.
Twilight Princess

Those come to mind

I didn't play Ocarina of Time until I got it for free on Gamecube. It was still, at the time, the greatest game I'd ever played!

I didn't play Minish Cap until maybe last year. Again, I was blown away.

I also didn't play Link's Awakening until maybe a year or two ago. Fantastic game and I regret never playing it when it first released. All of this new 8th gen tech I have and I couldn't think of anything but a Gameboy Color title for days!

I played through Roberta Williams' "Mystery House" (1980) this January the first time... late enough?

Pretty much all games I play are at least a few years old, as a result of about 200 games of backlog, and a personal preference to leaving the good games for later. Faltered earlier this year and played Oblivion - great game, even now. On the other hand, I also played Call of Duty 3 recently. That seems a bit dated.